Volume 93 of "Zhu Zi Yu Lei" Confucius, Mencius, Zhou Cheng, Zhang Zi

Looking at the works of sages, without Confucius, there would be no books about language; without Mencius, there would be no books by Mencius; without Yao and Shun, there would be no classics; without Shang and Zhou dynasties, there would be no elegant poems. . [He Sun]

This way was first prepared by the sages before and after it. From the time of Yao and Shun, if Confucius had not been born, where would the descendants have come to find out? If there had not been Mencius after Confucius, there would have been no discernment. Thousands of years after Mencius, it was Mr. Cheng and his brothers who discovered this principle. Now it seems that all the Confucian scholars from the Han and Tang dynasties onwards were just talking about dreams! Only one Han Wengong vaguely understood it. [Wen Wei]

"If heaven did not give birth to Zhongni, eternity would be as long as night!" Tang Zixi heard this saying between the beams of a postal pavilion. Ji Tongyun: "If Mr. Tian Fu King Xi Yao and Shun Wen were not born later, it would not be possible; if he did not give birth to Mencius later, it would not be possible; two thousand years later, if there is not a second Cheng, it would not be possible either." [Fang]

< p> "Confucius ignored many things in heaven and earth! If he didn't have great spirit, he would have swallowed up a lot." One day, he said again: "Now I see friends who don't have great spirit." [Wen Wei]

Question: "Is 'Dingliyue' recorded in the Book of Rites?" He said, "Not necessarily." Jiefu asked "Zan Yi" what "Zan" means. Said: "It is praise to describe his events, such as 'Great Qianyuan'." [Section]

During the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, many of Confucius' words survived. As quoted by Mencius, "Benevolence cannot serve the public", "Whoever wrote this poem knows it"! Or as quoted by Liu Xiang.

The Master is extremely generous, just like Yao. Among the disciples, there is a certain generation who does not check him, just like Yao Rong and the four evil men in the court. [Must be great] Renjie Luyun said: "Yao allowed the four evils to be in the court. How could the master's door be tolerated?"

Question: "It's not that Confucius didn't want to be an official, but it was just that he was not able to do so at the right time?" : "A sage has no intention of pursuing an official position. If you don't see any use for him, you can only do it reluctantly." [Baht]

One may ask: "When Confucius was in decline, could he do anything?" He said: "A sage has no use." If there is something that cannot be done, if the authority is in hand, the troops will follow the seal and move forward. According to the biography of Wen Zuo, there are things that can be done during the mourning period. "Ask:" There is certainly nothing a saint cannot do. Is there a time when a saint cannot do anything?" He said, "There is nothing a saint cannot do. If the season changes, the saint will be in a different place." He also asked, "Confucius must have declined." Zhou, don't you know that the ruler of the time will not be able to use me?" He said: "The sage has no such intention. How can he predict whether the ruler of the time will be able to use me?" Later he said, "I will no longer dream of Duke Zhou", which is not the same as "Fengniao". When the river does not come out of the map, I am already dead." The sage also knew that he could not do it. But I don't know when he said these words. According to "When Chen Heng killed his king, Confucius went to court to ask for it." It was the year of Huolin, when the saint still wanted to make a difference. "[Guang]

asked: "Seeing that the saint was eager to become an emperor, he was unwilling to escape from the world, but was eager to save the world, and could not abolish the righteousness of the king and his ministers. "As for what is possible and what is not, it is still determined by what is right." He said, "It is true, but it is not necessary to be eager to save the world." He also asked: "If you don't enter a dangerous country, you can't live in it." "If you have the Tao, you will see; if you don't have the Tao, you will hide." But what does a person who is always depressed and drowning do?" He said: "This is what a scholar says, but it is different from others." Do you know that you can't do anything in the world?" He said, "It's not that you know that you can't do it. But when there is nothing impossible to do in the world, you can do it as long as you can, and stop doing it when you can't do it. In this season, it is impossible to do so, and the state and county have to do it. He could do it. When he was able to hold his position, he taught his family to do nothing, even if he could not do it, he resigned. There is no such thing. It is said that the poor Confucian scholars in Qi and Lu wanted to respect the way of masters. If so, then Zuo's records of the people at that time were very detailed. Why was there one person who worked so hard and was not as good as him? Historical biographies do not believe that there are many such things. 〔婩〕

