Read "Huangdi Neijing" Su Wen, Chapter 46 on Diseases and Energy 2 - Treatment of cervical carbuncle and yang syncope

(Original text)


"The Emperor said: Good. For those with diseased neck carbuncles, either stone treatment or acupuncture treatment is enough. , Where is it really?" Huang Di said: That's good. People suffering from cervical carbuncle can be cured by using meteorite treatment or acupuncture treatment. So what is the reason for curing it?

"Qi Bo said: These names have different meanings. If the carbuncle qi is exhaled, it is better to use acupuncture to remove it; if the qi is excessive and blood accumulates, it is suitable to remove it with stones. This is the so-called same disease but different "Cure." Qi Bo said: This is because although the names of the diseases are the same, the degrees are different. Neck carbuncle is caused by qi stagnation, so it is suitable to use acupuncture to relieve the disease. If the qi is stagnant and the blood accumulates, meteorites can be used to relieve the congestion. This is the so-called treatment of the same disease with different treatments.

"The emperor said: If there is a disease of anger and madness, how can this disease be safe?" Huang Di said: Some people are suffering from anger and madness. How does this happen?

"Qi Bo said: It is born in Yang." Qi Bo said: This is born in Yang.

"The Emperor said: How does Yang make people mad?" Huang Di said: How does Yang Qi make people get angry and mad?

"Qi Bo said: Yang Qi is difficult to cure due to violent breakage, so it is also prone to anger. The disease is called Yang Jue." Due to sudden strong stimulation, Yang Qi is depressed and blocked, and Qi Jue occurs. The upper side is reversed, which makes people angry and mad. Since this disease is caused by the reversed Yang Qi, it is called "Yang Jue"

"The emperor said: How do you know this?" So how do you know?

"Qi Bo said: Yang Ming is always moving, Ju Yang and Shao Yang do not move. If they do not move, serious illness will occur. This is the time." Qi Bo said: Under normal circumstances, the foot Yang Ming meridian It is constantly moving. The Taiyang and Shaoyang meridians are not very pulsating. Now the Taiyang and Shaoyang meridians that are not very pulsating are also pulsing loudly and rapidly. This is a sign that the disease is caused by Yang Qi.

"The emperor said: What can be done to cure it?" Huangdi said: How to cure it?

"Qi Bo said: Just take away his food. The food he eats enters Yin and grows Qi in Yang, so take away his food. Make him drink pig iron drops. If you give birth to iron drops, he will go down. Qi Bo said, "Just stop the patient from eating and drinking." Because diet can promote Yang Qi through the transportation and transformation of the spleen, so the patient's diet is prohibited, so that the excessive Yang Qi will gradually decrease, and the disease will be cured naturally. At the same time, give Pig Iron Drop Jian Shui to take it, because Pig Iron Drop has the effect of lowering Qi and opening knots.

Today I learned about the treatment of cervical carbuncle and Yang syndrome. Let’s continue learning, that’s all for today.