The Ancient Sentence of Governing the Country by Benevolence and Righteousness in Shangshu

Lu has two sons, one is studious and the other is a good soldier. Good scholars use skills to make Qi Hou; Chihuna is the master of all his sons. A good soldier is Chu, and the king of Chu is Fagan; Wang Yuezhi thinks that the army is right. Ruff's family, Jue Rong's relatives. Shi's neighbor Meng, who has two sons, has the same occupation and is also embarrassed by poverty. Envy the existence of stone, because it illustrates the trend from the side. The second son told Montessori truthfully. One of Montessori's sons, Qin, used this technique to fuck the king of Qin. The King of Qin said, "Today's governors strive to serve only soldiers. If you govern the country with benevolence and righteousness, you will die. " Then go into the palace and let it go. One of the sons is a guard, defending Hou with the law. Wei Hou said, "My country is weak, but it is among the big countries. Big countries care about me, and small countries care about me, which is the way to seek security. If you rely on military power, you will be destroyed. If all return, it is suitable for other countries. It is not light for me. " Then gouge it out and give it back to Zhu Lu. On the contrary, Meng and his son beat their chests and feet and let the stone. Shi said, "Those who gain time will prosper, and those who lose time will die. Zidao is the same as me, but the merits and demerits are different from mine. It is also wrong to waste time. But things are impermanent, and things are impermanent. Used the day before, or discarded today; Discard it today or use it later. There is no clear right or wrong about this use. When the gap is reached, we should do it in the wrong way, which belongs to wisdom. If you lack wisdom, it will make you as knowledgeable as Kong Qiu and as skilled as Lu merchants. How to get there if you are not poor? Meng and his son gave up and said, "I know what I know. Don't repeat it! " 」