Duke Linggong of Wei has no way to act like this. Master wants to support him. He loves his country and will not leave for a long time. I don’t know what it means, I don’t know. [Must be great]

Confucius lived in Weiguo for a long time. I thought Duke Linggong had a heroic spirit, and Confucius saw that he could do something with him, so he stayed there for a long time and wanted to help him. [Shuchang]

Asked: "Why are there no saints since Confucius?" He said: "Look at the three generations down, is it not thin? The articles, calligraphy, and paintings can also be seen, but it is due to the Qi. Bo. "Yin asked: "Is Kang Jie's theory of 'one yuan opening things and closing things'?" He said: "It makes sense. It's not easy for him to guess this!" [Hao] Yang Lu said: "Since the Zhou Dynasty, the Qi has been thin. "Sages are born."

Someone may ask: "How was Confucius when he was Mencius?" He said: "Confucius has his own effect, but he must be a little more strict." He also asked: "If Confucius sees it useful, Yan Zi will do it." Is it still possible?" He said: "If Confucius is used, Yan Zi must also come out to be a second-class person. If Confucius is the prime minister, Yan Zi will participate in politics." It is also true that "Confucius is like knowing a state, Mencius is like being a general judge of the state." After all, passing judgment on Quanzhou is someone else's business, so you have to put some effort into it before you can get it. [Guang]

Question: "'Yanzi's fusion is complete, but it is small, and it needs to be gradually expanded; Mencius's fusion is large, but it is not perfect, and it needs to be learned to fill it up.' This is the only difference. ?" Said: "Yes. Mencius thought it had a turbulent meaning." [Can be learned]

Or asked: "How is Yan Zi better than Tang?" He said: "Yan Zi only thinks about his career, but not necessarily." Tang. To make it happen, Tang is no better than Yan Zi. The elders said that although Yu and Yan Zi were of the same way, Yu was thicker than Yan Zi.

If Yan Zi is compared to Mencius, then Mencius should be looked at roughly, and the edges and seams are sharpened, but there is still no end; if you look at Zhuge Liang, you can only look at him in general and not look closely at him. "[Daya]

Cai Zhong asked Yan Zi, because Mr. Ju's old saying goes: "Yan Zi is better than Tang Wu. "How can you tell?" He said, "You can only do your own work. This is impossible to say." According to my own observation, I feel that Yan Zi is pure and has no trace. "[He Sun]

asked: "Didn't Yan Zi's studies focus on temperament first?" He said: "Yes. Anyone who wants to learn must work on his temperament first. It’s not just about temperament that requires effort, walking, sitting, and standing also requires effort. "[Hui] (Mo Luyun: "A scholar should definitely cultivate his temperament. However, dealing with things, socializing, and socializing are all based on work, not just temperament.")

Shao Hanchen asked Yan Yuan Zhongni Different. He said: "The virtue of a saint is that he is always prepared, and secondly, it is easy to obtain without being prepared." For example, Yanzi is already complete, but compared to the saint, he is even more unfinished. For example, Zhong Gong tends to be honest and sincere, while Shao Yanzi has a strong and clear meaning. If there are other disciples, I don’t see it. For example, Zengzi was generally more resolute, but this eventually had a foothold. Therefore, other scholars have no biography, but Zengzi alone has his biography. Zisi was also extremely resolute, and Mencius was also extremely resolute. Only when there are people like this can we make do with it. Only this fortitude and others can finally stand firm. There is no way to test Zisi, except what Mencius said, such as "The envoys went out of the gates and bowed to the head of the inspection in the north but were not accepted"; such as "the clouds of things, how can we call friends clouds" and so on. This is What kind of perseverance!" [He Sun]

