2 English reference Duobaolian Southwest. Landau Chinese-English Dictionary
Shi Wei [Xiangya Medical Dictionary]
Shi Wei [Xiangya Medical Dictionary]
Shi Wei, Ye [Xiangya Medical Dictionary]
Pyrrosia, Vanilla [Xiangya Medical Dictionary]
Japanese fern leaves [Xiangya Medical Dictionary]
Committee on terminology of traditional Chinese medicine. Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2004)]
Shiller's Pyrrosia [Committee on Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine]. Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2004)]
3 overview of pyrrole
Pyrrosia is the name of traditional Chinese medicine, which comes from Shennong Herbal Classic [1]. It is the Polypodiaceae plant Pyrrosia (bak. ) green, pyrrosia (Thunb. ) Fawell or Shi Wei (Christ) Qing [2].
Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of China (PRC) (20 10 edition) records the pharmacopoeia standard of this Chinese medicine.
Latin scientific name of Pyrrosia (La) (terminology of traditional Chinese medicine (2004))
5 English name shearer's pyrrole leaf (Chinese medicine terminology (2004))
6 Pyrrosia is also known as Shipi, Shi Lan, Feijian, Golden Spoon and Monophyllum [1].
Shijiazhuang, Pyrrosia, Golden Back Teaspoon, Stone Skin, Shi Lan, Lung Heart Grass.
7 Source and place of origin Leaves of Polypodiaceae plant Pyrrosia. )Farw。 Or pyrrosia. ) Green in Lushan Mountain [1]. The former is produced in the south of the Yangtze River, while the latter is mainly produced in Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou and Sichuan [1].
8 perennial herbs, plant morphology 10 ~ 30cm high. Rhizomes are long, transverse, densely covered with brown scales, ovate-lanceolate, with eyelashes at the edge. Leaves are free, leathery, green at the top, occasionally with a few stellate hairs and pits, and the bottom is densely covered with red and yellow stellate hairs. Sterile leaves are the same type as fertile leaves or slightly shorter and wider; The fertile petiole is 5 ~ 10 cm long, the leaves are flat and lanceolate, 8 ~ 18 cm long and 2 ~ 5 cm wide, and the lower veins are slightly protruding. Sporocysts are closely and neatly arranged between lateral veins, initially covered with stellate hairs and exposed after maturity.
Born on rocks or tree trunks. Distributed in the south of the Yangtze River.
9. You can harvest all the year round. Remove rhizome and root, and dry in the sun or in the shade.
The leaves of 10 trait are slightly shrunk after flattening, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, with wedge-shaped and symmetrical base; Sporangia are closely and neatly arranged between lateral veins. The petiole is 5 ~10cm long and about1.5mm in diameter.
1 1 tastes bitter, sweet and slightly cold [1]. Into the lung and bladder meridians [1].
The main functions of 12 are diuresis for stranguria, clearing away lung heat and stopping bleeding [1]. Indications: nephritis edema, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, urinary calculi, bacillary dysentery, cough due to lung heat, bronchial asthma, hematemesis, hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematuria and metrorrhagia [1].
Diuretic for stranguria, clearing away heat and stopping bleeding. Can be used for treating stranguria, stranguria, dysuria, stranguria pain, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria, metrorrhagia, and cough due to lung heat.
13 pyrrosia usage and dosage: 6 ~ 12g [1].
14 application of pyrrosia: decoction can also relieve stranguria and stop bleeding [1].
15 chemical constituents The whole plant of Pyrrosia contains Kaempferol, Quercetin, Isoquercetin, Trifolin, Anthraquinone, Tannin, Bilactone and β-sitosterol [1]. The whole plant of Pyrrosia Lushan contains isomangiferin, fumaric acid, caffeic acid, saponin and so on. [ 1].
16 pharmacological action of Shiwei decoction has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus in vitro [1]. The concentrated solution of Shiwei Lushan decoction, isomangiferin and saponin have antitussive and expectorant effects [1].
17 Pyrrosia 17. 1 was named Pyrrosia.
Pyrrosia leaf
17.2 Source: This product is the dried leaves of Polypodiaceae plant Pyrrosia. ) green, pyrrosia (Thunb. ) Fawell or Shi Wei (Christ) clear the clouds. It can be harvested all year round, removing the rhizome and roots, and drying in the sun or in the shade.
