It turned out that 18. 1 weizi went to it, and Ji Zi was its slave, so he died. Confucius said, "Yin has three benevolence."
Cabbage left Shang Zhouwang, and Kiko became a slave, so he was worse than a prison officer and died tragically. Confucius said, "There are three benevolent people in Yin."
Interpreting the Half Brothers of Wei Zi, Qi Ming and Shang Zhouwang. Zhou Wang had no choice but to follow Wei Zi's advice. Wei Zi left him and ran away. Ji Zi, his name is Yu Xu. Zhou Wang's uncle. Zhou Wang didn't listen to advice, Ji Zi put on his hair and pretended to be crazy, and was enslaved by Zhou Wang. Zhou Wang's uncle Beagan protested strongly against Zhou Wang, and Beagan died by Zhou Wang's caesarean section. The heretics are "no way, then the country is hidden"; Ji Zi is "the country is stupid if it has no way"; Bigan is "giving up one's life for righteousness."
Original 18.2 Liu Xiahui is the judge. The man said, "Can I go now?" He said, "What's the point of doing things straight? Why do you go to your parents' country when you are working for others? "
Liu Xiahui became a magistrate and was dismissed three times. Someone said, "Can't you leave here?" He said, "If you serve the monarch honestly, where can you go without being dismissed many times?" ? If you don't serve the monarch honestly, why did you leave your motherland? "
Shi, surnamed Zhan, named Huo, also known as poultry. Lu zhixian was a doctor, and Xia Liu was his fief, and Hui was his posthumous title. Liu Xiahui is a straight-line servant. He would rather give up his official position than change his behavior. Mencius called him "the sum of saints". What we have to think about is whether we need to change ourselves when the environment is bad.
The original 18.3 said to Confucius: "If I am a family, I can't; Stay between Ji and Meng. " Yue: "I am too old to use it." A trip to Confucius.
When talking about how to treat Confucius, he said, "I can't treat Ji as the monarch of Lu can treat Ji and Meng." He added, "I'm too old to use him." Confucius then left the State of Qi.
Explaining that Confucius was not valued in Qi State. This chapter has great ambiguity. Some people think that "I am too old to use it" is an excuse for Qi Jinggong not to use Confucius, while others think that Confucius refused to quit.
The original 18.4 Qi people belong to female music, and Ji is subject to it, and she will not go to the DPRK for three days. A trip to Confucius.
Qi people gave some geisha and dancers to Lu, but Ji accepted them and ignored state affairs for three days. Confucius is gone.
The interpretation reflects Confucius' extreme disappointment with those in power, "no common purpose, no common goal".
The original 18.5 Chu Kuang received Song and said to Confucius, "Feng Feng! What is the decline of He De? Don't remonstrate with the past, but you can still pursue the future. That's it! Today's politicians are in danger! " Confucius wants to talk to him. If you follow the trend, don't talk to it.
Jie Yu, a madman in the State of Chu, passed by Confucius and sang, "Phoenix bird, phoenix bird! Why is your fate so bad? Needless to say, there is still time in the future. Forget it, forget it, people who are in politics now are too dangerous. " Confucius got off the bus and wanted to talk to him. He left in a hurry and Confucius was not allowed to talk to him.
Interpretation of Chu Zhi-sheng Jieyu pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity to escape from reality.
The original 18.6 was cultivated by jū and Jie Yu. Confucius passed it, which interested Lutz. Chang Ju said, "Who is the ruler?" Lutz said, "For Kong Qiu." Yue: "Is it with Lu?" Say, "Yes." He said, "I know Tianjin." Ask Yu Jie to drown. Jie drowned and said, "Who is the son?" Yue: "It is a secondary reason." "Are you a believer in Kong Qiu?" Yes: "Of course." He said, "There are speakers all over the world, but who can trade them?" ? What's more, it is better to be a creator of the world than to be a creator of the world? "constantly. Xing Yu told. The master suddenly said, "Birds and beasts cannot be in the same group. If I am not a believer in Sri Lanka, who can be with me? "Nothing is difficult in the world, nothing is impossible to a willing mind."
Chang Ju plowed the fields with Jie Shui. When Confucius passed by, he sent Luz to ask. Chang Ju said, who are you driving for? "Lutz said: For Kong Qiu." He often said: "Is this from Lu?" Lutz said, "Yes." Often raised: "This person should know." Lutz asked Jay again. Jie drowned and said, "Who are you?" Lutz said, "I'm Zhong You." Jay drowned and said, "Are you a student?" Lutz said, "Yes." Jie drowned and said, "There is a flood all over the world. Who can change it? You'd better follow us who avoid the world, not those who avoid the bad guys. " Keep farming while talking. Luz came back to tell Confucius. Confucius said wistfully, "We can't live with birds and animals. If we don't get along with people in the world, who will we get along with? " If world politics is clear, I will not try to change this situation. "
Interpreting hermits such as Chang Ju and Jie Drowning, these people always talk strangely in front of Confucianism, as if they have seen through everything. Hearing these words, Confucius had mixed feelings and felt very helpless.