Confucius only had one Yanzi with pure natural talent. When it came to Zengzi, he was too strong, similar to Mencius. The world is declining, people are greedy, and they are not strong and have strong feet. , unable to stand still. [Chun] asked: "If Zengzi were to become a state, how would he compare to Yanzi?" He said, "I don't think he is as familiar as Yanzi." However, Zengzi was also big and therefore powerful. Zeng Zi thought about Mencius and they were all similar in general. "Ask: "How does Ming Dao compare with Yan Zi?" He said: "Don't ask like that, let's look at his workmanship. "〔Deming〕

Zeng pointed out that the openness is wide, and the lacquer carvings are deep and stable. [Zhen]

Zeng points out that father and son have different learning. Point has the meaning of "Kang Jie", to play with that object 〔Doctor〕

Zengzi and his son, on the other hand, did not know anything about it. They only accumulated and worked on things in daily life. When they are thorough, they can see everything in their own lives. It's high, but it's not perfect. It's like a big house, only the halls are visible, and the rooms inside are not experienced, so I don't cover up what I do, and I end up crazy.

Zengzi has accumulated strength for a long time. [Ruohai]

Zengzi speaks like water without leaking.

A disciple of Confucius, such as Zigong, was very knowledgeable later, but he was not as good as Zeng Zi. This is the general description. After all, he stood firm and stood tall! "I am rich, I am benevolent", "I can support a six-foot-long orphan", "A scholar cannot be arrogant" and so on, so later some people thought of Mencius, and his legacy will last forever. Mencius's atmosphere can be especially seen. [Shiyi]

Zengzi was originally a fool, but later he gained some success, so he followed the master's rules. He taught people in a certain way, so he was very sensitive, and he often taught people poorly. It seems that Zengzi abides by the rules, so there is no biography after him, because there is no biography of Zigong. [Deming] The second son later wanted to make great progress. [婩]

But looking at the words of Zi Xia in the Analects of Confucius, he was very strict. There is no end to it, such as ridiculing Zixia's disciples and ending with "mourning" [Guang]

Zi Xia is too tall and narrow.

Zi Zhang was a man of foreign affairs, Zi You was a simple, open-minded man who disdained details, and Zi Xia was a disciplined and resolute man. According to Xunzi's view, the three sons were also despicable Confucians. This means that it is bound to come to an end. [婩]

Question: "Confucian scholars, such as Zi Zhang Quanran, do not know how to learn but are like this. "He said: "How can he learn anything? He is in the holy sect, and he doesn't know the importance of learning? It's just that his qualifications are that of a foreigner, so his life is just like this. Zilu was a brave man, and he only spoke those brave words throughout his life. Nowadays, scholars will always talk about the truth in their spare time; but when things happen, it is not as good as what they say in their spare time. "〔僩〕

Zilu is all about philosophy, Guan Zhong is all about utility. [Zhen]

Mencius respected Zilu very much.

Question: "Han Zi said that 'Confucius' The Tao is great and capable of learning. If it is great, it will lead to chaos, but if it is great, it should be consistent." He said, "Han Zi may not have this intention. But it’s good to look at it this way. "Zhi asked: "How can we learn to get close to our nature?" He said: "Political people learn from political affairs, literary people learn from literature, and people with virtuous speech learn from virtuous speech. "[To]

"It seems that everyone has qualifications. Han Tuizhi said: "Confucius's teachings are great and profound, but his disciples cannot see them all and know them all. Therefore, if they learn anything, they will all get close to their nature." 'This is very good. It seems that his qualifications are determined, and his studies are only as good as his qualifications, and only add some small advantages. Therefore, it is appropriate to learn from the nobles to listen and observe, and to seek one thing, while those who are not noble will only use it for their own purposes. Now, if we look at all the disciples of Confucius, except for Zeng Yan, all of them are sick in speaking.

