Seek translation and annotation
Chu Zhuangwang was hunting in Yunmengze and hit a Sui city. Dongzi Shen seized Suicheng before the King of Qi. Chu Zhuangwang said, "How can you be so disrespectful!" Ordered officials to kill Zi Pei. The left and right doctors came forward to remonstrate and said, "Zi Pei is a wise man and your most talented servant. There must be a reason for this. I hope you can seriously understand this matter. " In less than three months, Zipei fell ill and died. Later, Chu rose up, fought against the Jin army in Liangtang, defeated the Jin army, and rewarded meritorious soldiers after returning home. Dongzi Shen's brother came forward and asked the competent official for a reward, saying, "Others have made meritorious deeds in marching and fighting, and my brother has made meritorious deeds under the king's car." Zhuang Wang asked; "What do you mean?" He replied, "My brother was sentenced to death for being disrespectful around you, but his original intention was to dedicate himself to the king and let you enjoy a thousand years of life!" " My brother used to read ancient books, which recorded his departure. Kill the man who follows you, and he will die in three months. So my brother was very scared when he saw you shoot Sui City, so he took it away before you, so he was killed by it later. "King Zhuang called Kaiping Fu to consult ancient books, and there was such a record in ancient books, so he rewarded Zi Pei's brother.