Description format of references: periodical author, title [J], publication name, publication year, volume (issue): page numbers. Monograph author. Title (m) version (the first version is not recorded). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page numbers. Author, title [C], editor, title of meeting minutes, place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting and ending page numbers. Title of dissertation author [D] Save location Save unit year.
Title of the patent document [P]. Types of national patent documents and publication date of patent number. Standard number standard name. Newspaper writer. Title. Newspaper name. Publication date (version). Report author title [R] year of storage place. Author of electronic document. Title [Identification of electronic document and carrier type] Document source and date.
Type of reference: periodical. [Format] [Serial Number] Author. Title]. Title, year of publication, volume number (issue number): starting and ending page numbers. Monographs. [Format] [Serial Number] Author. Title [m. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page number. Newspapers. [format] [serial number] author's title [N]. Name and publication date (edition) of the newspaper.
Prose. [format] [serial number] author title [C]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting page number. Papers. [Format] [Serial Number] Author. Title [D] Place of publication: depositor, year of publication: starting page number. Research report. [Format] [Serial Number] Author. Title [R]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting page number. [Format] [Serial Number] Date of promulgation of the name of the company's regulations. Original author of the translated work [format] [serial number]. Title [M]. Translation, translation. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page number.