In the first year of Chenghua (1465), General Yansui's government was able to catch up with and attack Hetao people, and the emperor issued a decree to reward them. Wang Fu thinks it is not appropriate to go to 700 miles, and he is worried that disputes will arise because he hopes to succeed unexpectedly. Please tell him by decree. The emperor thinks he is right. Be promoted to Shangshu.
Chen Jue was originally a painter. By the time of his death, nephew Chen asked to inherit 100 households. Wang Fu said: "It is the order of the first emperor to carry on the family line, but it is not a meritorious military service and should not be allowed." So stop it.
When children invaded the border, the emperor ordered Wang to return to Beijing to inspect Shaanxi border guards. From Yansui to Gansu, observing the terrain, he suggested: "Yansui starts from the bank of the Yellow River in the east and reaches Dingbianying in the west, lingering for more than 2,000 miles. All the risks are in the mainland, but there is no barrier outside, only relying on the dock to defend. But the army is stationed inside and the people live outside. Once the enemy entered the customs, the loyal subjects did not act, and the people were plundered. Coupled with the southwest to Qingyang, more than 500 miles apart, the bonfire can not be connected. The bandits came and people didn't know. Please move 19 fortresses such as Fugu and Xiangshui and put them in important places near the frontier. And from Anbianying to Qingyang, from Dingbianying to Zhou Huan, building a pier every twenty miles is 34 * *. Trenches and city walls are built with the terrain, so that they can hear each other quietly and facilitate defense. " After the throne was presented, the emperor followed his advice.
Wang Fu was reassigned to the Ministry of Industry. Wang Fu strictly abides by laws and regulations, and his reputation exceeds that of the Ministry of War. At that time, China officials asked to build a cloister in the northwest of the imperial city, and Wang Fu proposed to postpone it. Gao Fei also said that disasters are frequent, so it is not appropriate for 10,000 people to do useless things. The emperor will not allow it. The officer in charge led Tengxiang Siwei and asked for a cotton coat and shoes and trousers. Wang Fujian refused, saying, "These things were originally made by the imperial court for the soldiers who went to war, so that they could leave today without bothering to sew them. The Beijing army supplies cloth and cotton for winter clothes every year. This is an established system. How can I change it? " In response to the death of French King Gershbar, China officially requested the construction of temples and towers. Wang Fu said: "All benevolent French kings only build towers, not temples. This system should not be created now. " So he just ordered the tower to be built, or sent 4 thousand soldiers to serve him.
Wang Fuxi likes to learn ancient books, abides by the rules of honesty and restraint, has no talent for dealing with people, is an official and knows everything, and has worked in the Ministry of Industry for 12 years. In the face of disaster, the admonition officer said that he was old and Wang Fu asked to retire. The emperor won't allow it. Two months later, the admonition officer impeached Wang Fu again. Then the emperor issued a decree ordering him to resign and go home. After his death, he was given Prince Taibao and Mi Hao Zhuang Jian.
2. Guo Dan, whose name is Shao Qing, was born in Nanyang.
His father was young, became emperor, was the satrap of Lujiang, and was justified. Dan is seven years old, lonely, careful and filial, and his stepmother pities him and buys clothes and property for herself.
After studying in Chang 'an, he bought a symbol to enter Hangu Pass, but he sighed: "Dan will never go out unless he takes a messenger bus." As far as the capital is concerned, it is often said that all Confucianism respects it.
Yan Fu specially invited Dan, so he resigned due to illness. Follwed and levy, then fled north with Zhu Sheng.
In the second year of the restart, Sangong recommended Dan Xianneng to remonstrate with the doctor, held a ceremony to return to Nanyang, and Anji surrendered. Dan has been home for more than ten or twenty years. If he goes through the customs by high-speed train, he is as ambitious.
When defeated again, the generals were transferred to Guangwu (Liu Xiu) and knighted; Dan is the only one who supports the existence of the Ping family and mourns the loss and decline. In the second year of Jianwu, he absconded and turned around in the dressing room, and went through all the difficulties, demanding that his wife, who had turned over a new leaf, return to her hometown.
The satrap Du invited him to die as a meritorious Cao, and Dan recommended the villagers and elders. The poem sighs like this: "In the past, Wang Xinghua in the Ming Dynasty gave way to scholars in the Qing Dynasty. Today, it can be described as the ultimate virtue.
Huangtang was compiled by Dan, thinking it was the latter method. "Thirteen years, fu named haing s ngor the supreme monarch, and then moved to the pastoral state, known as Qingping.
Transferred to Xiongnu corps commander, moved to Zuofeng city. Yongping three years, Dai Li? For Stuart.
He was honest and clean in the court, just like the late master, Du Lin, Zhang Zhan and Ji Guo. In four years, Deng Rong, the satrap of Longxi, was excused.
Five years, died at home at the age of 87.