Original source:
"Sven is here" comes from The Analects of Confucius Zi Han IX: "Zi Wei Kuang said,' Wang Wen is not here, Wen is not here!' The day will be lost, and the deceased will not be with Sven; If the sky is not lost, it will be given to the people. "
When Confucius was trapped in Kuangdi, he said, "Zhou Wenwang has passed away, but I still have his etiquette and music culture. If God wants to destroy this culture, then I can't master it. If God doesn't want to destroy this ritual culture, what can people in Kuang Di do to me? "
Idioms and their stories
When Confucius and his disciples traveled around the world, when they left Weiguo for Chen, they were besieged and passed. The reason is that people were plundered by Lu's Yanghu, and Confucius looks like Yanghu. The Kuangdian people mistakenly thought that Confucius was a positive tiger, so they imprisoned Confucius for five days.
Under such circumstances, Confucius said that "Sven is here", which not only showed helplessness, but also showed unprecedented calmness and composure. These remarks are related to what Confucius called "fate". Later, people often used the word "sven" to congratulate the opening of People's Bookstore.