What are the similarities and differences between Wang Dou's satire on Wang Qi and Zou Ji's satire?

Wang Dou came to visit Qi Xuanwang, but he deliberately did not explain his purpose. He wanted to announce Corporal Wang Lixian and rush out himself. When he met Wang Xuan, he deliberately said that he didn't dare to fight directly, and used the method of playing hard to get to mobilize the other side. Then Wang Dou grimaced directly and accused Qi Xuanwang of being a good dog, a good horse, a good drinker and a lecherous, but he was just a bad guy, facing up to his dissolute and groggy behavior, regardless of state affairs. Wang Dou used examples to demonstrate and compare, and through enumerating facts and comparative analysis, he finally made Qi Xuanwang realize that he could not really appoint talents, which was a "crime of the country". Wang Dou's argument is structured, rational and restrained, with sharp and humorous words, appropriate metaphors and vivid images.

Zou Ji's argument and analysis, from beginning to end, uses the method of metaphor argument, which is vivid in image and appropriate in metaphor, making abstract things concrete, vivid and perceptible.