Post one first:
In middle age, there was a scholar named Ning Yin who was on vacation at the foot of Nanshan. The building has collapsed by half, and the walls are gone. Because the moon is bright at night, chanting the court. I heard the sound of knocking at the door, saying that Tao Linban had been to Chu Shi. When Yin Qi opened the door, he saw Chu Shi's majestic posture, and his words were sketchy. He said, "People in a certain field are plowmen. Work hard for an acre, which is the same as that of farmers. The nest is close, and the wind and the moon are bright. I am here to pay my respects. " Yin said, "The mountain forest is secluded, and farm tools are neighbors. The crown of the tree is deep and there are few wheels and hooves. Fortunately, it is quite comforting to see you here. " Then he came in and said, "But what about Chu Shi's career? I am willing to listen. " "When I was a teenager, my brothers competed for the first place. Every time I read "Spring and Autumn Annals", Uncle Ying takes him by the arm, hoping to help him. I can't wait to crack down on Tian Dan's plan to break Yan after reading historical records. As for the battle of Xinye, I can't wait to jump into it. These three things are pleasant, but they are not satisfied. I hate my ears today. Now that I am old and have no heir, I feel sorry for my calf. What's more, I admire Xu Ruzi's saying that' a pile of straw is born, and he is like jade'. Men are like jade, but they are not worthy. It's ironic to have a pile of raw straw. Russia also heard that Guan Guan was detained and said, "General Nan Shan Ban Yin is here to express his condolences. Hearing this, Yin showed lost face's face and said, Meeting at two o'clock is also a great comfort. Yin said, "Brother, do you know who your surname is?" "In the past, Wu Taibo was from Man Jing, and his tattoo was cut off, so he got the name Ben." Yin said, "Dude, you are crazy, but you don't know the truth. In addition, Ban's family comes from and has the image of Wen Ban. Ban's family was well-known in the Han Dynasty because of its ancestors' care, frugality and good words, and both of them were handed down from generation to generation. Later Yingjie was born and won the championship. Ban Chao threw a pen to join the army in the later Han Dynasty, and his relatives said,' You should be sealed off thousands of miles away. "After sneering, he said,' You swallow the tiger's head and fly to eat meat. Wan Li, you are also a prince. Consequences keep yumenguan, sealed for a long time. In a certain life, he was a samurai and he was in a martial arts class. Because of it, I run in the mountains. Traveling day and night, showing signs of invisibility, but stealing life. Wen Song blew the moon high, strolled outside the wall, heard you chanting, and came to pay homage. Being responsible is particularly gratifying. Yin looked at the chess game on the bed and said, "I'll play the next game with you. "I'm happy to do so. For a long time, there was no victory or defeat. Play with it and teach it one or two. Yin said, "Is your master your master?" Yin said, "If you look at a leopard in a tube, you will see it from time to time." Erban smiled and said, "There are a lot of microcomputers, and they really shot twice. "Please pour a pot to drink, and don't drink, play a few rounds. Please prepare preserved fruit for wine delivery. When the deer breast hatches, it will be over soon. Especially not ru. Yi Yin said, "Why not?" Specially said: "There are no teeth, so you can't chew. "After a few rounds, I dare not drink too much when I call it a minor illness. Yin said, "It's not easy! If there is wine like a bottle, you can learn to drink it for a long night and blush. Baoyu said, "Big Brother is from Zhong Ding." "When I sit still, I don't move. "After the second point, I drank it, but I couldn't drink it. He said, "Brother Yi is a pawn, but what's the point?" Yin said, "Dude, what's the point of suffering with a man with horns?" He said, "If I boast of my physical courage, if I deserve someone like Bian Zhuangzi, I should be pink." Yin said, "Brother praises the power of courage. If he is a skilled person, he should be regarded as a scalp ear. "There is a chest cutter in front of the fungus, which is more than a foot long. Yin said angrily, "It's better to have a ruler and a knife. Two guests can't compete, but they drink! "The two guests were terrified, especially chanting Cao Zhi's poem:" Glutinous rice is burned under the kettle, and beans are crying in the kettle. This alliance is not evil. Yin said: "As the saying goes, singing in the trees the dove means the land of Pockmarked." Everyone laughed. Yin said, "No more words, please write a poem. "Yin said," Read the clouds in the morning and watch the mountains and the moon at night. How can you learn with a knife following the tiger's tail? " Yin Jizhi said, "But if you live in the forest, you can't squat. Where to cross the river, always afraid of Liu Kun. " He said, "Nothing more than sadness and sorrow, but I am always timid. If you encounter a palace, your hoof will turn north. " Yin Lan said, "Greatness is genius. Yin was so angry that she pulled her clothes and stood up and said, "What party generation do you want?" ? There has been zebra talent since ancient times, but there is no zebra talent. And I was born three days ago, and I wanted to bite. This man stole my last name, but he doesn't talk and hurts his ears! "Then he said angrily," I can't wag my tail at your door, but I will bow and walk away. Kurt also said angrily: "The ancients emphasized white eyebrows. Now that your forehead is white, how can anyone dare to praise you?" Why are you so angry? I left. And bright, depending on the outside, only the tiger tracks the cattle. I'd rather live than realize it. I've searched for hundreds of steps. In the abandoned village, there is an old cow lying down, but still drunk, and the tiger will go into the mountains. Yin Hou didn't live here and returned to Beijing. (from "Legend")