How to make a family tree in word? The organizational structure is up and down, how can it be controlled?
It depends on the pedigree you want to express. It also depends on what version of word you are using. I use the 20 10 version at home. Other versions are unclear because tests are not installed. But it is usually plugged in. In version 20 10, it can be done in smartArt. Generally, the hierarchical structure diagram is adopted. Inside, you can choose any seat to insert the structure you want. It is estimated that other versions are the same. Moreover, such a structural diagram can change the direction. You should be able to solve any problem you want. (I don't know what version you are, there should be some floating toolbars, and most of the modification options will be in such floating toolbars. If there is no version above 2007, the design toolbar will appear directly on it and can be handled in it. )