1. The Confucius said: "Isn't it true that one should learn and practice it over time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know and is not surprised?" 2. The Confucius said : "If a gentleman is not serious, he will have no authority, and if he is learned, he will not be solid. He is loyal and trustworthy. He has no friends who are worse than himself. Don't be afraid of correcting his mistakes." 3. Confucius said: "A gentleman does not seek to be full when he eats, and does not seek peace in his home. He is quick to do things. But if you are careful in speaking, you will be right and can be said to be eager to learn." 4. Confucius said: "A gentleman is not qualified." 5. Zigong asked the gentleman. Confucius said: "First do what he says, and then follow what he says." 6. Confucius said: "A gentleman is in competition but does not compare, while a villain is in competition and does not compare." 7. Confucius said: "A gentleman has nothing to fight for, and he will shoot! Bow and give way. When you rise and drink, you are a gentleman." 8. People from Yi Feng are invited to see you. He said: "As for the gentleman, I can't help but see it." The follower saw it. Confucius said: "Two or three sons, why are you worried about mourning? The world has been without the Way for a long time, and God will use the Master as a wooden altar." 9. The Master said: "Wealth and honor are what people want, and they cannot be obtained by the Way. There is no place for it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. If you don't follow the way, you can't get rid of them. How can a gentleman become famous if he abandons benevolence? A gentleman will always violate benevolence and make mistakes. "It must be so." 10. Confucius said: "There is nothing suitable for a gentleman in the world, and there is nothing more than justice." 11. Confucius said: "A gentleman cherishes virtue, while a villain cherishes earth; a gentleman cherishes punishment, and a villain cherishes punishment." 12. Confucius said: "A gentleman is about righteousness, and a villain is about benefit." 13. Confucius said: "A gentleman wants to be slow in words, but quick in action." 14. Confucius said that a gentleman is a mean person. Man! If there is no gentleman in Lu, how can he be like this?" 15. Zi said, "There are four ways to be a gentleman: he is respectful in his conduct, he is respectful in his actions, he is beneficial to the people, and he is good to the people. "Yi." 16. Zihua sent an envoy to Qi, and Ranzi asked for millet for his mother. Confucius said: "Give it the cauldron." Please help me. Said: "With Yu." Ran Zi with 17. Su Wubing. Confucius said: "Red is suitable for riding on fat horses and wearing light fur. I have heard that a gentleman will not continue to be rich if he is anxious." I originally wanted to slaughter him, so I gave him nine hundred grains and said goodbye. Confucius said: "No! How can we be friends with your neighbors?" 18. Confucius said to Zixia: "A woman is a gentleman and a Confucian scholar, not a petty Confucian." 19. Confucius said: "Quality is better than literature, and it is wild, and culture is better than quality. The Master said: "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature and can treat people with courtesy." 21. The Master said: "I can't see the sage; I can see him." Gentleman, this is possible. "The Master said: "I cannot see a good man; if I can see that there is permanence, it is possible. It is difficult to have permanence when it is empty and full. ” 22. Chen Sibai asked Duke Zhao if he knew etiquette? Confucius said: "Know the propriety." Confucius retreated, bowed his head to the witch and horse, and came in, saying: "I heard that a gentleman is not a party, how can a gentleman be a party? You take the same surname from Wu, and call him Wu Mencius. You know the propriety, but who doesn't? "Etiquette?" Wu Ma asked. Confucius said: "Qiu Ye is lucky. If you have made a mistake, others will know it." 23. Confucius said: "Wen, don't think I am just a human being. If you behave like a gentleman, I will not gain anything." 24. Confucius said: "A gentleman is magnanimous. 25. Confucius said: "Being courteous but rude will lead to trouble; being cautious but rude will lead to chaos; being upright but rude will lead to chaos." Prosperous in benevolence; if the old is not left behind, the people will not steal it." 26. Zengzi said: "You can entrust an orphan six feet away, and you can send a message hundreds of miles away, but you can't take it away when the big day comes? ” 27. Dazai asked Yu Zigong: “How can Master, the sage, be so versatile?” You know me! I am a young man, so I can do many things. There are not many. "Zi Yun said, 'I don't want to live in Jiuyi.'" Or he said: "How can it be so shabby?" Confucius said: "How can a gentleman live there so shabby?" 29. A gentleman does not adorn himself with gauze. Hongzi does not think of underwear. When the summer heat comes, it will definitely show up. He wears lamb fur, plain fur, and yellow fox fur. Shame on Qiu Chang. Short right sleeve. Fox and raccoon dogs are so thick that they can live in them. Go to mourning and admire everything. If it is not a curtain, it will be killed. Don't hang up the crown of lamb fur. In an auspicious month, the court must obey and come to court. 30. Confucius said: "If you are advanced in ritual and music, you are a barbarian; if you are late in ritual and music, you are a gentleman. If you use it, then I will be the first." 31. Confucius said: "In terms of whether it is true or not, who is a gentleman? The person who is Zhuang is a gentleman. "Huh?" 32. Zilu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, and Gong Xihua were sitting there. Confucius said: "I don't know how long one day will last, but I don't know." Ju Ze said: "I don't know!" ’ If you know it, why? Zilu led you and said to him: "A country with a thousand chariots is spread out among the big countries, and combined with troops and troops, it will cause famine. If you do it, after three years, you will have courage and know the way." "The Master sighed. "Please! How about you? He said: "It's sixty or seventy, like fifty or sixty. If you ask for it, it will be enough for the people in three years." Such as its rituals and music, in order to wait for the gentleman. ""red! How about you? He said to him, "I don't think I can do it, but I am willing to learn it." Regarding the affairs of the ancestral temple, if you agree with me, Duan Zhangfu, I would like to be the junior prime minister.
