Xue Xuan, a philosopher in the Ming Dynasty, once said, "Reading without thinking is like a bird flying in the wind without dying. What's the use of not knowing the words of a saint?" Indeed, reading without thinking is superficial. Reading is to make people look at the world more rationally and rationally.
I read Peter Pan when I was a child. Pan is deeply attracted by the plot and often fantasizes about a Peter in real life. How good it is for pana. So every day before I go to bed, I pester my mother to read me a passage. After listening, I made a wish: I want to be a great explorer when I grow up and find a dream kingdom like Neverland.
Gradually, gradually, I finally saw the ending, and I saw Peter who will never grow up. When Pan watched Wendy grow up and play happily with her children, but he was sad, I suddenly understood something. There won't really be a Neverland in real life. We will grow up and have troubles, but I have many. I have the love and care of many people, unlike Peter. Pan is a bystander of others' happiness.
The article conveys a rational charm in madness, symbolizing endless happiness and eternal childhood, but through reading, I understand more rationally that knowing how to love others and understand their love is the true meaning of that colorful curtain.
Reading makes people rational only because it hides all essential truths under the gorgeous wings of words, and in the process of truly understanding it, people themselves have also formed a rational leap, which makes us put aside all exaggeration and face the wave of truth and rationality.
I still remember when I was in junior high school, my teacher asked us to read Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. At first glance, I only expressed my deep sympathy for San Diego, an old fisherman, who worked hard for 85 days and finally shared it with the shark. His life was sad and touching, and I was deeply immersed in sadness.
It happened that I borrowed Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" from the library. When I gave my life for J?tunheimr, the hero who fought fascism in Spain, I was deeply shocked. When I was watching The Old Man and the Sea, I suddenly flashed a picture of Santiago, an old fisherman, fighting with sharks even though he only brought back a fish bone. I learned a strong human charm from the young Jordan and the old fisherman Santiago. "People can be destroyed, but they cannot be defeated."
The seemingly unfortunate image of the old man can be rationally regarded as a spirit of always fighting against bad luck. Even though it may be lost, as a person's dignity and persistence, we are not allowed to shrink back at all.
Reading is a process of cultivating rationality. It allows us to look at the article from a more objective and closer perspective to the author's mind and listen to the inner monologue of a wise man. Maybe the ending will not be happy, but human nature always shines. Of course, eager thinking can't compare with the sound of mountains between writing and writing. Reading makes us become rational and understand the world more attentively.
Reading "Charlotte's Web" made me see the touch of friendship, made me treat every friend more rationally, and rationally maintained the value of friendship. After reading How Steel was Tempered, Paul's lifelong pursuit of personal ideals made me look at my dream more rationally and understand that it does not conflict with reality.
Reading is a key to exploring life. The poet He Qifang once said: "Reading is translation, because no two people have the same experience. A bad reader is like a bad translator: he will translate literally when he should, but he will translate literally when he needs it. " Therefore, the process of reading just let me learn to be more rational, and see clearly what the author wants to express and spread, and what is the author's improvisation. Just like mining, reading is to understand things rationally, so as to better survive in this world.
Rationality is a choice for reading; Reading is the wisdom channel that leads me and makes me rational. I am willing to stay in front of every good book, just like the accumulation of reason keeps the truth in front of me.