Husband's yang is superior, yin is not enough to keep, yang dominates heat, but his sex is dry, his blood vessels are burned by heat, and his limbs move wildly, which makes people crazy. After the so-called yin fails to go up to its yang, the pulse is fine and sick, and it is crazy.
When Yin prevails, Yang is not enough to melt it. Yin governs cold, calms the heart, and the blood vessels are bound by cold, and the six meridians are blocked, which makes people sick. It is also true that the so-called yang is not superior to its yin, so the five internal organs are fighting each other, and it is also true that we know nothing about this. People suffering from arthralgia syndrome are characterized by obstruction of meridians, stagnation of qi and blood, and excess of yin.
Gai's "Five Qi Articles" said: Evil in Yang is madness, and evil in Yin is arthralgia, which probably means this.
Crazy is crazy because it is positive; Obstruction is joint pain because it is negative. Yang wins, evil people are in Yang, and evil is combined with Yang; Yin wins, evil people are in yin, and evil yin is combined. The combination of evil and yin and yang can be divided into madness syndrome and arthralgia syndrome according to the difference of yin and yang. For example, Su Wen Xuan Ming's Five Qi Articles said: "When evil enters Yang, it will be crazy, and when evil enters Yin, it will be paralyzed." That's what I'm saying.
Yang is superior, yin is not enough to keep, yang dominates heat, heat burns blood vessels, and limbs move wildly.
Make people crazy, that is, the so-called "yin does not go up to its yang, then the pulse is thin and the disease is crazy." There are many reasons for madness, such as phlegm-fire disturbance, excess heat of Yangming, depression of liver and gallbladder fire, etc. However, whatever causes madness, its basic pathogenesis is that evil enters Yang.
"Su Ming's Pulse Interpretation" Day: "The four limbs are the foundation of yang. Although the yang is strong, the four limbs are solid. In fact, it is also possible to climb high ... the body is hot, so I want to leave my clothes. "
Zhang Jingyue said, "When evil enters Yang, it is Yang evil. If the evil heat is strong, it will be crazy. " Fierce heat belongs to yang evil, restless. When limbs are disturbed by heat evil, they will move wildly. If the mind is disturbed by heat and evil, it will make people curse and avoid intimacy; Blood vessels are bound by heat evil, pulse is thready, and limbs move wildly. This kind of thing can lead to madness.
Yin qi is too strong, and yang qi is not enough to melt it. Yin governs cold. But the nature is static, cold evil pulls blood vessels, and the six meridians are impassable, which makes people sick. As recorded in ancient medical books: "If you can't beat the yin, your internal organs will be ignorant. People with arthralgia syndrome are caused by meridian obstruction, stagnation of qi and blood, and yin victory. "
Those with joint pain are closed. The meridian is blocked, and the disease is arthralgia if the blood gas is not good. Su Wen Bi Lun Pian said: "Wind, cold and dampness are mixed to form Bi." Cold pathogen and damp pathogen are both yin pathogens. Although wind is yang pathogen, it is combined with yin pathogen.
Yin is the dominant factor, as Zhang Jingyue said: "When evil enters the yin, it is yin evil, and when yin is abundant, the blood vessels are blocked, so the disease is arthralgia." There are different types of arthralgia syndrome, and its mechanism is nothing more than excessive yin qi and impassability of meridians.