1 Zhu Zhu Jia Xun:
What the monarch cherishes is benevolence. I value loyalty. What my father cherishes is kindness. Filial piety is also the most precious thing for children. Friends are brothers. Everyone my brother loves is respected. What a husband values is harmony. The person a woman loves is soft. Being a teacher is more expensive than being polite, and making friends is more expensive than believing.
When you meet your elders, you should respect them; See young people and love them. I will respect those noble people, although they are younger than me; Unscrupulous people, although older than me, I will stay away from them. Be careful not to talk about other people's shortcomings or praise your own merits. Revenge with righteousness, sue directly, and be satisfied with what you encounter. People are too small to tolerate; If a person has made a big mistake, he should speak out rationally. Don't do it because of small goodness, and don't do it because of small evils. If people have evil, they must hide it; If a person has goodness, he must publicize it.
Have no enmity with the world, and be selfless in managing your family. Don't be selfish and hurt others, and don't be jealous of talents. Don't say that you are angry and report disobedience, and you don't want see no evil, which is not good for others. Don't take ill-gotten gains, take them reasonably Poetry and books must be read, and etiquette and righteousness must be known. Children and grandchildren must be taught, and children and servants must be kind. Gentle people will be disrespectful, and those in adversity will help. Those who keep my points are also polite; Those who listen to my orders, heaven also. If people can do this, so can heaven. This is a daily routine. If clothes are to the body and diet is to the mouth, clothes are indispensable for a day, but they can be sloppy! (Excerpted from Ziyang Zhu)
(It has always been called this in society, and the title page is generally called "Zhu Zi Family Instructions") Zhu Zi refers to Zhu Fuzi and Zhu Xi. "Zhu Bailu Family Instructions is a family instruction written by Kunshan scholar Zhu Yongchun, and White Deer is the number of Zhu Yongchun. This family motto is very well written, easy to understand, philosophical, well-known and well-known ... because it is a family motto, it is for home use. When Zhu Yongchun was alive, this book was not included in the published and unpublished bibliography. There is no comparison of ancient books in the world, and it all depends on folklore. -Zhu (an authentic descendant of Zhu XXIII)
2. The full text of Zhu Bailu's Zhu Zi Family Instructions.
Get up at dawn, sweep the courtyard, clean inside and outside; When you are unconscious, you will rest. If you close the door, you will behave well.
It is not easy to think about a porridge and a meal; It is difficult to keep thinking about material resources.
It is better to prepare for a rainy day than to dig a well when you are thirsty.
Self-help must be frugal, and banquets must not be delayed.
The utensils are clean and tidy, and the tile is better than gold; The more exquisite the diet, the more delicious the vegetables in the garden.
Don't run fancy houses, don't seek fertile land.
Three aunts and six wives are the media of prostitution and theft; Beautiful girls and concubines are not the blessings of the boudoir.
Servants should not be handsome, and wives should not wear heavy makeup.
Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifice must be sincere; Although children and grandchildren are stupid, they must read classics.
The life cycle is simple, and the godson should have an upright side.
Don't covet unexpected wealth and drink too much.
Trade with your shoulders, don't take advantage; When you see poor neighbors, you must be warm-hearted.
Mean marriage will not last long; Lun Chang is a good boy and will die soon.
Brothers and uncles must decorate widows more; Young and old, both inside and outside, should be strict with themselves.
Listen to this woman, dear. Is she a husband? If you value wealth and ignore your parents, you can't be the son of human beings.
Marry a woman, choose a good husband, and do not seek re-employment; It's not too thick to marry a daughter-in-law and beg a lady.
It is most shameful to see wealth and flattery; Being arrogant when you are poor is nothing more than meanness.
If you quit fighting at home, the lawsuit will be fierce; Don't talk too much in life, you will suffer.
Do not bully widows by force or kill birds by greed.
If you are eccentric, you will regret many mistakes; Laziness and self-indulgence are hard.
If you are naughty, you will be bored for a long time; Qu Zhi is old, but if you are in a hurry, you can rely on each other.
Listen to the speech lightly, and detect the unreasonable accusation? Be patient and think twice before you act; How do I know if I argue about something, it's not my fault? You need to think calmly.
Don't forget to give help, but don't forget to accept it.
Leave room for everything and be proud of it.
People are happy, not jealous; People should not be happy when they are in trouble.
Being a good person and wanting to be seen by others is not really good; Fear of being known is a great sin.
Seeing the color, I reported my wife and daughter; Hide resentment with arrows in the back, delaying future generations.
Family harmony, although awkward, also has a surplus; I finished my Chinese class early, but I had nothing in my bag. I was complacent.
Reading is aimed at sages, not disciples; Is it worth your ruin to be an official and protect the country?
Keep your life safe and listen to the sky in time; If you do this, you will be very close.