〔〈Kaiyuan Divination. 3〉〕The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty (Yao) had a seedling, and asked people: "I heard that when there were seedlings, it rained and blood stained my clothes. Is there such a monster?" The man said, "It's not a monster. If there are seedlings, those who punish and admonish them have no respect." When the power is withdrawn, it is like a beetle, so the ear is lost." [Kaiyuan Zhanjing. 6〉〕Three seedlings sometimes struggle with the sun.
["Taiping Yulan" 4] When there are three seedlings, there is no sun in three months.
["Art and Literature Collection" III, "Taiping Yulan" Twenty-seven and Seventy-two, "Lu Shi. In the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Xia Dynasty, during the reign of Jie, there was water from the Cen Mountain. Jie ordered the people to dig mountains and cut through the tombs in the tenth month to connect the river. The people advised: "Mengdong dug out the mountains and cut through the tombs, which is where the wind is released." "If the emperor loses his way, he will be defeated later." Jie killed him. (The case "History of the Road" quotes "Jie thought he was a monster and killed him.") During the period, once Cen Mountain collapsed into a large swamp, the water was nine feet deep, and the mountain covered the valley, with the upper part being below. (The case "History of the Road" quotes the following twelve characters "water is deep", and there is also a sentence of "Old advice to fight.") Tang led the princes to attack them. [p> Bird by bird. The people admonished: "This is the sixth month of the year when the heavenly affairs are taking over and the earth is nourishing. In the middle of summer, the people are chasing birds, but Yuan Yuan's life is hanging in the wild. The emperor has lost his seedlings in one day, but the people have not eaten for a hundred days. The emperor has lost his power. "Tao, there will be no happiness in the future." Zhou punished him with evil words. A few months later, there was a storm and the house was damaged.
["Taiping Yulan" 642] King Wen asked the Taigong: "The world has lost its way, and those who loyally advise will die. My son Boyi was tested as the king's servant jade, and he cooked it for no reason. He was imprisoned. Yu Youli gave me his soup. "["Taiping Yulan" 336] Weapons can be used to defend the country. The grass is his bow and crossbow, the pick and hoax are his spears and halberds, and his hat is his hat. Its pocket is a sword, and its sickle and ax are its attacking tools.
["Taiping Yulan" 339] King Wu said: "At the time of the Five Emperors, there were no weapons to defend the war. How can the country survive?" Taigong said: "The weapons to defend the war are all there. Among the people, those who work on the grass are their bows and crossbows, those who use hoes and climbers are their spears and halberds, those who use furrows and hats are their weapons, their sickles and axes are their weapons of attack, and those who use chickens and dogs are their drums and drums. "Beitang Shuchao" 87, "Yiwen Leiju" 88, "Taiping Yulan" 532, "Shi Lei Fu" note 25] King Wu asked the Taigong: "There are many spirits in the world. , (The "Yi Wen Lei Ju" and "Shi Lei Fu" annotations cited "spirit" as "神来", and "Beitang Shuchao" quoted "zhong" as " " (simplified).] I'm afraid there will be another trial in the future. "Why should we treat it?" Master Shangfu said, "Please plant a locust tree inside the Wang Gate and build a wall from the West Tower on the right side of the Wang Road." Offer preserved wine and food as sacrifices, and call him the guest of honor. "The guest has something unusual, so he first speaks to him and orders Taigong to greet the guest, saying: Those who are helpful to the guests will come in, and those who will be unhelpful will stay away." The quotation is "Rushe said Rushanke's edict, those who enjoy the benefits. The word "Ji" is suspected to be forged, "Yi Wen Lei Ju" quoted the same as "Taiping Yu Lan".) The year is called floods and droughts, and with the wind and rain, the river flows all the way,
Annotation of "Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Guangwu Ji", "Yiwen Leiju" 20, "Selected Works of Women's History", "Taiping" "Yu Lan" four hundred and thirty, another four hundred and fifty-nine, and another five hundred and ninety-three.] King Wu asked his master Shangfu, "Can you hear the commandments of the Five Emperors?" The master Shangfu said (case "Yilin"). "Quoted as "Tai Gong said"): "Huang Di said: I am worried about the people, and I am afraid that I will not come to court in the evening, so the Jin people keep their mouths shut and be careful about what they say.