""point! Er 33. Sima Niu asked the gentleman. Confucius said: "A gentleman is neither worried nor afraid." He said: "A gentleman is neither worried nor fearful. How do you call him a gentleman?" Confucius said: "If you look inward and feel no guilt, why should you be worried or afraid?" 34. Sima Niu worriedly said: "Everyone has brothers, but I am alone." Zixia said: "Shang heard this: life and death have destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven. 35. A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others. Within the four seas, we are all brothers. "Why should a gentleman have no brothers?" 36. Ji Zicheng said: "The gentleman is just a man of character, so why should he be a gentleman?" Zi Gong said, "What a pity!" Yes, quality is like literature. Tigers and leopards are like dogs and sheep. " 37. Confucius said: "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature and can treat him with courtesy. " 38 . Confucius said: "The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man. The villain is the opposite." 39. Ji Kangzi asked Confucius about politics and said: "If there is no way to kill, then there is the way, how about it?" Confucius said to him: "Confucius is In politics, why should we kill? If a man wants to be good, the people will be good. The virtue of a villain will be destroyed by the wind." 40. Zengzi said: "A gentleman uses his literature to make friends, and he uses his friends to support his benevolence. . " 41. Zi Lu said: "If the king of Wei is to take charge of the government, will he be the first to correct his name? : "What a shame! A gentleman is ignorant of what he does not know. If the name is not correct, then the words will not go smoothly; if the words are not smooth, then the things will not be done; if the things are not done, the rituals and music will not flourish; if the rituals and music are not flourishing, then the punishments will not be fulfilled." If the punishment is not correct, the people will be at a loss. Therefore, a gentleman's name must be spoken, and his words must be implemented. A gentleman is nothing more than careful about his words." 42. The Master said: "A gentleman is harmonious but not different. , the villain is the same but not harmonious." 43. Confucius said: "It is easy for a gentleman to do things, but it is difficult to explain. Although it is not based on the Tao, it is necessary to be prepared. " 44. Confucius said: "A gentleman is arrogant but not arrogant." 45. Nangong Shi asked Confucius: " Yi was good at shooting, and even though he was sailing, he could not die; Yu Ji was doing his work and conquering the world. "The master didn't answer, so Nangong Shi came out. The Confucius said: "A gentleman is like a human being! A virtuous person is like a human being!" 46. The Confucius said: "There are gentlemen who are not benevolent, but there are no villains who are benevolent." 47. The Confucius said: "The gentleman is the best, and the villain is the best." " 48. Zengzi said: "A gentleman cannot think beyond his position." 49. Confucius said: "A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions. Worry, the wise will not be confused, and the brave will not be afraid. "Zigong said: "Master 51. It is self-righteous." 52. Zi Lu asked the gentleman. The Master said: "Cultivate yourself to be respectful." He said: "Is that all?" He said: "Cultivate yourself to calm others." He said: "Is that all?" He said: "Cultivate yourself to calm the people. Cultivate yourself to calm the people." To bring peace to the people, Yao and Shun still made them ill." 53. Duke Ling of Wei asked Chen Yu Confucius. Confucius said to him: "The things about Zu Dou have been tasted and heard; the things about military affairs have not been learned." It will be carried out tomorrow. In Chen Jue Liang, the servants are sick and unable to thrive. Zi Lu was surprised and asked: "Is it true that a gentleman is poor?" Confucius said: "A gentleman is indeed poor, but villains are poor in many ways." 54. Confucius said: "How straightforward Shi Yu! A state with a way is like an arrow; a state without a way is like an arrow." "You are a gentleman, Zang Boyu!" If the country has the Way, then he can be an official; if the country has no Way, then he can be employed. " 55. Confucius said: "A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, conducts it with propriety, develops it as a grandson, and fulfills it with faith. What a gentleman! 56. Confucius said: "A gentleman is sick and incompetent. If he is not sick, he will not know it." 57. Confucius said: "A gentleman is ill and has no reputation." 58. Confucius said: "A gentleman seeks for himself, while a villain seeks for others." 59. Confucius said: "A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and a group does not party. " 60. Confucius said: "A gentleman does not rely on words to promote people, and he does not rely on people's words. " 61. Confucius said: "A gentleman does not seek food. Confucius said: "A gentleman should not be ignorant, but he can suffer greatly; a villain should not be ignorant, but he can be humble." 