Full text meaning of "Feng Fu" (Song Yu)

Author or source: Song Yu The original text of the ancient text "Feng Fu": King Xiang of Chu visited the palace in Lantai, and Song Yu and Jing were sent to serve him. A wind blew suddenly, and the king, with his lapels folded, caught it and said, "How wonderful is this wind! Is it wrong for me to have sex with the common people?" Song Yu said to him, "This is the king's wind ear. How can the common people be safe?" And the king said: "My husband's wind, the air of heaven and earth, comes freely, regardless of high or low, and adds it. How can I say that I only think of the wind of a few people?" Song Yu said to Said: "I heard from my master that Zhiju came to the nest, and the wind came out of nowhere. If the one who entrusted it is true, the atmosphere will be different." Full text translation of "Feng Fu" in modern times: King Xiang of Chu visited Lantai Palace, accompanied by Song Yu and Jing Chai . When the wind blew, King Xiang of Chu opened his clothes to face the wind and said, "How refreshing the wind is! Is this something that I and the common people enjoy together?" Song Yu replied, "This is just for you, the king." It's just the wind that people only enjoy. How can common people enjoy it with King Xiang? It blows up and down to everyone. Now you only think that it is the wind that I enjoy. Is there any reason?" Song Yu replied: "I heard this saying from the teacher, on the curved branches of the citrus tree. Birds will be attracted to make nests, and wind will be generated in the holes. Bird nests and winds appear according to different environmental conditions, so the momentum of the wind will naturally vary according to differences in environmental conditions.