Annotate the source of benefiting fire and eliminating yin stagnation. Notes on Bing Wang's Su Wen Zhi Zhen Da Lun. Later generations called it benefiting fire to eliminate yin or supporting yang to chase yin. That is to say, the method of supporting yang and benefiting fire is used to eliminate yin excess. It is often used for patients with yin-cold syndrome caused by deficiency of kidney-yang and failure of vital door fire. Symptoms include back pain, soft feet, cold body, impotence, diarrhea, scanty abdomen, unfavorable or long urination, pale tongue, obesity, and heavy pulse. The treatment method should be warming and tonifying kidney yang, dispelling yin cold, and treating with Shenqi Pill and Gui You Drink.
The source of beneficial fire in ancient books is Xiao Yi Yin's medical record: [Eucalyptus prescription] Duqi Pill is really weak. Because of it, the boil is swollen and swollen. Wang Yutai is the source of beneficial fire. To eliminate yin. Just waiting. Unpublished leaf medical record: Qingye AD 16. ...
"Deficiency and Microscopy": [Volume 2] Bawei Pill (Cui Shi), or cold fatigue and pain in the next yuan, Mr. Wang Taifu said: eliminating yin is beneficial to the fire source, which is also called it. That is, the first six kinds of Dihuang pills are added with cinnamon and processed Radix Aconiti. ...
Jing Yue Quan Shu: [Volume 147 Xian, Surgeon Surge (Volume II), Surgeon Surge (Volume II)] Bone gangrene (59) to calm the sun. For those with yang deficiency and cold, Bawei Pill is used to benefit the fire source and eliminate yin stagnation. External use of aconite cake and scallion can dispel cold pathogens, replenish qi and tonify deficiency, strengthen bones and consolidate the foundation. ...
Doctor Cheng's Case: [Collection of Doctor Cheng's Cases] Does Taijingting House respect the strange classics of Yin and Yang? Wang Taifu said: Hot or not, there is no fire. Benefiting the fire source to eliminate the shadow. The goal is achievable. Although there are forbidden drums and chestnuts in the classics, such as mourning, they all belong to ...
Pediatric compromise: [Volume II] Stomach Qi Deficiency and Cold