This is about the changes in liver disease within a day. According to the method of the unity of man and nature, the first day of the day belongs to spring, which belongs to wood, the noon belongs to summer, which belongs to fire, the twilight belongs to autumn, which belongs to metal, and the middle of the night belongs to winter, which belongs to water. Liver disease is a wood disease. Pingdan is wood, and wood is helped by wood, so the disease is temporarily relieved and people feel comfortable, so they are wise; noon belongs to fire, the son of wood, and the son can help the mother, so the disease will not worsen; Xiamen belongs to metal, and metal overcomes wood. The disease is already there in the wood, and it is aggravated by the addition of something to overcome it. Midnight is a sign of water, and water produces wood, so the mother is strong and the son is strong, so the disease is temporarily relieved, and the person becomes calm.
I don’t know what I said, can you understand?