Mencius asked his son to translate the original text.

1, original text

Mencius said, "Shun was born in mu, Fu Shuo was raised in the building, glue was raised in fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was raised in scholar, Sun Shuai was raised in the sea, and Baili was raised in the city. Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot. People are unchangeable, and then they can change; Trapped in the heart, balanced in consideration, and then made; Color label, sound hair, and then metaphor. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad. Then I know that I was born in sorrow and died in happiness. "

2. Translation

Mencius said: "Obedience to work in the fields is selected from the work of building walls, glue from the work of selling fish and salt, Guan Zhong from the prison, Sun Shuai from the seaside, and Prissy from the market. Therefore, God wants to land a great mission on someone, so he must first temper his will, make his bones and muscles tired, make his body hungry, and make himself suffer from poverty, and things are always not smooth. This will shake his mind, exercise his temperament and increase his talent. People always make mistakes before they can correct them. If you are depressed, you will be extremely anxious, and then you can work hard; Expressed in the face, expressed in the voice, and then understood. A country, without law-abiding ministers and auxiliary saints, and without the worries of hostile countries outside, is often prone to national subjugation. It can be seen that anxiety makes life, but ease and enjoyment are enough to make people die. "