Among the disciples of Chengzi, Shangcai has the disease of Shangcai, Guishan has the disease of Guishan, Hejing has the disease of Hejing, and there is no one who does not have the disease. "Someone may ask: "It was also because I didn't have enough time to do it later, so that's why. "He said: "It's also because you can't see it all together. It's bad. "Also said: "Now, if you see the saint speaking in person, you will be able to convey exactly what the saint said. If you can't get the saint's heart, it will still be wrong, let alone not be able to say it. If you can get the saint's heart, then even if the words are different, it will be different. Different, do not harm them to be the same. Just like Zengzi's speech, it is completely different from Confucius's speech. Zisi passed down the teachings of Zengzi, and compared with Zengzi, his language was also different. Mencius thought differently than his disciples. However, since Confucius, only Zengzi thought of Confucius. Later, people who were not incompetent in speaking, such as Yang Zi said that Fayan imitated the Analects of Confucius, and Wang Zhongyan also imitated the Analects of Confucius. The more similar the words are, the farther away they go. It was not until Cheng Zifang was enlightened for forty or fifty years that he could win the hearts of saints. However, the disciples who have passed it down have lost their authenticity. So much. In the end, it all comes down to "choosing the good and stubbornness", "knowing what is good and being sincere", and "promising etiquette through blogging". It's just for people to take care of it. "〔婩〕

Compared with the original constitution of Confucius, Mencius would not be as careful as he was. However, he was not good enough to be kind to others and not worthy of the Tao, so Mencius took on the task. [Chun] (Mencius.)

Mencius is not very delicate, just like a master craftsman who has fixed the ropes and ink, thousands of households are at ease. He also remembers that the word "Qianmen" has the words "southeast and northwest" [section]

Deng Zili asked: "Mencius is desperate, but Gongsun Wanzhang and his disciples have nothing to gain." Said: "I just chased Mencius up and down without paying any attention to it." "Also said: "Confucius was so alarmed by his disciples that he was still suffering from many illnesses!" [He Sun] asked: "Did Zhou Zi see it from above first?" He said, "I don't know whether it was because of him or not. . But Mr. Zhou is very talented, so he doesn't have to work very hard if he wants to do what he does next. Nowadays, scholars must learn from the bottom. If they learn from the bottom and fail to reach the top, they will not be knowledgeable. It must be found at the top and then cut down from the top. "[Kui Sun] (Zhou Zi.)

Ji Tongyun: "Lianxi's learning is profound and profound. "[Duanmeng]

The Lian River is peaceful. Kong Jingfu paid tribute to him and said: "In the prime of life, the color of jade and the sound of gold; calmness and perseverance, all the houses are in love. "The tombstone also calls it "precision and forbearance", which can be imagined. [Dolf]

"Zhou Zi understood this concept well and used it vertically and horizontally, but these few words are all included. Zhou Zi looked at it from a certain point of view, Shao Zi looked at it from several points, and it was just this principle. Di said: "After all, the truth is more refined." " Said: "From a theoretical point of view, it is of great use, but the number is naturally small. "〔砥〕

"Today's people are suspicious that Lianxi came from Xiyi; it is also said that it is Zen, and all its disciples are studying Buddhism. "Ke Xue said: "The books and utensils in Lianxi are like Tai Chi diagrams. How could the foreigners say this? Or it may have changed on its own due to learning from the old masters or Buddhas, we don't know. "Say:" Try to read Zhang Zhongdinggong's quotations. The public asked Li Tian: "Do you still know that there are yin and yang in official affairs?" This theory is the same as that of Lianxi. Zhongding met Xiyi, and Gai also had some background. But at that time, those who knew Lianxi did not even say that it was right. Ke Xue said: "This is not surprising." Cheng Taizhong only knew it. "Say:" Yes. "He asked again: "The study of Ming Dao was finally separated. However, it originated from Lianxi and is just a generalization of this theory. But not as many as Cheng Men taught later. " Said: "At that time, no one knew about it, and no one came back, so we had to do this. "[Can be learned]

