The Duke of Zhou was the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou. ① Since the time of King Wen, he has been filial to his son and ② benevolent, which is different from Li Zi.
When King Wu came to the throne, he often assisted King Wu and did most of the work. In the ninth year of King Wu's reign, he made an eastward expedition to Mengjin, assisted by the Duke of Zhou.
In the eleventh year, he defeated Zhou and reached Muye. ③The Duke of Zhou assisted King Wu and made a pastoral oath. After breaking the Yin Dynasty, he entered the Shang Palace. After Zhou was killed, the Duke of Zhou brought the big axe, and the Duke of Zhao took the small axe, and used them with King Wu to provoke the community and accuse Zhou of his crime to Heaven and the people of Yin. Release the prisoner of Jizi. The son of Zhou, Wu Geng, was granted the title of Lu's father, and his uncle Guan and uncle Cai were entrusted with him to continue the Yin sacrifices. The heroes of Zhuan Feng have the same surname as Qi.
The Duke of Zhou was granted the title of Duke of Lu in Shaohao's Xuqufu, ④. The Duke of Zhou refused to grant him the title and left him to assist King Wu.
Note ① Ji Xie Qiao Zhou said: "The land of Zhou where King Tai lived was his fief, so he was called Duke of Zhou." Suoyin Zhou, the place name, is in the sun of Qishan Mountain, where King Tai lived, later It was thought that Zhou Gong was the food town, so it was called Zhou Gong. This is the current Zhoucheng in the northeast of Fufeng Yong. His posthumous title is Duke Wen of Zhou, and his posthumous title is Guoyu.
Note ② The word "filial piety" in the original version of Zou Yin is also replaced by "jing".
Note ③ Zhengyizhou is the land of Muye, seventy-three miles northeast of Chaoge.
Note ④ Zhengyi Kuo Di Zhi says: "The outer city of Qufu County in Yanzhou was built by Lu Gongboqin."
In the second year of King Wu's defeat of Yin, the world was not united, so King Wu had Illness, no hesitation, and ministers are afraid, Taigong and Zhaogong are the divination experts. ① The Duke of Zhou said: "You can't mourn my late king." ② The Duke of Zhou then took himself as a pledge and set up three altars. Standing in the north of the Duke of Zhou, wearing a bib and holding a gui, ③ informed King Tai, Wang Ji, and King Wen. ④ Shi Ce Zhu said: ⑤ "Only if you, King Sun of the Yuan Dynasty, worked hard to prevent illness. ⑥ If the three kings of your country have the responsibility of being sons to heaven, they will take the role of Dan to replace Wang Fa. ⑦ Dan is clever, has many talents, and can serve ghosts and gods. ⑧ The king's hair is not as good as Dan's, and he is not capable of serving ghosts and gods. He is ordered by the imperial court to bless the four directions, ⑨ and his descendants will be in the land, and the people in the four directions will not be in awe. The former king will always have someone to rely on. ⑾Now I will give you my order to Yuan Gui. ⑿ If you allow me, I will return with my jade and Gui. ⒀ If you don't allow me, I will give you Pingbi and Gui."⒁ The Duke of Zhou had ordered Shi to inform King Tai, Wang Ji, and King Wen that he wanted to make a fortune on behalf of King Wu, so he asked the three kings to do the divination. Everyone in the divination said it was auspicious, and they issued a book and looked at it, believing it to be auspicious. ⒂The Duke of Zhou was overjoyed and opened the key, and found the book auspicious. ⒃The Duke of Zhou came to congratulate King Wu and said:
"There is no harm in the king. Once the three kings are appointed, the long-term will be the plan. ⒄I can read it to one person." ⒅The Duke of Zhou hid his policy in the golden quiver. , ⒆Those who obey the commandment should not dare to speak. Tomorrow, King Wu will be in trouble.
Note ① Xu Guang said in the collection: "The character 'Mu' in ancient books is often written as 'Miao'."
Note ② Kong Anguo said in the collection: "Qi, close. Not yet." You can die close to the late king. "Zheng Xuan said: "The two princes want to go to King Wen's temple to see their relatives, but they should not worry about my late king."
Note ③ Commentary: "Bi. To honor the gods, Gui is regarded as Zhi."
Annotation ④Kong Anguo said: "A farewell speech"
Annotation ⑤Kong Anguo said: "History is a policy book. Zhu*(ancestral)**[ci]*" Zheng Xuan said: "The policy was written by the Duke of Zhou, and it is called a brief letter. I wish you to read this brief letter to inform the three kings."
Note 6. Xu Guang said in the collection: "Resistance means 'flooding'."
Note ⑦ Kong Anguo in the collection said: "The responsibility of the eldest son is that the disease cannot be saved. If it cannot be saved by heaven, then it should be treated with
Death and life are fateful, and you cannot ask for a substitute. The heart of a sage and a minister is to teach the world. "Suo Yin Shangshu "negative" is "PI", and now this is "negative". The three kings bear the responsibility of God, so I am the contemporary. Zheng Xuan also said that "Pi" is pronounced as "negative".
Note ⑧In the collection, Kong Anguo said: "Words can represent the wishes of King Wu."
Note ⑨In the collection, Ma Rong said: "King Wu was ordered to go to the court of the Emperor of Heaven to spread his ways. To help the four directions."
Note 10: Kong Anguo said: "Because King Wu was appointed to the imperial court, he was able to determine the descendants of his ancestors in the world, and the people of the four directions were in awe."
Note ⑾ Annotation: Kong Anguo said: "If you don't save him, you will fall into the heavenly treasure. If you save him, the king will have someone to rely on."