Original 18.7 Lutz, when you meet a husband, you will support him with a stick. Lutz asked, "Have you seen the master?" Grandfather-in-law said, "If you are not diligent, who is the master?" The staff who planted it didn't succeed. Branch arches and stands. Don't sleep, kill the chicken for Xiaomi. See his second son. Tomorrow, Lutz will tell you. Confucius said, "Hermit is also." Let Lutz oppose it. Come on, just do it. Lutz said: "Being an official is meaningless. Festivals for young people and the elderly cannot be abolished; How to abolish the meaning of monarch and minister? Trying to clean up his body, it's chaotic again. The official position of the gentleman also carried out his righteousness. If the Tao is not good, you will know it. "
Lutz began to travel around the world from Confucius, and later fell behind. He met an old man with a cane and a weeding tool. Lutz asked him, "Have you seen my husband?" The old man said, "Who is your husband?" Put down the crutches to weed. Lutz stood hand in hand. The old man asked Luz to spend the night at his house, killing chickens and cooking for Luz. Show his two children the way. The next day, Luz found Confucius and told him about it. Confucius said, "This is a hermit." Tell Luz to go back to see him. Luz got there, but the old man had already left. Lutz said: "It is unreasonable for this person not to be an official. Since the order of the old and the young cannot be abandoned, how can the relationship between the monarch and the minister be abandoned? For his own cleanliness, he destroyed the most fundamental ethical relationship. A gentleman is an official in order to practice great virtue. But Dade can't, we already know. "
Everyone has different attitudes and ways to interpret how to look at WTO entry and birth, and how to look at life, not to mention who is right or wrong. This is life, this is life.
Original 18.8 Yimin: Boyi, Shu Qi, Yuzhong, Yiyi, Zhang Zhu, Liu Xiahui, Shao Lian. Confucius said, "If you don't lose your ambition, you won't disgrace yourself. What about Boyi, Shu Qi? " There are "Liu Xiahui, less honest, humiliated, consistent in words, and considerate in actions." There is a saying that "in the middle, escape, live in seclusion, live in the Qing dynasty, and abolish power." I am different and indispensable. "
The hermits in the world are Boyi, Shu Qi, Yuzhong, Yiyi, Zhang Zhu, Liu Xiahui and Shao Lian. Confucius said, "It is probably Boyi Shu Qi who will not abandon his ambition and disgrace himself!" He said: "Liu Xiahui and Shao Lian, although they lowered their ambitions and were insulted, spoke according to the rules and acted after consideration, that's all." He said: "Yu Zhong and Yi Yi live in a simple life, talk freely, be honest and upright, and advocate flexibility. Unlike these people, there is nothing I can't do. "
Interpretation Confucius praised the lifestyle of these people, but for himself, it is not necessary to be like them. "Nothing is impossible" embodies the flexibility of Confucius' life.
Original 18.9: teachers and colleges are in harmony, sub-rice is dry and suitable for Chu, three rice is dazzling and suitable for Cai, and four rice is lacking in Qin. Drummers enter the river, playing the Han Dynasty Taigu, and Yang and Zhi Xiang enter the sea.
A great teacher went to Qi, the second musician to Chu, the third to Cai, the fourth to Qin, drummer Fang Shu to the Yellow River, drummer Wu to Hanshui, drummer Yang and drummer Xiang to the coast.
Interpretation Lu is a country of rites and music, with dim environment, broken rites and music and brain drain.
The original 18. 10 Duke Zhou said that Duke Lu said, "A gentleman doesn't kiss his relatives, so he doesn't make his ministers complain. If there is no big reason for getting old, then don't abandon it. A person has nothing to prepare. "
Duke Zhou said to Duke Lu: "A gentleman does not alienate his relatives, nor does he let ministers complain that they are not taken seriously. Without gross negligence, you can't abandon your old friends and subordinates. Don't blame others for perfection. "
This is also the way to do things.
There were eight scholars in the original 18. 1 1 week: Boda, (Kuo), Zhongtu,, Shuye,, Jisui, Ji? (guā).
There are eight famous people in the Zhou Dynasty: Boda, Zhong You, Ye Shu, Xia Shu, Ji Sui, Ji? .
Interpretation service is no longer provided. On the first day of the week, a woman gave birth to four children in a row, each of whom was a twin, so they were arranged in the same order.