The people of Yao are vibrating like this. Facing the abyss. (The "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" notes: "The Yellow Emperor is as worried as if he were facing the abyss.") The residents of Shun are as cautious as walking on thin ice, and the residents of Yu are as dissatisfied as the sun. "Yi Lin" quoted as "If you are afraid of being dissatisfied") Tang residents, fearful and afraid to stop. I heard that the Tao is born from the small, and the disaster is caused by the small. Be careful about the end and the beginning, and the integrity is like a golden city. Ji, if righteousness conquers desire, you will prosper. If you are careful every day, your life will be safe." ["Taiping Yulan" 590] King Wu said: "I follow the advice of my master because I am cautious. I keep this inscription to warn myself. The inscription on the crown is "Chong". If the body is not upright, it will be a fault of morality. (The case "Taiping Yulan" 403 is quoted as "virtue leads to blessings, and the failure of virtue leads to failure.", and the 122 "Beitang Shuchao" quotes the same.) Shu Jing said: Use a mirror to reflect yourself, Then you will know the good and the bad. The Shu Cha said: "It is urgent to carry people; it is unreasonable to take things in vain." [Note from "Book of the Later Han Dynasty"] King Wu said: "I want to create a command for living. Take care of your body. The Book of Ji says: There is no need to forget about danger, and there is no need to forget about death. The two of them will lead to no harm. The Book of the Stick says: There is no need to be obedient when assisting others, and there is no blame for supporting others. "["Taiping Yulan" 1] One hundred and eighty-three〕The book of the door says: When meeting guests, there is no distinction between high and low.
〔"Taiping Yulan" one hundred and eighty-four〕The book of the household says: If you are afraid, people will be afraid of you. .
〔"Taiping Yulan" 188〕Wan Zhi's book says: Peep and examine, and think about what you have learned, you can think about what you have forgotten.
〔"Taiping Yulan" 184〕The key book says: Watch carefully in the dark, and observe the mistakes deeply.
["Ji Xue Ji" 21, "Yi Wen Lei Ju" 58, "Taiping Yu Lan" 650, "Shi Lei Fu" Note 15] The research book says: Graphite According to this, (there are two words "erhei" under the annotation of "Shi Lei Fu".) Evil intentions and slanders cannot be tainted.
["Yi Lin" 1] Shu Feng: A moment of patience will heal your body.
["Yi Lin" 1] Book Knife: The knife is so sharp that nothing can be done for you to open it.
〔"Yilin" 1〕Shujing: The source is slippery (gurgling), and it will disappear if there is a continuous drought; things should be done in a regular way, and the gifts should be collected in an orderly manner.
["Beitang Shuchao" 125, the text has been forged] The halberd of the crossbow is the wing, and the book of the crossbow is seen running. A talented person who travels far away is the same as a martial artist.
["Taiping Yulan" 633, the case "Beitang Shuchao" 30 quotes the six words "rewarding one person, tens of millions of joy". ) If you reward one person and a thousand people are happy, reward him; if you reward two people and thousands of people are happy, reward him; if you reward three people and the three armies persuade you, reward him.
["Taiping Yulan" 647] If you kill one person and a thousand people are frightened, kill him; if you kill two people and the ten thousand people are moved, kill him; if you kill three people and the army is shaken, kill him. Kill it.
〔〈Selected Works. Liu Xiaobiao. Notes on "The Theory of Guangdong Severance of Diplomacy": To be humble to one person and to be superior to ten thousand people. King Wu said: Please bring the gold plate.
["Yi Lin"] King Wu asked Taigong: "Yin has lost three of its people, can we attack it now?" Taigong said: "I heard this: Those who know Heaven will not blame Heaven, and those who know themselves will not blame Heaven. Those who blame people will prosper if they plan first and later, and those who fail to take advantage of God will suffer the consequences; if the time is not right, they will suffer the consequences. , Winter ice can be released.
Note from "Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Biography of Yuan Shao". Note from "Selected Works of Literature by Yuan Shao in Yuzhou". The present sea and inland areas have been sunk in the Yin Dynasty for a long time, so why rush to the Yuan Dynasty?
["Beitang Shuchao" 144, 152, "Ji Xue Ji" 2, "Art and Literature"? "Ju" 2, "Selected Works. Xue Fu" annotation, "Kaiyuan Zhan Jing" 113, "Taiping Yulan" 12, 859, 882, "Taiping Guangji" 29 11. Note 3 of Shi Lei Fu: King Wu conquered Zhou and capitalized on Luoyi. (There is the word "Wei Cheng" under the note of "Selected Works. Xue Fu".) The gods in the sea said: "Today, the king of Zhou is a sage. It has won the hearts of the people! Beware of the wind and rain that come with the four seasons. (The "Beitang Shuchao" quotes the following twenty-four words for "Hai Nei", which is suspected to be false.) "It was cold, rainy and snowy for more than ten days, and it was more than ten feet deep. On the first day of the Jiazi period, five husbands were riding in chariots and horses. They stopped outside the gate with two horses and wanted to pay a visit to King Wu. King Wu would not come out to see him, but Taigong said: "No. The snow is more than ten feet deep, and there is no trace of the chariot and rider. He may be a saint." The king sent Taishi Shangfu to thank Wu Husband and said: "We are lucky