Zheng Xuan said: "To surrender, to descend." The treasure is like a god. He has something to rely on, and he is the master of the ancestral temple.
Note ⑿ In the collection, Kong Anguo said: "I was ordered by the three kings to Yuan Gui, and he was the one who knew good and bad luck." Ma Rong said: "Yuan Gui is a big turtle."
Annotation ⒀Annotation ⒀Kong Anguo said: "Xu is called illness. When you are waiting, you should serve God." Ma Rong said: "Waiting for your life.
King Wu should recover, and I should die. "
Note 1: Kong Anguo said: "If you don't allow it, you won't be able to heal."
Note 1: Kong Anguo said: " "
Note ⒃ Wang Su said: "The key is the book of divination."
Note ⒄ Kong Anguo said: "I am new. After being ordered by the three kings, King Wu Wei Chang finally planned the way of the Zhou Dynasty. "Annotation ⒅" Ma Rong said: "One person is the emperor." Zheng Xuan said: "This is it."
< p>Note ⒆In the collection, Kong Anguo said: "Hide it in a cabinet, seal it with gold, and don't want others to open it."Afterwards, King Wu died and became the young king. He was in a state of strong preservation. . ① The Duke of Zhou was afraid that the world would hear about the death of King Wu, so the Duke of Zhou acted as regent and took over the administration of the country on behalf of King Cheng. Uncle Guan and his younger brothers spread rumors in the country: "The Duke of Zhou will be unfavorable to becoming a king.
” ② The Duke of Zhou then told Taigong Wang and Zhao Gongxi, saying: “The reason why I am not allowed to take charge of the administration is because I am afraid that the world will be surrounded by Zhou and I will not be able to tell my predecessors Taiwang, Wang Ji and King Wen. The worries of the three kings have troubled the world for a long time, and they are now completed. After King Wu died, he became a young king, and he will become a Zhou Dynasty. This is why I do it. So he became the king, and his son Bo Qindai was granted the title of Lu. Duke Zhou warned Bo Qin and said: "I am the son of King Wen, the younger brother of King Wu, and the uncle of King Cheng. I am not humble in the world." However, I bathe three times, catch my hair, eat three times, spit out food, and stand up to treat scholars. I am afraid that I will lose the wise men in the world. As a child of Lu, be careful not to be proud of your country. "
Notes ① Suoyin Qiangbao means "swaddling clothes". It has a few ancient characters and is used as a pretense. Zhengqiang is eight inches wide and eight feet long. It is used to hold a child on his back and carry him. Bao, a child's quilt. Also.
Note ② In the collection, Kong Anguo said: "Let the word spread to the country to falsely accuse the Duke of Zhou and to deceive the king. ”
Note ③ Zhengyi Yin avoided.
Guan, Cai, Wu Geng and others led the Huaiyi to rebel. Following the order of King Cheng, Duke Zhou launched an eastward expedition and made a great edict. Kill Guan Shu, kill Wu Geng, release Cai Shu, collect the remaining people of Yin, and entrust Kang Shu to the Song Dynasty to worship the Yin Dynasty. .
Blessed by heaven, Uncle Tang received a crop from a different mother. ① He offered it to the king. The king ordered Uncle Tang to give it to Duke Zhou in the east.
The Duke of Zhou was ordered by Emperor Jia to make Jiahe. The Duke of Zhou returned and became the king, and he was named Owl. ③The king did not dare to teach Duke Zhou.
Note ①Xu Guang said in the collection: "The first one is 'sui'. Ying means ear. "Suo Yin Shangshu said "different mother", the meaning of "mother" is the same. Zou Dan's version is the same.
Note ② Annotation ② Xu Guang said: "Jia, one is 'Lu', and the preface to this book is 'Travel' also. "Xu Guangyun once wrote "Lu", which is a mistake. The preface to this book is "Lv". The emperor Jia's destiny is also found in the text, so why should it be written as "Jia Lu"?
Note ③ The preface to the collection of Mao's poems reads: "The successful king did not know the ambitions of Duke Zhou, so the Duke wrote a poem in memory of the king, and named him Owl. ”
Mao Chuan said: “The owl is also the owl. ”
Note ④ Xu Guang said in the collection: “Training is called ‘诮’. "Suoyin's note: The book of ministers writes "寮". "寮" means "yield". This word is "Xun", the word is wrong, and the meaning is meaningless. The Xu family jointly determined its origin, why should it be written as "寮"!
In the second month of the seventh year of the reign of King Cheng, the dynasty moved forward from Zhou Dynasty to Feng. ① He sent Taibao Zhao Gong to lead Luo Xiangtu. ② In the third month, Zhou Gong went to camp and established Zhou Luoyi. ③ Bu Juyan said it was auspicious. Suiguo.
Note ① Ji Jie Ma Rong said: "Zhou, Hao Jingye. Feng, where the Wenwang Temple is located. The court officials were going to court, and they were about to change the capital in the country. It was a major event, so they reported it to the temples of King Wen and King Wu. Zheng Xuan said: "Bu means walking. The people in the hall call it step." When Feng and Hao are in different towns, if they are talking about walking, they should inform King Wu of the temple and go immediately. When leaving the temple and entering the temple, do not think it is far away, as you are respectful to your father. "Suo Yinfeng was the city founded by King Wen. Later King Wu made Hao a capital, and built King Wen's temple in Feng. Note: Feng is in the east of Hu County, near the Feng River, and it is twenty-five miles east of Hao.
