Tools/materials: Glory Magicbook2020, Windows 10, World of Warcraft 9. 15.
1. Task Start: Alliance players receive the task in the image of NPC exorcist Modra (Keel Wilderness, Tomb of the Stars), and tribal players receive the image of NPC exorcist Aethas Sunreaver (Keel Wilderness, Hammer of Agama).
2. Task: Capture the amulet of centralized control of magic net energy in Rosalo forest.
3. Use the control amulet to obtain the focus information at the focus of the magic net energy line.
4. Transport mission: Return to the image transport mission of Modora and Exorcist (Keel Wilderness, Tomb of the Stars) and get equipment rewards. In Exorcist, tribal players deliver their tasks in the image of Arthas Suncatcher (Keel Wilderness, Hammer of Agama).