Three methods of adding references to papers

Usually you need to cite references when writing a paper, so I wonder if you know three ways to add references to a paper? Let's take a look today.


HowNet, Baidu Academic

Methods 1 China hownet.


Search "China HowNet" on "360 Browser" first. China HowNet is a professional website for searching papers. You can find academic journals and papers in various disciplines.

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Paste the name of the reference you want to quote in the search bar on the homepage of China HowNet, and click "Search".

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You can return the complete information of the author, published journal, published time, etc. To view the paper, click the "Export/Cite" button in the figure.

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Click the Word symbol in the figure, and the reference will be generated in a standard format and saved in the format of a Word document. Just copy it into the paper (if there are many references cited, they can be generated together). Of course, the reference still lacks the page number information cited, which needs to be added manually, but the possibility of making mistakes is very small.

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Methods 200 degrees academic.


It is difficult for China HowNet to generate references after encountering foreign documents. At this time, you can use Baidu Academic to help.

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Enter the related literature Baidu academic page.

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Click Reference, and the top column is the reference content.

Method 3 Network Gadgets

Website/is also more convenient.

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