What are the flat bones?

Long bones: humerus, femur, tibia, fibula, ulna and radius.

Short bones: tarsal bones, wrist bones, etc.

Flat bones: most of them are flat and flat, showing a plate shape, such as parietal bones and scapula.

Irregular bone: All bones except long bone, short bone and flat bone can be said to be irregular bones. Irregular bones in the human body are mainly divided into the following two categories: ① Vertebra, that is, all the bones that make up the spine, such as cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacral vertebrae, coccygeal vertebrae, etc. ② The bones containing cavities are called air-bearing bones, such as the maxilla or ethmoid bone around the nasal cavity.

Upper limb bones include clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna, radius and hand bones.

Lower limb with bone: that is, hip bone, mainly including upper ilium, lower ischium and lower pubic bone.

Most flat bones are wide and flat, and the bones are plate-shaped, such as parietal bone and scapula. Skull includes parietal bone, frontal bone, temporal bone, sphenoid bone, occipital bone, etc., all of which are flat bones. These flat bones can protect brain tissue. The sternum, ribs and ilium that make up the pelvis are also flat bones.

The morphology of bones also includes tubular bones, irregular bones and so on. Among them, tubular bones are the most common, including the bones of limbs, the longer femur and calf bones, and the bones of fingers, all of which are long strips.