Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot.
People are unchangeable, and then they can change; Trapped in the heart, balanced in consideration, and then made; Color label, sound hair, and then metaphor. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad.
Then I know that I was born in sorrow and died in happiness.
Shun was ordered to farm in the field; Fu Shuo was summoned from the wall-building work; Glue is recommended from the work of selling fish salt; Guan Yiwu was released from prison officials and was hired as the prime minister. Lead Sun Shuaio to live in seclusion in Binhai; Prissy was taken from the market.
Therefore, God should make a great mission for such people. First of all, we should make him heartache, make him tired, starve him, make him poor, and make him unable to do things well. Through these methods, his heart will be disturbed, his character will be strengthened and his talent will be increased.
People often make mistakes in order to correct them later; Confusion is blocked, then you can work hard; Show it on your face, express it in your voice, and then you can understand it. If there were no ministers to enforce the law and sages to assist the monarch, and no foreigners and foreign invasions, such countries would often perish. In this way, we can know that troubles and injuries make people develop, while ease and pleasure make people perish.
To annotate ...
(1) There are also modal particles, which are used at the end of the first half of the sentence to indicate a pause, and the second half will explain.
(2) Suffering from his mind: making his thoughts painful. Attention, attention. Chi: will, feelings
(3) strain his bones and muscles: make his bones and muscles (body) tired.
(4) starve his skin: that is, let him suffer from hunger (so his skin will be thin).
(5) Lack of resources: poverty.
(6) He didn't. Once, through "increase", increase. What you can't do refers to the ability that you didn't have before. Ceng Yi: Increase. Hone one's character.
(10) Constantly crossing: often making mistakes. No change, no change. But the original meaning is negligence, and the noun here, as a verb, means making a mistake.
(1 1) and then: after this.
(12) trapped in the heart: inner distress. Trapped, stumped. Yes, yes.
(13) consideration balance: thinking about banning. Balance, "horizontal", infarction, poor. Trouble: thoughts.
(14) Later: Only in this way can we rise. Work: Stand up and make a difference.
(15) Logo in color: displayed on the face. It means haggard and haggard, which is shown on the face. Sign up for (reveal, show). Skin color, face shape, expression.
(16) with sound: expressed with sound. It means that the breath of chanting and sighing comes from the sound. F: performance. Sound: sound.
(17) Later, the metaphor: (See his face and smell his voice) Then people know him. Yu, understand, understand.
(18) When in Rome, do as the Romans do, and you can't learn at home. Scholar: Without ministers who stick to statutes and wise men who can assist the king. Cheng: Inside, it means in China. Then: if. Legalist, law-abiding minister, Fu Shi: a wise man who assisted the king. Brush (bi), pass "Bi", and assist.
(19) Being invincible abroad. Foreign patient: If there are no worries of hostile countries and foreign countries abroad. Out: Outside means abroad. Enemy country, a country with equal strength and status.
(20) Then you know that you were born in sorrow and died in happiness. You know that you can live by worrying, or you can die by indulging in happiness. Born of worry: worry and disaster enable people (or countries) to survive and develop. Die in comfort: comfort and pleasure lead to the death of people (or countries).
(2 1) mu: field, field.
(22) temptation: make the heart alert.