to be here. If you miss something, don't ask first. "Fang Xiu Dharma Clothes." Taishi Shangfu ordered someone to hold a container of porridge, opened the door, entered five carriages and two horses, and said: "The king is here, and there is no intention." (The case "Taiping Yulan" is quoted as "The late king" The doctor is here, but he has not come out to the emperor.") "It was cold in the sky, so he ate hot porridge to keep out the cold. I don't know where the elders and young ones came from? The two cavalry said: "First come the Lord of the South Sea, then the Lord of the East Sea, then the Lord of the West Sea, then the Lord of the North Sea, then He Bo, Yu Shi, and Feng Bo." After the porridge was finished, the envoy told Shang Fu, who said to King Wu: "We are guest. It can be seen that there are five chariots and two horses, the god of the four seas, He Bo and Yu Shier." The king said, "Is there any name?" He said, "The god of the South Sea is called Zhu Rong, the god of the East Sea is called Gou Mang, and the god of the North Sea is called Xuan. Ming, the god of the West Sea is called Liaoshou. He Bo's name is Feng Yi. (The case "Historical Records. Feng Chan Shu" "Zhengyi" is cited as "Feng Xiu", and the old note in "Selected Works. Si Xuan Fu" is quoted as "He Bo's surname is Feng Mingxiu". ".) Yushi's name is Yong, Feng Bo's name is Auntie. Please call all the visitors by their names. "King Wu was in the hall, paying homage to His Highness, and blessings came in outside the door. The five gods were all shocked, looking at each other and sighing! Zhu Rong paid homage to King Wu and said, "The sky is coming from afar." Why tell him? They all said: "Heaven is attacking Yin and establishing Zhou Dynasty. I am here to accept the order. I would like to order Feng Bo and Yu Master to carry out their respective duties." Before it was over, there was a violent wind and rain, and the thunder and lightning were invisible. The Taigong said: "Good. The thunder and lightning are our troops moving to respond to the sky." ["Taiping Huanyu Ji" 25] King Wu defeated Zhou and arrived at Fenghuang Pi. untie.
["Art and Literature Collection" Fifty-Nine, "Selected Works. Wu Jizhong. Quoted from the annotation of "Book of Princes of the East", "Taiping Yulan" 139, 349 and 739, "Shi Lei Fu" Note 13) King Wu attacked Yin, but Marquis Ding did not towards. Shang's father painted Marquis Ding and shot him in his thirties. Dinghou's illness was serious, so he asked people to divination, and the evil spirit was in Zhou. He was afraid, so he sent an envoy to ask King Wu for help. He wanted the whole country to be a captive, and King Wu agreed. Grand Master Shangfu then used the day A and Yi to pull out the head arrow, Bing and Ding to pull out the eye arrow, Wu Si day to pull out the belly arrow, Geng and Xin day to pull out the stock arrow, Ren Gui day to pull out the foot arrow, and said to the envoy: "Return. I have already Tell the gods, I have sent people to the front of Marquis Ding. Please don't go back. I'll take care of you when the envoy returns." After the envoy returned, Marquis Ding recovered from his illness. When the barbarians from all over the world heard about it, they were all afraid, and each came to pay tribute according to his position. The Yue Shang clan offered white pheasants and re-translated them.
["Yi Lin" 1, "Taiping Yulan" 366] King Wu Pingyin also asked the Taigong: "Now the people are not at peace, and the sage has not been determined, what about it?" Taigong said : "There is no newness for no reason, just like the sky is like the earth. If you get the wealth of Yin and cooperate with the people of Yin, the merchants will get their business and the farmers will get their fields. If you see a tree, you will not understand, if you hear with one ear, you will not be able to hear, and if you take a step, you will not be able to do it. Select the worthy ones to take over, and everyone from top to bottom will find their own place." ["Beitang Shuchao" 49] If the prime minister does not enrich the country and secure the ruler, regulate yin and yang, harmonize the ministers, and bring happiness to all the people, then I am not the prime minister.
〔〈Selected Works. Liu Zijun. Move the book to Dr. Taichang's Note: Madam can succeed, but it's hard to worry about the beginning.
〔〈Selected Works. Sima Changqing. Note on the letter to admonish hunting, "Ruan Yuanyu." Writing for Cao Gong and Sun Quan's Note: The wise man sees the omen before it appears, and the wise man avoids the danger before it is revealed.
["Beginner's Notes" 7] In the spring of March, the fighting star is Tianguan. War: With your back to Tianguan and towards Tianliang, the enemy is unstoppable.
["Beginner's Notes" 7] In the winter moon, Kuixing is the sky pass.
〔"Taiping Yulan" three hundred and ninety.
The case "Yu Lan" quotes the "Huang Lan" as saying: "From "Tai Gong's Golden Chamber".", "Lu Shi." Later Chronicles: Five Clouds: It is said in the world that the Taigong was a man of gold, "Tai Gong's Golden Chamber", the Duke's words to King Wu were written by the Yellow Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. 〕The inscription of the Jin man says: There is a Jin man Yan San in front of the right steps of Zhou Tai Temple. He keeps his mouth shut, and inscribes on his back: I am a man of ancient times who speaks carefully, so I should be careful. Don't talk too much, don't bother. Talking too much can lead to failure, and many things can cause many harms (see Liu Xiang's "Shuo Yuan" and "Confucius' Family Language. Observation of Zhou").