In thirty-six years, Mars stayed in Antares. There are meteors in Dongjun, and the ground is stone. When the first emperor died, the land was divided. When the first emperor heard this, he sent suggestions and asked them one by one, but he refused to accept them. He tried to pick up a stone to punish it because he burned it.
the biography of shin shi kyoutei
Mars invades the heart and symbolizes the emperor's disaster. A meteorite landed in Dong Jun and turned to stone after landing. Someone carved on that stone "When the first emperor died, the land was divided." When the first emperor heard about it, he sent an empire to inquire from house to house. No one confessed, so he arrested and killed everyone who lived around the stone and burned the meteorite.
All the astronomical phenomena of "Mars stays in Antares" have happened ***38 times in history. All the records of "Mars staying in Antares" in China's historical records are ***23 times. According to research, 17 times is forged. In fact, it is only a natural phenomenon that Mars stays in Antares. It is estimated that the last time Mars stayed in Antares occurred in 20 16. On April 18, Mars stayed near Antares. At this time, the right ascension is only smaller than antares 1min, and then it changes from anterograde to retrograde, and it is far away from antares. On May 30th, Mars rushed to the sun with a brightness of -65438. And at this time, soil and fire almost coincide, and Jin Mu and water almost coincide, and the two gathering points only intersect at 75 degrees, which is less than half the sky. When we appreciate that Mars stays in Antares, we can appreciate the astronomical phenomenon of planetary aggregation.