"At the time of Lianxi, when people saw that he was excellent in political affairs, they thought that he was an outstanding official; when they saw that he had ambitions in the mountains and forests, they thought that his sleeves were loose and he had the air of an immortal. , there is no scholar who knows it. Only Cheng Taizhong knew it. This is what I see, so it is appropriate for him to be born in the second generation. There are so many good people like Cheng. "Living Hengqu to offer sacrifices to Tai Zhongdi said: "Father and son participated. He also offered sacrifices to Ming Taoist female brother and said, "Seeing Bo Chun's words, you have seen from Mencius that you have a clear understanding of the meaning of death, life, ghosts and gods." It is not yet known who today is a minister or prime minister. "The gentleman said with a smile: "This is to ridicule the rich man. "Dou asked: "How is the situation of Han Gong's family?" He said: "Han Gong is very talented, but has little knowledge, so he can only manage that field, but his outline is correct. "Also said: "Ming Dao originally thought that it would be easy to understand, and there would be no such scum. I only saw Lianxi once more, and I didn't have as many words to say then as I do now. It’s not that he is very talented and can see things easily, how can he understand them clearly?” Deming asked: “If the Taoist sayings are clearly stated in the suicide note, they will naturally shine brightly. Said: "It's easy for him to see." However, Yichuan Yi Zhuan only revised it and published the book in his later years. If you understand the way, you won't be able to think about many things. I heard that one of my disciples offered sacrifices to Ming Dao Wen, who said: "Sir, he wants to write music books, but his ambition has not been fulfilled." 'I don't know how to write his book. "〔Deming〕〔Zhou Cheng〕

Question: "The Lianxi River in Mingdao is high and not as precise as Yichuan. "Mingdao said, "Mingdao's words are very impressive, not as accurate as what Yichuan said. Lianxi is also precise. I don't know how other books are, but there is not a single word error in the words mentioned here. "I asked if Taoism could not write a book. He said: "I saw someone offering a memorial to Taoism and saying it was strange. It means that Taoism needs to write a book of music. The sound of "乐" is "Luo". Le, how to write a book?" [De Fu]

Wang Duanming once said that the study of Ercheng was not entirely owned by Mr. Zhou. Many people who wrote Tongshu ignored it and did not study it. Looking at Tongshu now, they are all the same. Invented Tai Chi. Although there are not many books, the records have been exhausted. However, Er Cheng's career is far-reaching. He used Liu Xuan to describe Cheng Yan, who was afraid that people would go elsewhere. Now he only talks about respect, which means only one principle. 〕

The Lian River is quiet and respectful. [Fangzi]

The Mingdao speaks in a muddled and arrogant manner, making it difficult for scholars to look upon. [Chun] (Cheng Zi.


The bottom line is spoken clearly, and the ground moves and circulates. [Fangzi]

Mingdao’s language is grand, while Yichuan’s language is cordial. 〔方〕

When Ming Dao speaks, he is good at first glance, and gets better after a while; when Yichuan speaks, he is not very good at first glance, but it will become better after a long time. 〔Yigang〕

There are also places where he speaks clearly, for example, "Shun has the world and does not agree with him." Moreover, it is a broad statement, but it is difficult for people to understand. For example, it is said that "the kite flies and the fish leaps", and it is said that "the heart should not forget and do not help". Yichuan is more refined and has no faults, but there are also some things that cannot be ignored. He also said: "What Ming Dao saw was very handsome, so he said it quickly. It was good when he first saw it, and it was good when he looked closely. Yichuan said, it was clumsy when he first saw it, and he was clumsy when he looked closely." He also said: "Ming Dao said The place where the scriptures are spoken is far away, and there is not much commentary. "[Yang]

It shows that the words of Taoism are broad and flat; Yichuan's words are difficult to read at first, but they are interesting if you read them carefully. Another cloud: "Some people say that the big place is naturally combined with Yichuan, but the small place has a different opinion. He said that the Nanxuan is high, just like a framed house. The large rooms are already framed, but there is less decoration in the middle." [Yu]

"Ming Dao once read the old commentaries, but Yichuan Zezhuangli also never read them." Mr. Yun said: "You have to read it later. If you don't read it, you have no chance to know its truth."

