I have a description of Zhuge Liang in the history of the Three Kingdoms. I hope you are satisfied.
Chen Shou's History of the Three Kingdoms: Zhuge Liang is also concerned about the country, comforting the people, showing etiquette, appointing people on their merits, obeying the power system, being sincere and fair; Although those who are loyal to the times will get revenge, those who violate the law and neglect their duties will be punished by their relatives, those who confess their feelings will be released, and those who are eloquent will be slaughtered. Good without reward, evil without fiber without degeneration; Ordinary things are concise, based on physics, with real responsibility for fame and fortune, hypocrisy and contempt; Finally, people who are afraid and love each other in the national territory, although the criminal law is harsh and there is no complaint, are trying to persuade them clearly. It can be said that he is a talented person who knows how to govern the country, and he is a horse of Xiao. But after years of mobilization, it still failed, and the cover strain will be slightly, which is not its strength!