Classic prescriptions, cold and warm herbs and stones, shallow and deep diseases, and the taste of counterfeit drugs are suitable because of qi, and five bitter and six spicy arguments lead to harmony between fire and water, so as to open and close the knot, and vice versa. And those who lose health, benefiting heat with heat, increasing cold with cold, and internal injury of essence and qi are the only losses. Therefore, the proverb says, "If you are sick, you often get Chinese medicine."
The people in the room were extremely excited, and when they were enlightened, they used the holy king to control the outside world to ban the inside story and save the text. Chuan said, "The first king was happy, so he saved everything." If you are happy and have a holiday, you will live a quiet life. What fans care about is also death.
Therefore, immortals protect the truth of life, while those who swim outside seek the truth. Chatting with peace of mind, there is a domain of life and death, and there is no fear in the chest. However, if you concentrate on your affairs, bully the weak and be pedantic, you will benefit a lot. This is not the reason why the Holy King taught you. Confucius said, "I want to hide and not do wonders."
Ji Fang has tools of life, and Wang Guan is one of them. In ancient times, there were Zeebe and Dai Yu, and in the Middle Ages, there were Bian Que and Qin He, who ruled the country because of illness. There was Cang Gong in the Han Dynasty, but now his skills are unknown. So his books have four kinds of order.