17.3 characteristics 17.3. 1 Shiwei Lushan leaves slightly shriveled, flattened and lanceolate, 10 ~ 25 cm long and 3 ~ 5 cm wide. The apex is acuminate, the base is auriculate, entire, and the edge often rolls inward; The upper surface is yellow-green or gray-green, scattered in small black pits; The lower surface is densely covered with reddish-brown stellate hairs, and some lateral veins are covered with brown dot sporangia. Petiole has four edges, length 10 ~ 20 cm, diameter 1.5 ~ 3 mm, slightly twisted, longitudinal groove. Leaf blade leathery. Slight gas and bitter taste.
17.3.2 pyrrosia is lanceolate or rectangular, 8 ~12cm long and1~ 3cm wide. The base is wedge-shaped and symmetrical. Sporangia are closely and neatly arranged between lateral veins. The petiole is 5 ~10cm long and about1.5mm in diameter.
17.3.3 the leaves of pyrrosia longipedunculata are mostly curly cylindrical, oblong or oval after flattening, 3 ~ 8 cm long and 1 ~ 2.5 cm wide. The base is wedge-shaped and symmetrical; The lateral veins on the lower surface are not obvious and are covered by sporangia. The petiole is 3 ~ 12 cm long and about 1 mm in diameter.
17.4 identified this product as yellowish brown powder. 7 ~ 12 cells in the stellate hair body are radially arranged in an up-and-down circular shape, each cell is needle-shaped with a sharp tip, and some surfaces have longitudinal or irregular reticular texture; There are 1 ~ 9 cells in the stem. The cells in sporangium area have a flat rectangular surface. Spores are oval in polar view, kidney-shaped in equatorial view and warty on the outer wall. The epidermal cells under the leaves are polygonal, the vertical walls are beaded and the stomata are round. The fiber is long and spindle-shaped, and the cell cavity is full of reddish-brown or brown blocks;
The impurity content of 17.5 1 shall not exceed 3% (appendix ⅸ a).
17.5.2 the moisture content shall not exceed 13.0% (appendix ⅸ H first method).
17.5.3 the total ash content shall not exceed 7.0% (appendix ⅸ k).
17.6 extract shall be determined by the hot dip method under the alcohol-soluble extract determination method (Appendix X A), with dilute ethanol as the solvent, which shall not be less than 18.0%.
The content of 17.7 was determined by HPLC (Appendix VI D).
17.7. 1 chromatographic conditions and system applicability test: octadecylsilane bonded silica gel is used as filler; The mobile phase was acetonitrile 0.5% phosphoric acid solution (1 1: 89). The detection wavelength is 326 nm. The theoretical plate number should be not less than 2000 calculated by chlorogenic acid peak.
17.7.2 preparation of reference substance solution: take a proper amount of chlorogenic acid reference substance, weigh it accurately, put it in a brown volumetric flask, and add 50% methanol to make a solution containing 40ug per 1ml.
17.7.3 preparation of test solution take about 0.2g of this product powder (pass through No.2 sieve), weigh it accurately, put it in a conical flask with a stopper, add 25ml of 50% methanol accurately, weigh it, perform ultrasonic treatment (power 300W, frequency 25 khz) for 45 minutes, let it cool, weigh it again and make up with 50% methanol.
17.7.4 determination method Accurately suck the control solution and the test solution 10μl respectively, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and determine to obtain the product.
This product contains chlorogenic acid (C 16H 1809) not less than 0.20% in terms of dry product.
17.8 pieces of pyrrosia 17.8. 1 processing to remove impurities, cleaning, cutting into sections, drying, sieving and removing fine particles.
This product is in the form of silk strips. The upper surface is yellow-green or grayish brown. The lower surface is densely covered with reddish-brown stellate hairs. The lateral veins or lower surfaces of sporangium groups are covered with sporangium groups. Ye Yolanda. Leaf blade leathery. Slight gas and bitter taste.
17.8.2 Identification and test (moisture and total ash) are the same as the medicinal materials.
17.8.3 The extract and content determination are the same as those of medicinal materials.
17.8.4 Taste, sweet, bitter and slightly cold in meridian tropism. Enter lung meridian and bladder meridian.
17.8.5 Functions and indications: diuresis for stranguria, clearing away lung heat and relieving cough, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. It can be used for treating heat stranguria, blood stranguria, stranguria, dysuria, stranguria, cough due to lung heat, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria and metrorrhagia.
17.8.6 Usage and dosage 6 ~ 12g.
17.8.7 stored in a ventilated and dry place.
17.9 source: People's Republic of China (PRC) Pharmacopoeia (20 10).