Note ② Zheng Xuan said in the collection: "Xiang means vision. ”
Note ③ The Gongyang Zhuan in the collection says: “Who made Zhou Zhou?” Eastern Zhou Dynasty. He Xiu said: "The person named Chengzhou means that the Zhou Dao has begun to be completed, and it is also the capital of the king." ”
King Cheng was older and could listen to the government. So Zhou Gong returned the government to King Cheng, and King Cheng came to the dynasty. Duke Zhou ruled on behalf of King Cheng, and the princes were attached to the south. ① And seven years later, he returned the government to Cheng The king, facing the north, takes his ministerial position, and the girdle is like awe-inspiring. ②
Note ① The Jijie Liji says: "The princes of the Duke of Zhou are in the Mingtang position, and the emperor stands with his ax on his back, facing south. Zheng Xuan said: "The Duke of Zhou took over the throne and showed his respect to the princes with the etiquette of the Mingtang." Not staying in the ancestral temple means avoiding the king. The Son of Heaven is also the Duke of Zhou.
Words that are negative are twice as bad. The axe is a screen with axe inscriptions, which is placed in front of the door at leisure, and the Duke of Zhou stands in front of it. ”
Note ② Xu Guang said in the collection: “I respect my appearance. Seeing the three fields, the sound is poor. One book is "Kui Kui". ”
At the beginning, when King Cheng was young, he fell ill. The Duke of Zhou took his own fleas and drowned them in the river, and prayed to the gods, saying: "The king has no knowledge, and those who betray the gods' orders are Dan." " He also hid his strategy in the mansion. King Cheng was ill. When King Cheng used things, people might ridicule Duke Zhou, and Duke Zhou went to Chu. ① When King Cheng came to the palace, he saw the prayer book of Duke Zhou, and he cried and rebelled against Duke Zhou.
< p> Note ① There is no text in Suoyin's classics, but Qiao Zhou said: "When Qin Dynasty burned the book, people wanted to talk about the Jin Dynasty, but they lost the original story. It is said that King Cheng was ill when he was young. Duke Zhou. He prayed to the river to die on behalf of the king, and hid his wishes in the palace. When the king became king, people slandered the Duke of Zhou, and the Duke of Zhou fled to Chu. The Duke of Zhou returned, fearing that he would become a powerful king and become a powerful official, and he would become a scholar. Zuo Wuyi. Wuyi said: "As a parent, you will have a long-lasting career. If your children and grandchildren become arrogant and forget about it, you will destroy your family. How can you be a child?" Therefore, in the past, King Zhongzong of the Yin Dynasty, strictly respected the destiny of heaven, governed the people by himself, and was frightened and did not dare to live in peace. ② Therefore, Zhongzong enjoyed the country for seventy-five years. When he was in Gaozong, he ③ worked outside for a long time to be with the villain, ④ when he came to the throne, there was light and darkness, he did not say anything for three years, ⑤ what he said was just ridicule, ⑥ did not dare to live in peace, and secretly kept the Yin Kingdom in peace, ⑦ as for the small There is no resentment, ⑧ Therefore, Emperor Gaozong enjoyed the country for fifty-five years. ⑨ When he was in Ancestor Jia, ⑩ he was the king without justice, and he was a villain for a long time. ” ⒀ Doshi said: “From Tang Dynasty to Emperor Yi, all emperors have led sacrifices to Mingde, and all emperors are worthy of heaven. ⒁In the future, the successor king, Zhou, will give birth to promiscuous people and lose them, and will not care about heaven and the people. ⒂All its people can be killed. "*(Zhou Duoshi)*" King Wen had no time to eat during the day, and he enjoyed the country for fifty years."Do this as a warning to become a king.
Notes ① Collection explanation Kong Anguo said: "Use the law to measure it. "
Note ② Ma Rong said in the collection: "Knowing the hard work of the people, we dare not waste it and feel safe. ”
Note ③ Zhengyi Wu Ding.
Note ④ Kong Anguo said in the collection: “My father, Xiao Yi, made him live in leisure for a long time, and his labor was farming, and he was a colleague of the villain. ”
Ma Rong said: “When Wu Ding was the crown prince, his father Xiao Yi was working as a servant, working outside, and working with villains. He knew that villains worked hard and hard. Zheng Xuan said: "My father, Xiao Yi, is serving his master outside." "
Note ⑤ Annotation of Kong Anguo in the 5th Collection: "When Wu Ding ascended the throne, Xiao Yi died, but there was faith in him. He did not say anything for three years, but he acted filial piety. Zheng Xuan said: "The lintel is called Liang, and the secret is called Lu." "
Note ⑥ Zheng Xuan said in the collection: "虙, joy. If you speak with joy, your subjects will look forward to your words for a long time. ”
Note ⑦ Ji Jie Ma Rong said: “Secret means safe.” ”
Note ⑧ In the collection, Kong Anguo said: “If the people have no complaints about the administration of small and large things, then they can do nothing wrong.” ”
Note ⑨Jijie Shangshu Yun fifty-nine years.
Note ⑩Jijie Kong Anguo and Wang Su said: “Zujia, Tang Sun Taijia also. Ma Rong and Zheng Xuan said: "The ancestor's armor is also the emperor's armor of Wu Dingzi." "Suo Yin, Kong Anguo, thought Tang Sun Taijia, Ma Rong and Zheng Xuan thought Wu Dingzi Emperor Jia. Note:
Taijia was only twelve years old, so Yunzu Jia lived in the country for thirty-three years and knew his ancestors It is clear that Jia is Emperor Jia.
