It is also possible that you were blown by a strong wind while sleeping.
Go to the hospital.
Or use folk remedies if you don't want to.
And then put the eel blood on your face, that is, kill it and wipe it effectively.
Meat can be eaten,
Another possibility is insufficient blood supply to the carotid artery.
It may also cause facial paralysis.
Do local full muscle exercise
The choice of treatment scheme for facial paralysis should first make a clear diagnosis, then make a qualitative diagnosis and treat it in different specialties.
If it is central facial paralysis, you should see a doctor in neurology department for physical examination, light, electricity, chemistry, ct and mri diagnosis. It belongs to cerebrovascular disease, tumor or other diseases. Treating its primary disease is the central task, and the prognosis of facial paralysis is determined by its primary disease. Of course, acupuncture therapy of traditional Chinese medicine can be applied to the symptoms: ① scalp acupuncture takes facial motor area; (2) Body needling for warehouse, cheek turning, Hegu, Taichong, etc.
If it is peripheral facial paralysis, it can not be simply called facial neuritis, but also should be examined by light, electricity, chemistry, ct and mri in neurology.
Because acute poliomyelitis, encephalitis, progressive bulbar palsy and congenital incomplete facial nucleus formation can cause peripheral facial paralysis due to facial nucleus lesions, its differential diagnosis was discussed in the previous section.
Because cerebrovascular disease (hemorrhage, infarction), tumor, inflammation and multiple sclerosis can cause the pathological changes of the intramedullary root segment of the facial nerve and peripheral facial paralysis, the key point is that it is accompanied by abducens nerve paralysis, eye movement disorder or contralateral hemiplegia.
Because tumors such as skull base aneurysm, meningitis, skull base meningioma, arachnoiditis of cerebellopontine angle, acoustic neuroma, etc. can cause lesions in the extramedullary root segment of facial nerve, causing peripheral facial paralysis, which is characterized by primary symptoms and decreased secretion of taste, tears and salivary glands in the front of tongue.
Peripheral facial paralysis caused by the above diseases should be treated conservatively or surgically in neurology, brain surgery and otolaryngology. On the basis of definite diagnosis, the treatment scheme of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine can be adopted, and acupuncture and medicine can be combined in the acute stage, and acupuncture and medicine can continue to be combined with physical therapy in the later stage of syndrome.
Because of petrous fracture, facial nerve schwannoma, temporal bone tumor, otitis media, cholesterolemia
Tumor, knee ganglion herpes, parotid gland tumor, parotitis, facial neuritis, forceps strain, etc. Can cause facial nerve lesions in the medial petrous bone or the lower mastoid segment, respectively, leading to peripheral facial paralysis.
Among them, facial neuritis and facial nerve clamp injury can be used as the diagnosis of facial paralysis in traditional Chinese medicine, and acupuncture and Chinese and western medicine are used in Chinese medicine and acupuncture department. Other diseases should be treated in specialized departments, and some must be operated.