"Zhou Li" Zhou Li·Autumn Litigation Bandits Fifth (4)

Chu's palm removes phlegm. The great sacrifices of every country make the state incapable of getting rid of the dead, and those who are imprisoned are left to their own devices, and those who are brutally subdued are allowed to live in the countryside. The same goes for masters and distinguished guests. If someone dies on the road, he is ordered to be buried and placed in a memorial, and the sun and moon are recorded on him, and his clothes and utensils are given to the local officials to treat him. He is in charge of the ban of all countries.

Yong's palm ditches, ponds, and ponds are prohibited. Anyone who harms the country's harvest will benefit the people by using traps, ditches, and ditches in the spring order; Forbidden Mountain is the sink of Yuanze.

The Ping family controls the water ban in the country. A few drinks, but no wine, no Sichuan tourists.

The Siyuan family controls the night time. Use the stars to divide the night, use the edict to prohibit night warriors, guard those who travel in the morning, and those who travel at night, and those who travel at night.

Si Xuan's family, with the palm of his hand, took the bright fire to the sun, the bright water to the moon, and used the bright tombs and candles for sacrifice to draw the bright water. The major events of every country involve burning candles in tombs and burning in courtyards. In the middle of the spring, the wooden douo was used to repair the fire and was banned in the country. Military, repair fire ban. If the country is in ruins, it will be clear.

The Tiaolang family wields a whip to drive forward. When the king comes in and out, eight people line the road, the duke, six, the Hou Bo, four, and the son, two. Whenever you swear, hold the whip to move forward and order. Swearing to be a servant, You said to kill, swearing to control, saying that it was a chariot, swearing to the doctor, saying that he dared not to shut down, and whip him five hundred times. The oath to the master is three hundred, the oath to the great history of the country is to kill, and the oath to the minor history is Mo.

Those who cross the forbidden path are the same as those who pursue military revolution and those who are employed in the country. If there is a reason for the state, then the order will be to protect the relationship between each other. There are only a few people who are dedicated.

Ming's palm is set in an arc. Make a trap to attack ferocious beasts, and use spiritual drums to drive them away. If you capture the beast, offer its hides, teeth, and bedding.

Shu's palm removes the poisonous poison and attacks it with the Jiacao of Shuoyu. If you want to drive away the poison, order it and compare it.

The Xue family attacks the stinging beasts with their palms, and each of them fires them with their own things, offering their precious leathers at the right time.

The Ye family attacked the fierce birds with their palms, and each used objects as matchmakers to pick them up and offer their feathers at the right time.

Zha's palm attacks vegetation and forest foothills. When summer comes, make the Yang wood fire. When winter comes, peel off the shady trees and water them. If you want it to transform, then Spring and Autumn will change into water and fire. Anyone who attacks wood controls his government orders.

Nagi's palm kills grass. When spring comes, it sprouts, when summer comes, it fades, when autumn comes, it grows tall, and when winter comes, it grows soft. If you want it to be transformed, use water and fire to transform it. He holds the order to kill grass.

The 硩蔟 clan covers the nest of the young bird with the palm of its hand. According to the prescription, the number of the tenth day, the number of the tenth day, the number of the second month, the number of the tenth year, the number of the twenty-eight-star number, and go to the nest in the county.

Jian's palm removes beetles in order to attack them. Smoking it with grass is like a poison to common people.

The Chihuang family removes the walls of the house. Attack it with mirage charcoal and sprinkle poison with ashes. Get rid of the civets in every cracked house.

The Grasshopper's palm removes the frog strider. If you burn the chrysanthemums and sprinkle them with ashes, you will die. Cover it with its smoke, and all water insects will be silent.

Hu Zhuo's Palm removes water bugs. Use cannons, earth and drums to drive them away, and use burning stones to throw them. If you want to kill its god, use a mule to penetrate the elephant's ivory and drown it. Then the god will die and the abyss will become a mausoleum.

Ting's palm shot at the young bird in the country. If you don't see any birds or beasts, use the bow to save the sun and the arrow to save the moon to shoot at them at night. If it is a god, then shoot it with the bow of Great Yin and a useless arrow.

He was named Mei clan and was in charge of Sixiao. The great sacrifice of the country is forbidden and no noise is allowed. Those who serve in the military and field service, those who command titles, those who are forbidden to clamor and sigh in the country, and those who sing and cry in the way of the country.