Annotation ⑾ Kong Anguo said: "I have been unjust as a king and have been a villain for a long time. Yi Yin put it in Tong Palace. Ma Rong said:
"Zu Jia had an elder brother Zu Geng, and Zu Jia was a virtuous man. Wu Ding wanted to establish him. Zu Jia thought it was unjust to depose the king and establish a young man. He fled and the people were at ease, so he called it 'unjust'." Only a king has been a villain for a long time. Wu Ding died and Zu Geng was established. Zu Geng died, Zu Jia was established. "
Note ⑿ In the collection, Kong Anguo said: "The villain relies on benevolent government. Therefore, he can be at peace with the people and dare not insult others.
Note ⒀Wang Su said in the collection: "First the Zhongzong and then the Zujia, first the virtues and then the faults." ”
Note ⒁ Annotation of the collection Kong Anguo said: “No one dares to lose the way of heaven, so everyone is worthy of heaven.” ”
Note ⒂ Xu Guang said in the explanatory note: “One is ‘respect for’. "Explanation: Ma Rong said, "Zhou was in a state of lewdness and indulged in his own leisure, and he had nothing to do with caring about heaven, showing his way to the people, and respecting him."
When King Cheng was in Feng, the world was at peace, and the official affairs of Zhou were not in order. So the Duke of Zhou acted as the official of the Zhou Dynasty, and he set up the government according to his own needs.
Notes ① Kong Anguo said in the collection: "Since the Duke of Zhou has established the government and become a king, he is afraid that he will neglect it. Therefore, it is a warning to take the ruler and his ministers to establish the government. "
The Duke of Zhou was in Feng. He was ill and was about to die. He said: "I will be buried as Zhou Dynasty, 1 to show that I dare not leave and become the king. "After the Duke of Zhou died, he became the king and he was buried. ② Follow King Wen to show that the young man dare not serve the Duke of Zhou.
Note ① Explanation of the collection Xu Guang said: "Uncle Guan of the Yi family wants to attack Cheng Zhou, but maybe the ministers don’t regard Cheng Zhou as Luoyang? The chronology of the princes states: "Qi, Jin, Chu and Qin, they were insignificant in the Zhou Dynasty". "
Note ② Zhengyi Kuo Di Zhiyun says: "Zhou Cemetery is located on Biyuan, thirteen miles north of Xianyang, Yongzhou. ”
After the death of Duke Zhou, there was no harvest in autumn. Storms and thunder* (rain)* destroyed all the crops and uprooted all the trees. The state of Zhou was greatly frightened. King Cheng and his officials came to court to open the golden scroll, ① King This led to the conclusion that Duke Zhou thought he had succeeded King Wu. ② The second Duke and the king asked Deacon Shi Bai, ③ Deacon Shi Bai said: "I believe it, but Duke Zhou ordered me not to speak out." King Cheng held the letter and cried, ④ saying: "From now on, there will be no divination!" ⑤In the past, the Duke of Zhou worked hard for the royal family, but he did not know enough for young people. Today, I am using my power to demonstrate the virtue of Duke Zhou. It is my son who welcomes you, and it is appropriate for our country to do so as a courtesy. " ⑥ When the king went out of the suburbs, it was raining, the wind was blowing, and the grain was all gone. ⑦ The two dukes ordered the people of the country to raise all the big trees and build them. ⑧ When he was older, he was older. So when the king became king, he ordered Lu to take over the suburbs ⑨ To offer sacrifices to King Wen ⑩The Emperor of Lu’s rituals and music were based on the virtue of Zhou Gong.
Note ①According to the Secretariat, there was a difference in thunder and wind after the death of King Wu. It must not be the case that the book of Jinzhi was opened after the change. Because the ancient text was not found in the historical records, it is said that it is a mistake.
"Explanation of the case: Kong Anguo said: "It is a book asking for orders and strategies in the collection."Note ③ Collection explanation Kong Anguo said: "The two princes advocated Wang Qizhi, so he saw the book beforehand. All the deacons in history requested orders from Duke Zhou. ”
Zheng Xuan said: “Asker, I want to ask whether it is true. "
Note ④ Explanation of the collection Zheng Xuan said: "Those who weep are those who hurt the loyalty and filial piety of the Duke of Zhou and are ignorant. ”
Note ⑤ In the collection, Kong Anguo said: “I originally wanted to predict good or bad luck, but today I can know it, so I stopped. ”
Note ⑥ Wang Su said in the collection: “It is also appropriate to be virtuous. "Justice Kong Anguo said: "The Duke of Zhou has not yet conquered the land since he became king, so he stayed in the east and did not return it. When King Cheng reformed his ways and sent envoys to rebel against him, it was also appropriate for the country to be polite and virtuous. "Wang and Kong said it was not true. Note: It is said that King Cheng opened the book of gold and knew that the wind and thunder in the sky would show the virtue of Zhou Gong. Therefore, King Cheng also set up a ceremony in the suburbs to welcome him. The ceremony for the ancestors of our country to share food should also be appropriate. Therefore, when King Cheng went out of the suburbs, it was raining and the wind was blowing.
Note ⑦ Explanation of Kong Anguo said: "In the suburbs, I used jade coins to thank the sky. The sky turns against the wind and brings up the crops, which is what happens in the suburbs of Ming Dynasty. Ma Rong said: "If the wind goes against the wind, the wind will turn against the wind." "
Note ⑧ Xu Guang said: "Building means picking up. "Explanation: Ma Rong said, "If the grain is cut by wood, pick up the wood and pick up the grain below, and nothing will be lost."
"Zheng Xuan said: "It was because of Duke Zhou that Lu built a temple for King Wen."
