Branch 1:
The temple of Wuhou was cleaned for about twenty times, and Jiang invited everyone to drink. In order, our daughters Zhu, Hongwu Liquor, Xinghua Liquor and Du Kang took two Xifeng and three Shaoxing. After drinking for half an hour, she told me that the ancestral things were lost. She asked Jin Ya and Wang Xingui of Suzhou. This time, when he learned that you were not allowed to drink, he asked the woman in yellow at the door. After learning that Lu Chengfeng bought it, Lu Chengfeng invited you to break the rumor. Here, we should first ask him the relationship between each element and the position, and find the position represented by the constraint element. After the break, I gave it to Wu Houyin, and Jiang asked you to make gold teeth. It's a little difficult here. After the break, I handed Jiang over and barely forgot.
Branch 2:
Tong Yuan, Zhaojue Temple asked you to find the peerless Buddha treasure, and then went to Miaoyuan Temple to find a surprise, but you didn't give it.
Go back to Tong Yuan. Tong Yuan wants you to steal it. Search Miaoyuan Temple, hit two waves of monsters, and surprise you with the Buddha treasure. It's useless to see it. Go back to Tong Yuan and give twelve or thirty thousand experience points.
Branch 3:
Ask Du Fu on the Tiantai Mountain. I'll give you one of the three copybooks to tell you that his life is dying soon. He went to Suzhou to find Hua, and Hua said he wanted bodhi fruit and went back to Chengdu to ask for medicine, but he didn't give it.
Ask Xiao Yaotong to change another banana, ask Hua Thirteen for the recipe and give it to Du Fu. I will win one or three random pages. I made two myself.