Yichuan's love of learning , composed at 18 o'clock. In the 14th and 15th years of the Ming Dynasty, I learned from the saints, reached the 20th grade, went out to serve as an official, and kept making progress. The qualitative book was written at the turn of the twenties and thirties. It's time to travel to the mountains, and many poems are very good. [Yigang] asked: "Ming Dao can be compared to Yanzi, and Yichuan can be compared to Mencius?" He said: "Mingdao can be compared to Yanzi. Mencius is more talented, but Yichuan is afraid that Yichuan has not reached Mencius. But Yichuan restrained and controlled "[Hui]

Dou asked: "Seniors often say that Yichuan is like Mencius." He said: "No, Yichuan is cautious and takes charge of the world, but he is not as liberal as Mencius. Let go. Mencius is not as good as Yan Zi, and Yan Zi often thinks he is not enough. Zheng asked: "Ming Dao responded everywhere, and Yi Chuan entered the court and accomplished many things. This also shows the use of the two." "The way is clear and calm, even Yichuan can't stand it." Chen Houzhi asked: "Does Yichuan do it like Mencius?" He said: "Mencius is more flexible." Asked: "Does Mencius do it like Yiyin?" The gentleman agreed. He also said: "Mencius passed down many words to Yi Yin, which must have been recorded in a book at that time." [Chun]

Question: "Learning from Mingdao may be easy to develop; learning from Yichuan may be easy to achieve." He said : "You have to use your strength. If you don't use your strength, you may have nowhere to go with Yichuan. There is a way to understand people." [Fang]

Yichuan's words, now it seems that there is no small difference between them? It's just that the overall outline is very good. For example, the phrase "nature is principle" comes directly from Confucius, but only Yichuan can fully explain it. This sentence is the foundation of thousands of generations of talk about human nature! Reason is a fundamental thing, and if you don't understand it, you will be unkind. If people do something wrong, they will naturally lose their nature, but they will not break their cultivation. [He Sun]

A poem from the Ming Dynasty says: "Others don't recognize my inner joy, and they will be called a young man who takes time off to study." This is the dazzling atmosphere of the later life, without any subtlety. [Xue Meng]

Perhaps even after fifty years of asking for enlightenment, one still retains the desire to hunt. Said: "People should examine themselves based on this. It must be seen that such a clear temperament will not be forgotten even fifty years later. I must be more disciplined and cannot forgive myself for this." [Zhuo]

< p> When Dongpo saw the funeral of Sima Gong, the lord of Yichuan, he ridiculed his father, how could he learn to perform funeral rituals like this when his father was here? Then he explained to Yichuan that it was difficult for Yichuan's father Ding and his mother. It doesn’t have to be this way. People have been reading books since they were young, and they have already understood the etiquette and etiquette. The ancients said that when people are in mourning, they read funeral rites, and they usually pay attention to it. At this time, they even pay attention to it, so they don't just pay attention to it. [He Sun]

Because of the discussion of Sima Wen and Duke Lu, Yichuan was too highly respected at that time. Everyone from the prime minister down to the prime minister came to listen to the lecture, which caused people in Su and Kong to flock together. He said: "It's very good that the prime minister respects the virtuous. It's hard for everyone to say anything. But now, people like gambling, eating and drinking are being rude, but you go to read the Book of Rites to him, how can you not make him evil?" [Yang]