After Duke Zhou died, Zi Boqin Gu was granted the title of Duke of Lu. ① Lu Gong Boqin was granted the title of Lu at the beginning, and three years later he served as governor of Zhou Gong. Zhou Gong said: "How late?" Bo Qin said: "Change the customs, reform the rituals, mourn for three years and then get rid of them, so it is too late." The Taigong was also granted the title of Qi, and reported to the Duke of Zhou in the fifth month. Zhou Gong asked: "What's the problem?" He said: "I simplified the etiquette of the emperor and his ministers, and followed the customs." Later, when he heard that Bo Qin was late in repaying the government, he sighed and said: "Wow, in the later generations of Lu, everything in the north is in order!" If the government is not simple and easy, the people will not be close; if it is easy for the people, the people will return." ②
Notes ① Suoyin Zhou Gongzi was granted the title of Lu, and his second son stayed in the royal family and became Duke of Zhou. The remaining six people who feed the small country are Fan, Jiang, Xing, Mao, Xun, and Jiye.
Note ②Explanation of the Collection: Xu Guang said: "One book says, 'If the government is not simple, it will not be good, if it is not good, it will not be happy, and if it is not happy, it will not be easy; if it is easy for the people, the people will return'. Another book says' If the government is not simple, the people will be close to it." Suo Yin said that if the government is simple, the people will follow it. Near means close.
After Bo Qin came to the throne, Guan, Cai and others rebelled, and Huaiyi and Xurong also rebelled. ① So Bo Qin led his troops to attack Zhi, and swore an oath to Zhi, ② saying: "No one dares to be unkind in your armor. No one dares to hurt the suppressor. ③ Horses and oxen are in the wind, and I will run away. ④ Don't dare to overtake me, respect ⑤ ⑥No one dared to attack and cross the wall. ⑦The Lu people had three suburbs and three tunnels. ⑧No one dared not to attack Xurong. ] If you dare not fall short, you will be severely punished. "⑾ After making this oath, Xu Rong was defeated and Lu was defeated.
"Xian" is written as "狝". Kong Anguo said "the name of the place in the eastern suburbs of Lu". Suo Yin Shangshu wrote "Fei Oath". Xu Guangyun made one "fresh" and the other "狝".
Note: The official biography of Shangshu is called "Xian Shi", Xian Shi means "Xian Shi", the word is different in ancient and modern times, and the meaning has also changed. Fresh, 狝也. He made an oath on the ground, and because he performed the ritual of going to the field, he took fresh animals and sacrificed them, so the word was either "fresh" or "狝". Kong Anguo said "Fei, the name of the place in the eastern suburbs of Lu", which is the place of Fei Yi of the Ji family of Lu Qing.
Note ③ Justice is the antithesis of ancient poison. Suppression is also a prison for cattle and horses. The ministers were ordered not to be harmed in their prisons, for fear of oxen and horses escaping.
Note ⑥ Kong Anguo said: "Don't dare to cross the army and ask for expulsion. If the enemy has lost horses and oxen, all the escaped ministers and concubines will be respected."
Note ⑦ Zheng Xuan said in the collection: "The bandit means robbery. When it is lost, it is called 'fighting'."
Note ⑧ Wang Su said in the collection ⑧: "The outside of the city is called suburbs, and the suburbs are called suburbs. Tunnel. If you don't mention the fourth one, you will stay in the eastern suburbs, so I will say the third one." Note 9: Kong Anguo said: "Everyone should store grains for you to have enough food; store up plenty of wild rice. Army cattle and horses." Ma Rong said: "Zhen and Qian are both built, Zhen is in front and Qian is on both sides." Zhen Yinzhen.
. ”
The Duke of Lu died, ① Zikao Gong became the chieftain. ② Died in the fourth year of Kaogong's reign and established his younger brother Xi, ③ who was called Yang Gong. Yanggong built the Maoque Gate. ④ He died in the sixth year, and Duke Ziyou was appointed as Prime Minister. ⑤The fourteenth year of Duke You. Duke You's younger brother Lao killed Duke You and established himself as Duke of Wei. ⑥ Wei Gong died in the fiftieth year, and was promoted by his son Li Gong. ⑦ In the thirty-seventh year of Duke Li's death, the people of Lu appointed his younger brother Gu as Duke Xian. Duke Xian died in the 32nd year of his reign, and his son Zhen Gong Bi was established. ⑨
Note ①Xu Guang said: "Huangfu Miyun Boqin was granted the title of King Cheng in the first year, forty-six years, and King Kang died in the sixteenth year."
Note ②Suo Yin The original work is "Jiu", and Zou Dan's original work is "Qiu".
Note ③ Suoyin is written as "Yi". Test your father-in-law.
Note ④Explanation of the collection: Xu Guang said: "One is 'Di', and the other is 'Yi'. Shiben said 'Yanggong moved to Lu', and Song Zhong said: 'now the state of Lu'."
Note ⑤ is a hidden link to the real name Yu.
Note ⑥Xu Guang said: "The original version of Shi is called 'Weigong'." Suoyin's original version of "垊" is written as "Fu", which sounds boiling. "Wei" means "微". Moreover, most of the ancient books use Wei characters as microscripts, so Taishi's general intention is not different.
Note ⑦suo is related to "Zhai" in this work, and the sound is reversed.
Note ⑧Explanation of the collection: Xu Guang said: "Liu Xinyun was fifty years old. Huangfu Miyun was thirty-six years old."
Note ⑨ The true meaning of the book is cautious, and the original version also writes " Be careful." Note: There are also true marquises in Yi, who can be connected. Bi, originally written as "zhi", or "bi", the pronunciation is reversed. Zou Dan's original work is "Shen Gong Nao".