64. . Confucius said: "Please! When a gentleman asks a sick man to speak of his desire, he must respond. Qiu also heard that those who have a country and a family do not worry about being few but worry about inequality, and do not worry about poverty but worry about insecurity. There is no poverty in everyone, and there is harmony. If you have no widows, you will be safe and unfazed. If the people from afar are not convinced, then you will come here to cultivate your virtues. Now you are asking for help. If the people from afar are not convinced, you will not be able to keep it. . And I am afraid that Ji Sun's worries are not in Zhuan Yu, but within Xiao Qiang." 65. Confucius said: "There are three mistakes in serving a gentleman: speaking without words is called impatience. If you talk about it without saying it, you call it hidden, and if you don't see the color, it is called blindness." 66. Confucius said: "A gentleman has three warnings: when he is young, his blood and energy are not stable, and his warning lies in his appearance; when he is strong, his blood and energy are strong, and he is careful. It's about fighting; when you are old and your vitality is declining, you need to be careful." 67. Confucius said: "A gentleman has three fears: fear of destiny, fear of great people, and fear of the words of sages. If a villain does not know destiny, he will not be afraid. Sir, these words are insulting to the saints.
” 68. Confucius said: “A gentleman has nine thoughts: looking for understanding, listening for intelligence, looking for warmth, looking for respect, speaking for loyalty, acting with respect, doubting and questioning, thinking for anger and difficulty, and thinking for meaning.” 69. Chen Kang asked Yu Boyu, "Have you heard anything strange?" He said to him, "Weiye." Taste independence, carps tend to cross the court. He said: ‘Are you studying poetry? ’ He replied: ‘Weiye. ’ ‘If you don’t learn poetry, you won’t be able to express it. ’ The carp retreated and studied poetry. One day he will be independent again, and the carps will flock to the court. He said: ‘Do you want to learn etiquette? ’ He replied: ‘Weiye. ’ ‘If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. ’ The carp retreated and learned etiquette. Wensi both. Chen Kang retreated and said happily: "Ask one and get three. He heard poetry, heard etiquette, and also heard that a gentleman is far away from his son." " 70. In Wucheng, the Master heard the sound of string singing. The Master smiled and said, "How can I use an ox's knife to cut a chicken? Ziyou replied: "In the past, Yan also heard the masters say: 'A gentleman will love others when he learns the Tao, and a villain will be easy to do when he learns the Tao.'" ’” Confucius said: “Two or three sons! Yan Zhiyan is right. Preface to the ear of drama. " 71. The Buddha shouted, and the son wanted to go. Zilu said: "In the past, I heard from the masters that: 'A gentleman will not enter if he is close to someone whose body is not good. ’ The Buddha is leaning against the center of the Buddha’s body, and the son is walking away. How is that? Confucius said: "Yes." Yes. It is not called hard, it is polished but not phosphorus; it is not called white, it is nirvana but not pure. Why don't I eat melons? How can one be tied without eating? " 72. Zaiwo asked: "Three years of mourning have come a long way. If a gentleman does not practice propriety for three years, his etiquette will be ruined; if he does not practice happiness for three years, his happiness will collapse. The old valley has disappeared, the new valley has risen, and the drilling of flint has been transformed into fire. The period is over. Confucius said: "If you feed your husband rice and clothe him with brocade, how can you be happy with your daughter?" Said: "An." "Nv Anze will do it!" When a husband and a gentleman are in mourning, they are unwilling to eat, are not happy when hearing music, and are uneasy in their residence, so they do not do anything. Now that my daughter is safe, I will do it! "Kill me out." Confucius said: "You are not kind to me!" A child is born for three years and then escapes the arms of his parents. My husband's three-year mourning has caused widespread mourning in the world. Yu Ye, have you loved your parents for three years? 73. Zilu said: "Is a gentleman brave enough?" Confucius said: "A gentleman regards righteousness as the highest priority." A gentleman who is brave but without righteousness will lead to chaos; a villain who is brave but without righteousness will be a thief. 