Anyone who has land herders should stay in the granary at four o'clock. If the country has more money, then people from afar will come; When the land is improved, the people will stay; If you are solid, you will know the etiquette; Eat and wear warm clothes, and you will know the honor and disgrace;
On the degree of service, six parents are solid; Siweizhang, then you can book it. Therefore, the key to saving punishment is to prohibit literary ingenuity; The degree of defending the country is divided into four dimensions. Obey silence, observation and action, all of which are listening or not. Don't look, don't listen, don't smell, change without moving, change without changing, in order to defend the world, why bother and be unfair?
Translated, it means:
Any monarch who owns land to govern the people must pay attention to farming in the four seasons and ensure food reserves. When the country has sufficient financial resources, people from afar will automatically move here; If the wasteland is well developed, the people are willing to settle here; When the granary is full, the people can understand etiquette; With ample food and clothing, the people can know the honor and disgrace; You adopt the adaptive system, and the six relatives have their own things; Applying four dimensions, the monarch's decree can pass through the world.
Therefore, the key to mitigating punishment is to prohibit the production and sale of luxury goods; The key to consolidating the country lies in respecting the etiquette advocated by Confucianism; Governing the people by quietness and governing by Meiji.
These practices are all about turning resignation into obedience to laws and regulations. You can see something without personal observation, know something without personal listening, make changes without personal action, and justify yourself without going beyond the norm. Governing the world with this idea, what difficulties can't be solved?
The above is the original translation of Guanzi herdsmen. We can see the ideas and principles of governing the country. He emphasized the importance of agriculture and believed that only by ensuring food reserves, sufficient national wealth and stable people's lives can more people be attracted to live and a stable social environment be formed.
At the same time, Guanzi also emphasizes the importance of etiquette and morality, and holds that only through education, publicity and guidance can people's moral quality and cultural level be improved, can social harmony and stability and long-term stability of the country be realized.
In addition, the herdsmen in Guanzi also put forward some important governance principles, such as "obeying the people and being quiet" and "the foundation of home and country". Among them, "obeying the people and being quiet" means conforming to the people's needs and wishes, aiming at stabilizing society and promoting production, and not disturbing the people and tossing the people excessively.
And "the degree of defending the country" is to formulate reasonable policies and systems to ensure the stability and development of the country. These principles still have important significance and enlightenment in today's society.
In a word, the article Guanzi Herdsmen is one of the important manifestations of Guanzi's thought of governing the country. Through the translation and understanding of this article, we can better understand Guan Zi's thoughts and methods of governing the country and provide useful reference and enlightenment for the governance and development of today's society.