Yichuan ordered Lu Jinbo to go to Han'andao. Mr. Li said: "You must be confident enough to do such things. How can you teach others to do it?" You must believe that the way of the former kings must be carried out, do not stick to the past rules, do not confuse the public, and you will surely make the world like three generations.' Why?" The teacher said, "I have to say it bluntly. Now when talking to scholars, we can only teach them to act according to the words of the sage. Once he has gained insights into the inner work, he will know that the sage is truly honest. In the beginning, Duke Jing said the same thing to Shenzong: "I wish." Your Majesty took Yao, Shun, and Yu as his laws. Now if you can be the king of Yao, Shun, and Yu, you will have Gao, Kui, Ji, and Yi as your ministers. He did it poorly, and he was inferior to Zhuge Wei Zheng. "[Yigang]

If Yichuan writes a book and does not show it to his disciples, he will not take it seriously if he recites it again and again. Sighing again because of sitting down. The Master said: "The public hated Yi Chuan for writing a book but not showing it to others, and I only hated that it was not easy to lift and tear him up at that time. Therefore, at that time, my disciples were spread out in the sea, shining like the sun and stars. Looking at it from now on, they are all dissatisfied. There is only one book in Yi Chuan today. Scattered all over the world, with homes and people there, who has ever seen him! Has anyone got what he wanted? Has anyone ever done something to get him? "[Daofu]

Wen Boyi Those who have the style of Hui under the willow tree are all stubborn, honest and honest. This is the kind of person Mencius is good at imagining. "Confucius is the source of vitality; Yanzi is the gentle breeze and Qingyun; Mencius is the weather of the rocks in Mount Tai." Master Cheng was also a good imagineer. Today, if you think of Master Cheng as a great master, you should recognize his bright, cheerful, and harmonious character; as if you imagine Master Cheng as a young master, you should recognize his sternness and perseverance in his early years and his tolerance and calmness in his later years.

Is it just imagination? I will definitely test it myself. If one talks about style and purpose, one should recite his poems, read his books, write down each word, and discuss each sentence. This is not only to obtain the profound purpose of what he said, but also to obtain it through his demeanor and demeanor. [Daya]

If you can read everything, you can do anything. If you can memorize many things and observe them, this is not the way to describe a wise gentleman. However, as a teacher, it doesn't matter. The reader of a book should read everything and want to know everything; the reader of a book should be able to do anything, because he wants to know everything. Seeing that he usually debates heresies and ward off evil spirits in such detail, why don't he read his books and just judge by ear? As for despicable things, although they are trivial, who is not a popular person of heavenly principles? But since this principle is understood, naturally it is not Get used to it and listen to everything. Therefore, Confucius said that "many people are capable of despicable things", but he thought that scholars should not pursue it by themselves, so he also said "not many". Today, if you want to focus on memorizing many things, it is definitely not the reason for learning. However, if there are too many differences between things, there will be a disease of trimming the appearance and neglecting the details, which is not the reason for pursuing everything. 〔pickaxe〕

Yichuan Kuai talked about Zen diseases, such as the later disadvantages of Guishan in Hunan, all of which were mentioned before. Hunan is doing good. Guishan seeks perfection before joy, anger, sorrow and joy. [Recipe]

Ju Ren said that Yichuan is a saying that he personally saw and wrote to the sick old man. [Fang]

Yichuan's speech was like a discussion in the early years of Shaoxing, which was a mixture of praise and criticism. 〔Mo〕

Mr. Cheng's biography is very well prepared, see the actual records of Huimiao, written by Lu Bogong. [Zhen]

Uncle Qi asked: "Does the horizontal canal resemble Mencius?" He said: "Everyone is the same, but the scale is different. The horizontal canal is tight, but Mencius is grand. Mencius is a well-organized and well-organized man." An Qing said: "There is a meticulousness in his grandeur, and he often says, "If you don't see the princes, what's the point?" He said, "I don't dare. "''"Why don't you accept it if you give it to me?" He said, "I don't dare. "'From these two places, we can see that he was very fearful and careful in his righteousness." He said, "That's true." When he arrived, he said, "Mencius was fair; the height of Hengqu is too high, and the remote place is too remote." He said: " Yes. "[Yigang] Zhang Zi.