In the fourteenth year of Zhen Gong's reign, King Li of Zhou was immoral and went out to hunt for pigs. In the twenty-ninth year, King Xuan of Zhou came to the throne.
In the 30th year, Duke Zhen died, and his younger brother Ao Li became Duke Wu.
In the spring of the ninth year of Duke Wu, Duke Wu and his eldest son Kuo played a game with their youngest son, ① King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty in the Western Dynasty. King Xuan loved drama and wanted to make him the Prince of Lu. Fan Zhongshan, the father of the Zhou Dynasty, admonished King Xuan: "Abandoning the elders and establishing younger ones is not obedient; if you disobey, you will violate the king's order; if you violate the king's order, you will be punished. Therefore, you must not disobey the order. If the order is not implemented, the government will not be established; ② If things go wrong, the people will rise.
③The husband is responsible for the lower affairs and the upper affairs are less, so it is smooth. Today, when you build princes and establish young men, you teach the people to be disobedient. ④ If Lu follows it and the princes follow it, the king's order will be blocked; ⑤ If Fu follows it and kills him, it will be self-killing of the king's order. ⑥If you punish it, you will lose it. If you don't punish it, you will lose it. ⑦The king has his plan. "The King of Xuan heard this and decided to make Xi the Prince of Lu. In Xia, Duke Wu returned and died. ⑧Xi Li was named Duke Yigong.
Notes ① Justice Xu Yifan, also pronounced Xu Yifan, later Same.
Note ② Wei Zhao said: “If orders are not implemented, the government will not be established. "
Note ③ Wei Zhao said in the collection: "If you make the chief minister less busy, the people will be better. "
Note ④ Tang Gu said in the collection: "If you don't teach, you will obey, but if you teach, you will go against it. ”
Note ⑤ Wei Zhao said in the collection: “It is said that the order of the king to set up a chief will be blocked. "
Note ⑥ Wei Zhao said in the collection: "The king's order was to establish a chief, and now Lu is also to establish a chief. If you kill him, you will be killing the king's order. ”
Note ⑦ Wei Zhao said in the collection: “If you punish him, you will kill the king’s life; if you don’t kill him, the king’s life will be revoked.” "
Note ⑧ Xu Guang said in the collection: "Liu Xinyun was in his second year. "
In the ninth year of Duke Yi, Bo Yu, the son of Duke Yi's brother Kuo, and the Lu people attacked and killed Duke Yi, and made Boyu the king. In the eleventh year after Boyu came to the throne, King Xuan of Zhou attacked Lu and killed his king. Bo Yu asked if Mr. Lu could obey the princes. ② He thought that Empress Lu would do it. Real; ⑤Don't do what you ask, don't offend what you ask*(Knowledge)**[Consultation]*. King Xuan said, "Of course, I can train and govern my people." "Then he was named in the Yi Palace, ⑥ as the Duke of Filial Piety. Since then, many princes have been ordered by the king.
Note ① Zhengyu, I married a rebel, the same below.
Note ② Xu Guang, an interpreter of the collection, said: "Shun, one is 'training'. "Yin guide of Zhengyi Dao. Shunyin training.
Note ③ Collection explanation Wei Zhao said: "Mu Zhong, the posthumous title of Zhongshan's father. Yulu's uncle and grandson Muzi called him Uncle Mu. ”
Note 4: The ruler of justice proves contrary.
Note 5: Explanation of the collection Xu Guang said: “Sure, one is ‘reason’. Wei Zhao said: "The truth is the truth of the story." "
Note ⑥ Wei Zhao said in the collection: "The Yi Palace is the temple of King Xuan's grandfather, King Yi. In ancient times, the royal orders must be in the ancestral temple. "
In the twenty-fifth year of Xiaogong, the princes were surrounded by Zhou, and Quanrong killed King You. Qin Shi was listed as a prince.
In the twenty-seventh year, Xiaogong died, and Zi Fuhuang was established. ① This is for Hui Gong.
Note ①Xu Guang said in the collection: "The expression is unsatisfactory. "Suo Yin is related to "Fu Huang" in the original work. The chronology is "Fu Sheng".
In the 30th year of Hui Gong, the people of Jin killed his king Zhaohou. In the forty-five years, the people of Jin killed his king again. Xiaohou.
In the forty-sixth year, Duke Hui died, and his concubine Xi① took charge of the country and performed the affairs of the king, which was to hide the public. The son gave birth to a son and died. It was good to marry the Song Dynasty girl, and Hui Gong took it from his wife. ④The Song Dynasty girl became his wife, and Hui Gong died. Therefore, Lu people ordered Xi to be the regent without saying anything.
Note 1: Suo Yin's name is Xigu.
Note 2: Zhengyin.
Note ③ Suo Yinzuo reports that Duke Wu of the Song Dynasty gave birth to Zhongzi, and Zhongzi had the inscription "Being a Lady of Lu" in his hand, so he returned to Lu and gave birth to Duke Huan.
Now Duke Hui of the Song Dynasty took away his wife. It is said that Hui Gong was immoral, but the Zuo Chuan clearly stated that Qiao Zhou did not believe it.
Xu Guang said: 'rail'. "Suo Yin's original version is also called "rail".
In the fifth year of Yin Gong's reign, he watched fishing in Tang. ① In the eighth year, he and Emperor Zheng Yi took over the towns of Taishan and Xutian, and the gentleman ridiculed them. .