74. Zigong said: "Is it possible for a gentleman to be evil?" Confucius said: "There are evils: evil people who call others evil, evil people who live in low places and talk about superiors, evil people who are brave and rude, evil people who are bold and suffocating." Said: "Is there any evil in giving?" "Those who criticize evilly think they know well, those who hate others think they are brave, and those who criticize evilly think they are straight." " 75. After Zilu arrived, he met his father-in-law, who was carrying a stick with a stick in his hand. Zilu asked, "Have you met your master? My father-in-law said: "If the four bodies are not diligent, the five grains will not be separated." Who is the Master? "Plant his staff and stand. Zilu stands arched. Zhizi stays on the road, kills chickens for millet and eats them. I see his two sons. Tomorrow, Zilu will go and tell. Confucius said: "He is a hermit. "He sent Zilu to see him. Then he went ahead. Zilu said: "There is no righteousness without officialdom. The bond between elder and young cannot be abolished; the righteousness between king and minister is as good as this, why should it be abolished? If you want to clean your body, you will mess with your family. A gentleman's official position is to act righteously. It is already known that the Tao is not working. ” 76. Duke Zhou said to Duke Lu: “If a gentleman does not show favor to his relatives, he will not do it if he does not make his ministers resentful.” Therefore, if there is no big reason for the old, then we will not abandon it. Nothing can be better prepared than one person. " 77. Zixia's disciples asked Zi Zhang. Zi Zhang said: "What does Zixia mean? "Zi Xia said: "Give it to those who can, and reject those who cannot." ’” Zi Zhang said, “It’s different from what I heard: a gentleman respects the virtuous but tolerates others, praises the good but is restrained. Why should I, the great sage, not tolerate others? If I am not virtuous, people will reject me. How can I reject others? 78. Zixia said: "Although it is a small road, there must be something to behold. Going far away is afraid of mud, so a gentleman will not do it." " 79. Zixia said: " Hundreds of workers live in a house to accomplish their work, and a gentleman learns his way. " 80. Zixia said: "A gentleman has three changes: he looks at what he sees clearly, he is gentle when he hears it, and he is sharp when he listens to his words. 81. Zixia said: "A gentleman believes and then works for his people. If he doesn't believe, he thinks he is being harsh on himself. If he believes and then remonstrates, if he doesn't believe, he thinks he is slandering himself." " 82. Ziyou said: "Young men from Zixia's clan should be able to sweep, deal with, advance and retreat, and you will be fine. To suppress the end is to suppress the root of nothing. How? Zixia heard this and said, "Hey!" You've said it all! Who is the first to teach the way of a gentleman? Who is tired? For example, there are differences between plants and trees. How can a gentleman's way be falsely accused? There is a beginning and a death, and they are only saints! 83. Zigong said: "Zhou's bad deeds are worse than this." Therefore, if a gentleman lives in the lower class, all the evil in the world will end up there. 84. Zigong said: "The mistakes of a gentleman are like the eclipses of the sun and the moon: everyone sees them when they make mistakes; everyone respects them when they change." 85. Chen Ziqin said to Zigong: "You are respectful, how can Zhongni be more virtuous than Zi?" Zigong said: "A gentleman thinks he knows when he says something, and thinks he doesn't know when he says something. He must not be careless in what he says." The Master's inaccessibility is like the sky's inaccessibility. Master, when it comes to winning a state, it is said that the establishment is established, the Tao is conducted, the Sui comes, and the movement is harmonious. His life is glorious, his death is sad, how can he reach it. 86. Zi Zhang asked Confucius: "How can one enter politics?" Confucius said: "If you respect the five beauties and reject the four evils, you can engage in politics." Zi Zhang said: "What are the five beauties?" Confucius said: "A gentleman benefits without wasting money, works without complaining, desires without being greedy, is peaceful without being arrogant, is powerful without being fierce."
Zi Zhang said: "What does it mean to benefit without any expense?" Confucius said: "Benefiting the people because they benefit them, isn't this also benefiting them without any expense?" If you choose something you can do and work hard, who will complain? If you desire benevolence and gain benevolence, how can you be greedy? A gentleman has no crowd, no big or small, and no arrogance. Isn't this peaceful and not arrogant? When a gentleman straightens his clothes and looks at him with respect, he makes people look at him and fear him. Isn't this powerful but not fierce? Zi Zhang said, "What are the four evils?" Confucius said: "Killing without teaching is called cruelty; failure to discipline is called violence; being slow to follow orders is called a thief; treating others with stinginess is called being a boss." " 87. Confucius said: "If you don't know destiny, you can't be a gentleman. If you don't know etiquette, you can't stand up. If you don't know words, you can't understand people. 88. Confucius said: "Only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you are close, you will not have grandchildren, and if you are far away, you will resent them." " 89. Zixia said: "The faults of villains must be punished.