Hengqu has promoted this principle to a great extent, so why not update it later. [It will be big]

All the canals will make a fuss. Such as Western inscriptions and applied texts, such as poems about hundreds of bowls of lanterns, they are very sensitive. When it comes to speaking, it is so difficult to understand. I am afraid that the Kansai people speak like this. [He Sun]

Hengqu's learning was painstakingly acquired, and it was "Zhiqu", which was different from Yichuan. Taking Confucius as non-innate knowledge, Qu Gai insists on "loving ancient wisdom to seek it", so he has this saying. I don’t know that it was Confucius who couldn’t do it. [Can be learned]

Question: "Hengqu's teachings put etiquette first. Haojing calls it etiquette, but there is integrity. Whenever something happens, you must use a scale to stop it, and then the etiquette can be followed. Chu Scholars may not know etiquette, so they may have no place to start. If you have a solemn thought, your appearance will be changed without any arrangements. How can you see this in everything?" The teacher said: "The ancients started to do it since they were young. Teaching is based on etiquette, and it is natural to follow the rules. However, Hengqu teaches people through official methods, and etiquette is easy to learn. People nowadays often find it difficult to compile the three etiquettes into one book, which is a waste of time. Pass. If you have friends, you can do it in just two years. "[Hao]

Zhang Hengqu's biography was recommended by Fan Chunfu at that time and can be seen in Shenzong's Records. [Yang]

The study of Mingdao is the result of calm and leisurely swimming; the study of Hengqu is the result of painstaking efforts and profound achievements. [Duanmeng] Cheng Zhang.

Hengqu is to Chengzi what Boyi Yiyin is to Confucius. [Ruohai]

Question: "The Six Classics of Confucius all talk about the inner truth and its inner truth, so he thinks this Tao is great. From Mencius onwards, people like Cheng and Zhang's disciples mostly refer to the subtleties of Taoism. Although the essentials of the book are very familiar and easy to see, after he opened them four times, he felt that the scope was narrow and not as grand as the Six Classics of Confucius. If there is no other explanation, then even though the Six Classics is huge, where should scholars start? The Cheng family is the most comprehensive, and few scholars after him can see it as closely as Hengqu. He is the most cordial in his work, which is awesome! A scholar must be so cordial in his work. I would like to say that I wish you more words, and you should cut them down to be more concise. "[Daya]

Lu Qiuci Meng Yun said: "None of the gentlemen can speak as well as Mr. Xiao Cheng, even if he is a big Cheng." He said: "No. The wise words are full of flaws, but the ones that are right are the best. And as Yichuan said, 'The benevolent man' The common man in the world is the foundation of goodness. The section is wide but not cut. For example, when Hengqu said that "the heart governs one's temperament", it is quite right. Also like Yichuan's statement, it is "a sign of creation by ghosts and gods", but it is not as good as Hengqu's. Qu said, "The good power of two qi." "How?" said Zhiqing, "Chengzi's theory is good, but only here. Zhang Zizhi's theory clearly shows that there is a yin and yang." "As the saying goes, 'the functions are called ghosts and gods', I agree with Zhang Zi." He said: "It's just because he is trapped there." Lu Qiu said: "In the bright, there are rituals and music, and in the dark, there are ghosts and gods." He said: "Only this A few sentences need to be understood. How does Mingbian talk about rituals and music? How does Youbian talk about ghosts and gods? It should be noted that music belongs to gods, and rituals belong to ghosts. When he said this, he said: "The sweet fragrance will call." If you are a god, you will become a ghost. "Zhiqing said: "When I read the Zhongyong saying that "sincerity cannot be concealed," I suspect that ghosts and gods are the bending and extension of yin and yang, which is metaphysical. "He said: "Let's just talk about the physical ones, but they are all based on real principles, so they don't have this principle; if they have this principle, they must have this principle." Daofu]

Now we must look at the writings of the four schools of Confucius, Mencius, Cheng, and Zhang before we can begin to pay attention to truthfulness. Other scholars cannot be without faults.