Note ①Jia Kui said: "Tang, Lu land. Chen Yu looked at it. Du Yu said: "There is Wutang Pavilion in Gaofingfang and the north of the county, and the fishing platform where the Marquis of Lu is watching." ”
Note ② Jiexie Guliang Chuan says: “祊 is the city where Zheng Bozhi was ordered by the emperor to offer sacrifices to Mount Tai. Xutian is the city where Lu's emperor stayed. The emperor is above, and the princes cannot treat each other with the land. "
In the winter of the eleventh year, the young master flattered Mr. Yin and said: "The people follow the king, and the king is established." I ask you to kill Ziyun for you, and you will regard me as your prime minister. ” ① Duke Yin said: “There is an order from the emperor. I am Young Master Yun, so I take charge of Dai. Today, Yun has been here for a long time, and we have camped in the land of Tuqiu for a long time, ② to teach his son Yun to govern. "Zi Yun was afraid that Zi Yun would kill him when he heard about it, so he ridiculed Yin Gong and said to Zi Yun: "Yin Gong wanted to establish the throne, so he got rid of his son, and his son had his own plan. Please kill Duke Yin for your son. "Zi promised. In the eleventh month, Yin Gong offered sacrifices to Zhong Wu, ③ gathered in the community garden, ④ pavilion in the Jiang family. ⑤ commanded people to kill Yin Gong and the Jiang family, and made Zi Yun the king, which is Duke Huan.
Note ① Zuo Zhuan in the Explanation of the Collection says: "If Father Yu asks to kill Duke Huan, he will also ask for the Taizai. "
Note ② Ji Jiefu Qian said: "Tuqiu is also the city of Lu. He built a dodder fur palace as a palace, hoping to live there until he grew old. Du Yu said: "The dodder is in the south of Liangfu County in Mount Tai." "
Note ③ Jia Kui said in the collection: "Zhong Wu is also a name sacrifice. "
Note ④ Du Yu said in the collection: "She Garden, the name of the garden. ”
Note ⑤ Ji Jiefu Qian said: “The pavilion is the house.” Mr. Jiang, Dr. Lu. ”
In the first year of Huan AD, Zheng used Bi Yi to buy the Xu Tian of the emperor. ① In the second year, he brought the tripod from the Song Dynasty to the Imperial Ancestral Temple, and the gentlemen laughed at it.
Note ① Ji Jie Mi Xin said: "Zheng Yiqi was not enough to be granted land, so he added bi.
Note ② Jijie Guliang Chuan said: “Huan Gong killed his lord at home, and caused chaos among the people outside. It is not polite to accept bribes and retreat to serve his ancestors.” Gongyang Chuan said: "The temple of Duke Zhou is called Taimiao." "
In the third year, he made Hui Hui welcome his wife to Qi as his wife. In the sixth year, his wife gave birth to a son, who was born on the same day as Duke Huan, so he was named Tong. He grew up with the same age and became the prince.
Sixteenth year In the spring of the 18th year, he met with Cao Cao, attacked Zheng, and joined Duke Li.
The Duke of Qi and Duke Huan were angry with his wife, and she reported it to the Marquis of Qi. After defeating his threat, the Duke died in his chariot. The people of Lu reported to Qi, "I am afraid of your power and dare not live in peace, so I came to repair the rituals." If the etiquette is fulfilled but not reversed, and there is no blame to blame, please ask Peng Sheng to remove the ugliness of the princes. "The people of Qi killed Peng Sheng to accuse Lu. They established the crown prince Tong as Duke Zhuang. Because Zhuang Gongmu and his wife stayed in Qi, they did not dare to return to Lu.
Note ① Du Yu said in the explanation of the collection: "Begin to discuss and act. also. "
Note ② Jia Kui said in the collection: "Shen Sui, Dr. Lu.
Note ③ Ji Jiefu Qian said: "It is a public gift to enjoy the swallow." ”
In the winter of the fifth year of Duke Zhuang’s reign, he led an expedition against Duke Hui of Qiu.
In the eighth year, Prince Jiu of Qi came and went. In the ninth year, Duke Yu of Lu wanted his wife to come to Qi, and then Duke Huan , Duke Huan sent troops to attack Lu, Lu was in a hurry and killed Zijiu. Qi informed Lu Sheng and sent Guan Zhong to him, saying: ① "Qi wants to capture Guan Zhong, not by killing him, but by using him." Lu trouble. It is better to kill him and give him his corpse. " Duke Zhuang refused to listen, so he imprisoned Guan Zhong and Qi. The people of Qi looked after Guan Zhong.
Notes ① Zhengshi Shiben said: "Shi Bo, Gongsun of Lu Hui. "
Note ② Suo Yin originally also meant "death".
In the thirteenth year, Duke Zhuang of Lu and Cao Meng met Duke Huan of Qi in Ke. Cao Meng robbed Duke Huan of Qi and asked Lu Invading the territory, Duke Huan of Qi rebelled against the agreement. In the fifteenth year, Duke Huan of Qi began to invade the territory. ①
Note. ①Wei Zhao said in the collection: "Qi, because of its worship at the shrine, searched the army to show its military appearance, and the public went to see it. ”
At the beginning of the thirty-second year, Duke Zhuang built a platform to visit the Dang family. ① He met Meng Nu, ② He fell in love with her and made her his wife. Ban Chang said that the daughter of the Liang family went to watch. ⑤ Ban was angry and whipped Nao. When Zhuang Gong heard about it, he said, "Nao is not strong enough, so he killed her because she could not be whipped." Home. "Ban has not been killed. Duke Hui Zhuang is ill.
