During the orthodox period of the Ming Dynasty, eunuch Wang Zhen monopolized power, abused power for personal gain and took bribes. To please him, officials from all over the world offered gold, silver and jewels. Only the governor Yu Qian is different. Every time he goes to Beijing to play, he doesn't bring gifts or money. The accompanying officials advised him: "Although you don't give money or invite dignitaries, you should also bring some local famous products, such as incense sticks and handkerchiefs."
Yu Qian smiled and raised his sleeves and said humorously, "There is a breeze!" Therefore, there is a source of remain uncorrupted. In ancient times, people put money and some light things in their sleeves. Yu Qian always said that there was a breeze in his sleeve, so as to satirize those people who had jewels, money and wanted to kiss up.
In fact, in ancient times, casual clothes were not like those in TV dramas. Their sleeves are narrow and easy to farm. If the sleeves are wide, they will be tied with ropes to facilitate labor. Only noble, powerful and pampered people will wear long-sleeved clothes all year round to show their dignity.
In fact, this is not difficult to understand. First of all, the ancients could put things in sleeves because of their special structure. There is actually a new world in the sleeves of ancient times. The sleeves of traditional clothes in China are basically wide and fat, and there is no so-called outer pocket. So the ancients sewed a dark bag in their sleeves. Generally, there is a pocket on the sleeve opposite the cuff, sewn at the elbow, with a sleeve cover on it, and this,
Things are put in the sleeve pocket, and no matter how you move them, the contents will not fall out of the small hole. They will pack some money and some light things, and of course they will put some self-defense articles. For example, the so-called "sleeve blade", "sleeve arrow" and other weapons can protect themselves just in case.
In addition, in addition to putting things in the sleeve of the net bag, the ancients also had a pocket on the inner side of the chest. Like some noble families or nobles in ancient times, their property was usually put in wallets or filled with servants.
These methods can only put some broken silver and small objects, but if it is a large piece of silver and other objects, it will still be placed in a suitcase or wallet, which can be placed on the shoulder with an opening in the middle. In ancient times, the utilization rate was still very high, and it was balanced before and after carrying it on your shoulders.
Even some clothes with wide sleeves can hide some big things. There is a story about "stealing Fu to save Zhao". In this story, the sleeve bag played a great role and even saved the fate of a country.
In twenty years, Wei Anli broke Zhao Changping's army and invaded Handan, the capital of Zhao State. Xin Lingjun's son turned to Wei for help. Wang Wei sent a general to save Zhao, but he stayed in Yecheng to camp. On the surface, he wants to save Zhao, but in fact, he wants to watch the fun.
In order to save Zhao, Xin Lingjun's son stole Wang Wei's military charm and lied about taking over, but he was suspected of being killed by a subordinate of Xin Lingjun, who hid a 40-catty iron cone in his sleeve and killed it with it. So Xin Lingjun's son took charge of the army and saved Zhao.
You can hide the sleeve of the hammer. No wonder you're hiding something else. The ancients also used him to collect books. I don't know if you know, some modern words come from ancient people hiding things in their sleeves. For example, pocket means small thing in modern Chinese. It is precisely because ancient people hid this kind of thing in their sleeves that the word pocket came into being.
The word pocket not only comes from the fact that sleeves can hide things, but also the word long sleeves is good for dancing. Modern people also say that those powerful people play tricks or something. These are all related to hiding things with sleeves in ancient times, dancing with long sleeves and standing by and not helping others.
In ancient times, not everyone could wear such robes and wide sleeves. This kind of clothing is also a kind of aristocratic clothing. In other words, there were not many things hidden in the sleeves of ancient people. It is precisely because this kind of wide clothes will give people an extraordinary sense of immortality, so everyone will not put too many things in their sleeves. They are worried that putting too many things will affect their sage like style and destroy their aesthetic feeling.