The great sacrifice of the country in charge of the Yiqi family is full of salt. In the army, those who have been awarded the rank are given the staff, the King's toothed staff.

Da Xingren handles the etiquette and etiquette of distinguished guests in order to get close to the princes. In the spring dynasty, the princes were concerned with the affairs of the world; in the autumn, they went to court to compare the merits of the states; in the Xia dynasty, they expressed the world's achievements; in the winter, they were to assist the princes' concerns. At the right time, he will issue bans in the four directions, Yin Tong will administer the government of the world, he will hire people at the right time to keep the good of the princes, Yin Tiao will eliminate the country's embarrassment, he will inquire about the ambitions of the princes at leisure, return favors to hand over the blessings of the princes, and celebrate the celebrations. To praise the happiness of the princes, and to make up for the disasters of the princes. Use nine instruments to discern the orders of the princes, wait for the ministers and nobles, and treat their guests with courtesy from the same country. The gift of the Lord is to hold a nine-inch henggui, to borrow a nine-inch silk reel, to wear a crown with nine chapters, to build a permanent nine-piece, to have a nine-inch fan, to carry nine chariots, to carry nine people, and to present nine prisons. When he was in court, there were ninety steps between the guests and the host. They stood as chariots and escorted five people. Three coins were given to the generals in the temple. There are nine offerings of food, nine acts of food, five accumulations of money in and out, three questions and three services. The rites of the princes include holding a seven-inch Gui Gui, seven-inch reels, seven-inch crowns, seven-piece crowns, seven-year-old tassels, seven-year-old chariots, seven-inch carriages, and seven-year ceremonial rituals. In the court position, there are seventy steps between the guests and the host. They stand in front of the sick. Four people are expelled. Three coins are shared in the temple. One of the king's gifts is naked and brewed. Seven food gifts are offered. Seven food gifts are raised. Four places are placed in and out. Ask again. Work harder. The uncles hold the bows and bows, and everything else is like the courtesy of the princes. The masters held the five-inch grain biscuits, five-inch reels, five-inch crowns, five-piece crowns, five-piece tassels, five-inch chariots, five carriages, and five prisons. In the court position, there are fifty steps between the guests and the host. They stand as a carriage scale. There are three people in the temple. Three coins are given to the generals in the temple. One of the king's gifts is undressed. Five offerings of food are given. Five gifts of food are given. Three places of entry and exit. One question. , Yi Lao. The men hold the bamboo jade, and the rest are as etiquette as the disciples. All orphans of a big country, holding leather and silk cloth to succeed the king of a small country, go in and out of Sanji, do not ask, ask for help, go to the throne in front of the chariot, do not exchange relatives, have no ministers in the temple, and offer wine to the king, and the others are the kings of the small country. .

All ministers of the princes are treated with the same etiquette as their kings. The following and other senior officials are all like this. The territory of the country is a thousand miles wide, and the outer side of it is five hundred miles away, which is called the marquis' clothes. When you see them at the age of one, you pay tribute to them; and the outer side is five hundred miles away, which is called Dianfu. When you are two years old, you see them, and they pay tribute to your concubines; and It is five hundred miles away, and it is called a man's clothing. When he is three years old, he sees it, and he pays tribute; and when he is five hundred miles away, it is called a clothes suit. When he is four years old, he pays tribute to him; and when he is four years old, he sees it, and he pays tribute. Inside, it is called Weifu, and when you see it at the age of five, you pay tribute materials and goods; and when it is five hundred miles away, it is called Yaofu, and when you see it at the age of six, it pays tribute goods; outside the Kyushu, it is called the Fan Kingdom, Shiyi See, everyone takes their precious treasure as their own. The reason why the king assists the princes of the country is that he can be saved at the age of three, he can be seen at the age of three, he can be seen at the age of five, he can be called Xiangxu at the age of seven, and he can give orders and resign his orders; he can give orders at the age of nine, and he can listen to the sound of the book. When he was one year old, on the Darui Festival, he had the same measurement, the same prison ceremony, the same number of utensils, and the cultivation of rules. At the age of twelve, the king patrolled the Yin Kingdom. In the affairs of kings among princes, distinguish their positions, correct their duties, follow their etiquette, and see them as guests. If there is a big funeral, the ministers will be ordered to pay tribute to the princes. If there is a major event in the four directions, accept its currency and listen to its words. All feudal lords have good relations with each other. They ask each other every year, recruit each other in Yin Dynasty, and pay homage to each other in the world.