From three o'clock to five o'clock in the morning, the lung meridian is in time, and one thing must be done well, that is, to achieve a deep sleep state. After the liver renews the blood when it is ugly, the lungs transport blood throughout the body when it is yin. Therefore, in the morning, the face will be rosy and the spirit will be refreshed. At Yin Shi, the human body enters the "pulmonary detoxification period", and patients with lung diseases react strongly, with aggravated symptoms such as coughing, asthma, and fever;
At this time, the working rhythm of other organs is extremely slow, the muscles are completely relaxed, the blood pressure is the lowest, and the pulse is steady. Breathing is weakened and the blood supply to the chest is very small. This is the reason why the mortality rate of patients or the elderly is high.
The lungs complete the redistribution of qi and blood in the human body during the Yin period, and the human body is completely rested; therefore, 3-5 a.m. should be the time when people sleep the deepest (the best time for thieves to start), because the human body changes from stillness to movement. The transformation is completed through deep sleep.
If you wake up at this time, it means that the redistribution process has been advanced and the body's Qi and blood volume is insufficient. This is also the reason why the elderly wake up early.
3-5am is also the time when driving is most likely to lead to car accidents, because the human body needs to enter deep sleep to complete the redistribution of Qi and blood. At this time, except for the excitement of the lung meridian, all other organs of the human body are resting. The lowest state of rest? According to the requirements of the biological clock, the human body must rest.