The glory of the king, I will be your invincible sword. Whose line is it?

I will be your invincible sword, this is a line of Tian Lei. In addition, there are lines from Tian Lei, such as blood is thicker than blood, I will be your invincible sword, and the sharpest sword is only waved by the strongest hand in the dark. I used to be just an ordinary person. Have you ever thought that weapons have their own consciousness? Sin can't be washed away. Darkness made me.

The glory of the king guessed the answer to the hero's lines. Q: The enemy is ashamed! I'll go after him. Whose line is it?

A: Xiahou.

Q: If you lose, you win. Whose line is it to stand at attention when you are beaten

A: One hundred Li Xuan dollars.

Q: Naturally, I won't be on your side. Whose line is it?

A: Yuji

Q: There is only one truth. Whose line is it?

A: Di Renjie.

Q: I will be your invincible sword. Whose line is it?

A: Bai Qi

Q: There are hopes and miracles. Whose lines are they?

A: Xiao Qiao