Qufu Holy Forest, according to legend, Duke Zhou was buried here. He said, "I took it without virtue. After 500 years, saints will take it. " My husband, Duke Zhou, is proficient in Yi and good at counting, so it is advisable to predict this matter. Later, Ceng Zi and Zi Gongshi presided over the funeral of Confucius. Although the later gods appeared repeatedly, the land was long and solid, and the saints stood on their own feet, while the two sons set up their own points and managed well, which was 100 times stronger than the later Jade Bird. When the four sides looked at the funeral, Ceng Zi called it: "The burial of saints, the burial of saints, what do you think?" His words are modest and elegant. It can be seen that sages know everything, but they don't want to show people with strange words. Can you care?
[Trial Instructions]
1. According to legend, Zhou Gongdan is Zhou Wuwang's younger brother, and his tomb is located next to Wang Wen and Wu Wang in Zhouling Town, Weicheng District, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province.
Zhougong Temple in Qufu, also known as Sheng Yuan Temple, is located one kilometer northeast of Qufu City. According to the Book of History, after he ascended the throne, he was ordered to seal Prince Bochin in Lu. After the bird was sealed, it was once sacrificed to Duke Zhou in Lu Ancestral Hall. After the Duke of Zhou was named "King of Literature" in Song Dynasty, he built a temple for Duke of Zhou on the site of Lutai Temple. After the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhougong Temple was built many times and carried out on a large scale. There are 57 temples, pavilions, gates and squares in Zhougong Temple, and there are three courtyards with a total area of 75 mu. The ancient trees in the temple are very spectacular. There is a stone archway on the left and right of the gate, and the East Square is engraved with "Jing Tian Wei Di"; The inscription of "Rite and Music System" in the West Square is a tribute to the achievements of Duke Zhou.
2. Bury: In ancient times, choosing an auspicious burial date and place by divination was called "burial". Miscellaneous Notes of the Book of Rites: "Bu buried his brother, and his brother said' Bo Zimou'." Confucius' Book of Ying Da: "According to legend, the date of burial is chosen, and the people want turtles." Later, it became synonymous with timely burial.
3. Hey hey: Su √. Master verbs skillfully.
4, after sputum: thereafter.
5. Ceng Zi: (505 BC-about 432 BC) was born in Wucheng (now Nanwucheng, Pingyi County) in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period. China, a famous thinker and educator in ancient times, was honored as a "saint" by later generations and was one of the "four saints" of Confucius.
6. Zi Gong: Duanmu Ci (520- 456 BC), a patriot at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius' favorite pupil, one of the top ten philosophers of Confucius, was called "the instrument of Hu Lian" by Confucius.
Zi Gong Li is eloquent, eloquent, brilliant and knowledgeable. He was once the prime minister of Lu and Wei. He is also good at Huo Zhi. He once negotiated with Cao and Lu and became the richest man among Confucius disciples.
7. the earth: pó u. a small piece of land. Borrow from the grave.
8. Jade Bird's Skill: Kate's Skill Error. Bird is the word "Wu". Refers to Qingwuzi, the legendary ancient Mr. Feng Shui. Jin Gehong's "Bao Pu Zi Ji Zi Yan": "The geography of the Yellow Emperor is the word of the bluebird." Sun Xingyan School: Literature and Art Newspaper and Magnolia cited "bird" as "martial arts".
That is honesty. Tang Wangkui's Biography of Xuanyuan contains: "The Yellow Emperor began to divide the states. There are bluebirds who are good at geography, and the emperor asked for scriptures. " "Zuo Zhao Zhuan Gong seventeen years": "There is a bird's home, but thinking about it."
9. "How to treat the burial of saints and the burial of saints?" Is this a saint burying people? We are the only ones who bury the saints. What do you have to visit?
This sentence was said by Xia Zi in the Book of Rites, so Liang Shaoren can't make a mistake. "Book of Rites Talking about Bows": "Confucius' loss comes home. Xia Zi said, "What about the funeral of the saints? People bury saints. What's your opinion? ……'"
Confucius' Family Talk was said by Zi Gong. "Disciples are at home in the tomb, mourning. They were buried together, and some people came to see Li Yan, but they are reluctant to give up now. Zi Gong said:' I am also a person who buries saints, not saints. "What does Zi Xi think?" "
10, modesty: modesty. Biography of Historical Records of Le Shu: "A gentleman takes modesty as a gift, takes loss as a pleasure and enjoys it."