The Sha Feng on the left and right sides of the acupoints rises and falls, one layer is higher than the other, and the standard flutters, holding the left and the right. The word "mountain" crosses, and the writing peak is revealed after the case. In this game, the water goes from left to right, the nozzle is covered with sand and lions, and hieroglyphs are locked on both sides. After being buried here, you will be the prime minister. The old prime minister was surprised and asked, "Who is lucky to live there?" The master said, "Old Master Xiang should ask my emperor to stay at home for three days when he is ill. Your subordinates will certainly come to greet him. I will hide behind the curtain and watch. When the blessed man appears, I will give him this place. "Hearing this, the old prime minister thought this method was wonderful and applied it according to law.
During the three days when I was ill, officials of all sizes came to meet me, from royalty to the country, to the country, to the country, to the country, to the society, watching behind the scenes. Visible people either have no happiness to enjoy, no virtue to live, or no greater happiness. They also said, "Even if these people are buried here, they will not enjoy happiness, but will bring disaster." Just as they were sighing, a servant's announcement suddenly came from outside the door, saying that the old Prime Minister was about to refuse. Master Hongzhi said, "Your lordship is here, please summon him quickly." After listening, Obsidian Prime Minister summoned Gan Yuan. It turns out that Gan Yuan Obsidian didn't come to visit the Prime Minister, but asked for leave. The Prime Minister was upset when he heard Master Hongzhi say from behind the curtain, "This man is on an equal footing with you. Don't neglect him. This place belongs to him. "
The Prime Minister was about to speak when Yuan frowned and said, "My ancestral grave is in Luoyang, and my father passed away this year. Please allow me to ask for leave to go home and say goodbye. " (According to the Book of Rites, "The deceased was buried at home, and when the ceremony was held, future generations, relatives and friends all went to the grave to say goodbye"). So the old prime minister told Obsidian what Master Hong had said, and asked Obsidian to go back with the Master to help him get a Hozoin to bury his relatives.
However, Gan Yuan declined politely. "I am an honest official, and my family is poor. I don't have the money to buy such a good treasure house of Feng Shui, and I am not qualified to ask Master Hongzhi to bury my relatives." Under the repeated refusal of Gan Yuan Obsidian, the Prime Minister and Master Hongshi could only sigh, and Gan Yuan Obsidian went home by himself.
Two years later, Master Hongzhi visited Luoyang Road again, closed the gate, visited Gan Yuan Obsidian's hometown and asked him the location of his ancestral grave. This is really a miracle. It turned out that Gan Yuan Obsidian's father's grave was buried in the acupoint that Master Hongzhi wanted to give him two years ago. Master Hongzhi's eyes lit up and his brain rang.
So I opened the compass and stood up straight to remove the sand. Looking ahead and looking back, I sighed in my heart: "It's really natural, and the blessed will have a blessed land." Moreover, in the hall, the place where they should have fallen has now fallen, the place where they should have risen has also been cultivated, and the place where they should have gone has been removed. When master Hongzhi returned, he told the truth of the matter to the old prime minister and said, "God helps the source to make a fortune!" " "
After the source, the dried obsidian fruit was promoted from silence to prime minister, and its rapid development was only 20 years' effort.