The citation and explanation for offering sacrifices are: 1. When a minister dies, the emperor orders a sacrifice. Quoting from Li Yuandu of the Qing Dynasty, "A Brief Introduction to the First Business of the State: Zhang Wenhe Gong": "In the eleventh year, Duke Wen Duan of the Qing Dynasty worshiped the Xianliang Temple in the capital, and his family gave him an altar." "Manuscript of the History of the Qing Dynasty·Book of Rites 12": "In the 24th year of Daoguang's reign, the following rituals were given to the king and the prince, and the sun was sacrificed. In the hall, the yiwei was displayed, the memorial seat was placed in front of the altar, the sacrificial items were presented, and the sacrifices prepared by oneself were displayed on the left and right sides."
The explanation for the citation of offering sacrifices is: 1. When a minister dies, the emperor orders a sacrifice. Quoting from Li Yuandu of the Qing Dynasty, "A Brief Introduction to the First Business of the State: Zhang Wenhe Gong": "In the eleventh year, Duke Wen Duan of the Qing Dynasty worshiped the Xianliang Temple in the capital, and his family gave him an altar." "Manuscript of the History of the Qing Dynasty·Book of Rites 12": "In the 24th year of Daoguang's reign, the following rituals were given to the king and the prince, and the sun was sacrificed. In the hall, the yiwei was displayed, the memorial seat was placed in front of the altar, the sacrificial items were presented, and the sacrifices prepared by oneself were displayed on the left and right sides." The phonetic notation is: ㄘ_ㄐ一_. The pinyin is: cì jì. The structure is: Ci (left and right structure) and Ji (up and down structure).
What is the specific explanation of the sacrifice? We will introduce it to you through the following aspects:
1. Explanation of words Click here to view the details of the plan
When a minister died, the emperor ordered his envoys to pay tribute.
2. Internet explanation
give sacrifice cìjìgive sacrifice (give sacrifice) interpretation: When the minister dies, the emperor orders the sacrifice. Source: Li Yuandu of the Qing Dynasty, "A Brief Introduction to the First Official Affairs of the State: Zhang Wenhe Gong": "In the eleventh year, Duke Wen Duan was ordered to worship at the Xianliang Temple in the capital, and an altar was given to him at home." "Manuscript of the History of the Qing Dynasty, Rites 12": "In the 24th year of Daoguang's reign, the following rituals were given to the king and the prince, and the sun was sacrificed. In the hall, Yiwei was placed, and the altar was placed in front of the memorial seat. Sacrificial items were presented, and the sacrifices prepared by oneself were displayed on the left and right sides.
Idioms about giving sacrifices
Welcome to the teachers and students who offer sacrifices, divide the grass and give soil
Words about giving sacrifices
God-given opportunity, God-given gift of Mao and soil, God *** Sacrifice to Heavenly Official, Blessing, Cudi, Sacrifice, Gift of wall and shoulder, God-given blessing, God-given teacher, do not hesitate to teach, Mao and soil
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