Reason one; Although Yin Yong was abolished and put under house arrest, he was still a prince. Moreover, according to historical records, Yin Yong was abolished and gave birth to five sons, eight daughters and thirteen children. No one has been influenced by the abolition of the Prince. He is still a small royal clique, just like the other children of the Prince. After the abolition, six sons, seven sons, ten sons and twelve sons were born, and they all became auxiliary countries in the future.
Reason two; Even for a certain purpose in the future, it should be to secretly raise a son, and it can be done in the future, daughter. What was the significance under the historical conditions at that time.
Reason three; Assuming that Qin Keqing is really the widow of Yin Ren, Qin Keqing should have been born after Yin Ren was abolished, otherwise there is no need to hide it from the clan government. Qin Keqing should be at least 16 years old when he joined Jia Fu, while Yin Ren was abolished as Kangxi for fifty-one years and died in Yongzheng for two years, which means that Qin Keqing had been dead for three or four years when he married Jia Fu. Who will make this political investment?
Reason four; Liu believes that the case against Hong is the cause of Jia's downfall, which is wrong. Yin Yong Kangxi was abolished in fifty-one years. There is no need to hide it before, and it can't be hidden afterwards. Qin Keqing should have been born in this period. Qin Keqing was about twenty years old when he died, and Jiafu collapsed two years after Qin Keqing's death. Therefore, it is inferred that the death and the decline of Jia should be around the tenth year of Yongzheng to the twelfth year of Yongzheng, and nothing happened, but the case of Hong inverse happened.