"Guan Zi Shu" is said to have been written by Guan Zhong. Liu Xiangxu said: "In the school emblem, there are 389 chapters of "Guanzi Shu", 27 chapters of Bu Gui's books of Taizhong, 41 of Chen Fucan's books, 11 of Shesheng Xiaowei's books, and 90 of Taishi's books. Six chapters, including 564 Chinese and foreign books, 484 chapters after correction and duplication, and 86 chapters in the final version. "The Han Neifu has the most teaching chapters, and according to the 86 chapters in the final version, there are 86 chapters. The number of duplicate articles is always about four times. The existing "Guanzi" is divided into eight parts: "Jing Yan", "External Yan", "Inner Yan", "Phrases", "District Yan", "Miscellaneous Chapters", "Guan Zi Jie", "Guan Zi Qingshong", "Inner Yan" The two chapters of "Wang Yan" and "Muse" are lost, the "Zhengyan Divination" chapter is lost in "Chu", the three chapters of "Yan Zhao", "Xiu Shen" and "Wen Ba" are lost in "Miscellaneous Chapters", and the "Herdsman" chapter is lost in "Guan Zi Jie" In the chapter of interpretation of divination, "Guan Zi Qing Chong" is missing, "Ask Riding Horse" is too Qing Chong" C, "Qing Chong" Geng has three chapters, and ten chapters are missing. The oldest part of the book is "Qing Yan", but some of the sentences in it belong to a very late era. Judging from the ideological content, it cannot be seen that it is a work before King Xuan of Qi. Moreover, the ideas in the book are very complex, and new and old materials are mixed together. It seems that it was not written by one person. Probably Mr. Jixia took the name of Tu Zhong to show his self-respect, and the main ideological factions belonged to Taoism and Legalism. Therefore, "Hanshu·Yiwenzhi" was classified as Taoist, and "Suishu·Jingjizhi" was classified as Legalist. Among the chapters, the two chapters that most show the foundation of Taoist thought are the first and second chapters of "Xin Shu" and the "White Heart" and "Neiye". "Neiye" explains the meaning of Tao, and "Xin Shu" and "White Heart" explain how to rectify names and prepare methods according to Tao. These articles are probably Taoist scriptures recited by Jixiadi Taoists.