Duke Zhuang has three younger brothers. The eldest is called Qingfu, the second is called Shu Ya, and the third is called Ji You. Duke Zhuang took Qi's daughter as his wife and named him Ai Jiang. Ai Jiang has no children. . Ai Jiang Di ⑥ said that Uncle Jiang had no suitable heir. He loved Meng Nu and wanted to raise his son. When Zhuang Gong was ill, he asked about the heir to his younger brother Shu Ya. Lu Zhichang also. ⑦ Qing’s father is here and he can be his heir, why should you worry? "Zhuang Gong suffered from his uncle's tooth and wanted to celebrate his father's death. He retreated and asked Ji You. Ji You said, "Please die to establish the spot." Duke Zhuang said, "Uncle Ya wants to celebrate his father's death, what's the matter?" "Ji You ordered his uncle Zhuang to wait for his wife, Zhen Wu. He ordered Zhen Ji to drink his uncle Ya as poison, and said: "If you drink this, you will have a descendant to worship; otherwise, you will die without any descendants." "Ya then drank poison and died, and Lu made his son the surname of Shusun. ⑩ In the eighth month of Guihai, Duke Zhuang died, and Ji You actually made Zi Ban the king, as ordered by Duke Zhuang. He attended the funeral and gave up to the Dang clan. ⑾ < /p>
Note ① Jia Kui said in the explanatory note: "Dang's name is Dr. Lu, and his surname is Ren. "
Note ② Jia Kui said in the collection: "The daughter of the Dang family. "Suoyin is Zuo Chuan Yunmeng Ren. The second daughter of the Dang family. Meng, Changye;
Ren, the courtesy name, is not a surname.
Note ③ Ji Jiefu Qian said : "Cut off his arm to make an alliance with the public. "
Note ④ Du Yu said in the collection: "Liang is also a doctor of Lu.
Note ⑤ Ji Jiefu Qian said: "The people from Yu are responsible for raising horses, so that's the name of the people." "Justice is unreasonable, and strength is contrary.
Note ⑥Justice is violent and rebellious.
Note ⑦Annotation 7: He Xiu said: "After the father dies, the son succeeds, and after the brother dies, the younger brother succeeds." ”
Note ⑧Jiu Xie Du Yu said: “The acupuncture of the Wu family is Dr. Lu. "
Note ⑨ Ji Jiefu Qian said: "The poisonous bird is a bird that transports the sun. ”
Note ⑩ Du Yu said in the 10th collection: “If you don’t punish someone for your crime, you can establish a successor and inherit his fortune from generation to generation.” ”
Note 11. Justice did not reach the palace, but stopped at the uncle’s house.
Qing’s father had an affair with Ai Jiang, and wanted to establish Ai Jiang Di’s son. After the death of Duke Zhuang When Ji You established Ban, Qingfu ordered the people of Yu to kill Lu Gongzi Ban in Dang family. ① Qingfu actually established Zhuang Gongzi as Min Gong. p>
Notes ① Ji Jiefu Qian said: "Ji You knew Qing's father's feelings and was unable to kill him, so he ran away to avoid him. ”
Note ② Suoyin is related to the real name Qi. Today, it is called "Kai" to avoid the silence of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. In the Spring and Autumn Period, it is also called "Min Gong".
In the second year of Min Gong, Qing Dynasty The father and Aijiang had a great relationship. Aijiang and Qingfu murdered Min Gong and established Qingfu. The people of Lu wanted to kill Qing's father, so he sent his son to Ju. ② Li Gong was the youngest son of Duke Zhuang, so he went to Ju's house to bribe him. Qing Fu, Qing Fu returned, ordered people to kill Qing Fu, Qing Fu asked to run, but did not listen, so the official Xi Si went away crying. When Qing Fu heard the news, Qing Fu committed suicide. He summoned Zhu and killed him. He returned with his body and killed him. Duke Li of Lu invited him to bury him.
Notes ① Jia Kui said in the collection: "Bujuan is also a doctor of Lu. The gate in the palace is called Wei." The righteousness is righteousness, and the fish is rebellion.
Wei Yinwei.
Note ② Suo Yinmin's younger brother named Shen, became the Prime Minister of the year, and the state of Lu was in charge of it, so the people of Lu wrote Lu songs for Duke Xi.
Ji You’s mother, Chen Nv, died in Chen. Chen Guzuo sent Ji You and Zi Shen to their homes. When Ji You was about to be born, his father, Duke Huan of Lu, sent someone to predict the future, saying: "The man is called 'You'. He spends his time in two communities and serves as an assistant to the public servants. ① If Ji You dies, Lu will not prosper." p>
When he was still alive, there was a text on his palm saying "you", so he named him Chengji. After that, he became the Ji family, and after Qingfu, he became the Meng family.
Note ① Jia Kui said in the explanatory notes: "The two societies are Zhou Society and Bo Society. When the two societies are idle, the officials in charge of the imperial court will be there."
In the first year of Li AD, Wenyang was Feng Jiyou. ① Ji You is the prime minister.
Note ① Jia Kui said in the collection: "Wenyang, Shan and Lu are two cities." Du Yu said: "Wenyang is north of Wenshui River. Wenshui River comes out of Laiwu County in Mount Tai." Suoyin "Wen Yang" "or "fei", which has the same pronunciation as "mi". Note: If Fei is in the north of Wenshui River, then "Wenyang" is not a city. Jia Yan said that there are two cities, which is not true. Geography: Feixian County, Donghai, Ban Guyun is "Lu Ji's town". Gai Shangshu Fei swears that this is the place.
In the ninth year, Jinli killed his kings Xi Qi and Zhuo Zi.
① Qi Huangong’s rate?/ca>