There are four kinds of sacrifices in the Tang Dynasty, namely, ancestor worship, ancestor worship and Confucius worship. The latter two have existed in name only. There are only the first two kinds of folk wedding and funeral customs in a few rural areas. There are eight kinds of etiquette in marriage, such as "three crowns" and "three rituals". Ten funeral instruments ranging from "display" to "ancestor worship". The deacon of the Tang Festival is composed of more than twenty people, including the chief priest, the sub-priest, the ritual lure (filial piety) student, the song boy and the music director.
The sacrificial rites in Tang Dynasty are composed of songs, poems and essays. Most of its contents come from ancient books such as The Book of Songs and Songs of the South, which involve ancestor worship, ethics, filial piety, honesty, diligent reading and so on to meet people's psychological needs.
Content, form, clothing, music, etc. Sacrifice in Tang Dynasty has the characteristics of simple life etiquette, coexistence and blending of local culture and China culture, and folk dependence. Therefore, she has the value of cultural anthropology, national folklore and its psychological research; From the process of its origin, emergence, maturity, transformation, prosperity, decline and evolution, she not only has historical research value; According to her spirit of being polite, filial to her parents, honest and trustworthy, and diligent, it also has practical educational functions.
Due to social changes and the impact of foreign cultures, Wufeng Tang Festival is on the verge of extinction. It has been approved by Hubei Provincial People's Government as the first batch of intangible cultural heritage protection list in the province.