Sun Xiu was bullied, lost his temper, and wrote to the emperor to change places to live. Sun Liang agreed to change places and let Sun Xiu go to Huiji County. Huiji is a treasure house. When Sun Quangang came out to handle affairs, Xian Di gave him the title of Prince Huiji. Although others are away, Fu Cheng Gu Yong is here, doing business. Later, Gu Yong became the prime minister of Wu.
When Sun Xiu went to Huiji, the satrap was Puyang Star. This is the opportunity for Pu Yangxing to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. Sun xiu is weak and has just been bullied by Danyang satrap. When I arrived in Huiji, the prefect here was so good that he was very moved. The two established a deep affection. Things came too fast, the son of heaven in Beijing was abolished, and Sun Quan's sixth son Xiu was elected to succeed him. As one of Sun Xiu's own, Pu Yangxing became the prime minister of Wu.
Sun Liang of the former dynasty was abolished because he failed to plot against Sun Chen, the autocratic prime minister. Then he was deposed by Sun Chen. Sun Xiu has been in his twenties since he succeeded to the throne, and he will not be at the mercy of Sun Chen. The two men clashed fiercely, and finally Sun Chen was killed by Zhang Bu. With the change of time and space, after killing Sun Chen, Zhang Bu and Sun Xiu became the focus of contradiction. Sun Xiurou's character was gradually circled by Zhang Bu in the confrontation, and the literati prime minister Pu Yangxing also compromised Zhang Bu. Sun Xiu had to bury himself in reading every day and ask a teacher to nod. Zhang Bu was afraid that the son of heaven would be awakened by the teacher's story of a traitor in an ancient book and disagreed. Sun Xiu had no choice but to hire a teacher.
Sun Xiu's life is not hard enough to endure these old ministers. How old was the child when he died? Let him give it to Prime Minister Pu Yangxing. Just after Sun Xiu's death, Zhang Bu and Pu Yangxing joined forces to welcome Sun Quan's grandson and Sun He's son Sun Yun to the throne. It's not that I forgot my last words, it's that the minister's burden is too heavy.
A few days after becoming the Yellow Emperor, Sun Fang killed Zhang Bu and Puyang Star.