The Book of Changes first changed Lianshan Yi, then Tibetan Yi, and then Zhouyi. It is recommended to interpret the original. To some extent, the development of human society is a retrogressive process. The culture before Zhou Dynasty was Taoism, and Yi-ology also belonged to Taoism. Sages spread without words, and most of the documents that can be passed down to this day are unreadable, which can be described as Tao and Tao. Furthermore, it is suggested to be familiar with traditional Chinese characters first, and then read ancient books with the help of explanatory Chinese characters. It's not that the literature is abstruse, and the later the truth is simpler, but that later generations think more.
Zhouyi is the oldest book in China, which was written in the Western Zhou Dynasty. At first, the purpose of writing this book was to facilitate the retrieval of good or bad results when counting. In the Spring and Autumn Period, some people attached to its hexagrams to develop their philosophical thoughts. During the Warring States period, some Confucian scholars systematically sorted out a number of works explaining Zhouyi and compiled them into books. In the Han dynasty, which only respected Confucianism, Zhouyi was regarded as a Confucian classic and became the specialized knowledge of Confucian scholars, which was Yi-ology.
The classics, biography and learning of Zhouyi have always been in the core position of China feudalism, which has become the theoretical basis for people to observe the universe, exercise their thinking ability and build a philosophical system, and plays an irreplaceable role in forming the cultural characteristics of China and enhancing the cultural connotation of China. In the long history of Chinese civilization in China, Zhouyi is a book with the most profound influence on China culture, but it is also the most mysterious book.