the twenty-seventh outline.
a gentleman respects the virtuous and the king, values the law, loves the people and bullies them, and is so greedy, deceitful and dangerous.
if you want to be near the four sides, there is nothing like the center; Therefore, the king must live in the world, and the ceremony is also.
the emperor's outer screen, the vassal's inner screen, courtesy also. External screen, do not want to see the outside world; Inside the screen, I don't want to see inside.
when a vassal calls his minister, he turns his clothes upside down and leaves, which is a courtesy. "Poetry" says: "If you overturn it, you will be called by the public." The emperor called the princes, and the princes rode on the horse, and the ceremony was also. "Poetry" said: "I am out of my land and I am grazing there. Since the son of heaven, call me coming. "
Tianzi mountain crown, princes' mysterious crown, doctors' long-term care crown, and scholars' courtesy. The son of heaven is imperial, the princes are imperial, and the doctors are obedient and courteous. The emperor carves a bow, the princes use a bow, and the doctor uses a black bow. When the governors meet, Qing is the intermediary, and his priest is the only one who can keep the benevolence.
hire a person as a guide, ask a scholar for a wall, call a person as a guide, and refuse to be a guide.
people are benevolent, know their service, and do their best. Therefore, the king is benevolent before the ceremony, and the sky is also natural.
the "betrothal gift" says: "A thick coin hurts morality, while a small fortune is a gift." Li Yun Li Yun, jade and silk clouds? "Poetry" says: "The thing refers to it, and it is only the combination." Inappropriate, disrespectful, not happy, although referring to, indecent assault.
A water walker is deep in the surface, so that people are not trapped; Those who govern the people show chaos and make people lose nothing. Rites, their appearance is also, the former king used rituals to show the chaos in the world, and now those who abolish rituals are going to show it. Therefore, the people are confused and fall into disaster, and this punishment is complicated.
Shun said, "Wei Yu governs according to his desires." Therefore, the life of the ceremony, from the sage to the common people, is not for sanctification, but also for sanctification. You can't learn without it. Yao learned from Jun domain, Shun learned from Wu Chengzhao, and Yu learned from the Western Kingdom.
fifty is not a funeral, and seventy is only a decline.
Wedding ceremony: Father stands in the south of the country, while son kneels in the north, and he is ordered: "Going to meet your son will be my mission, and my promotion will honor the descendants of the ancestors. If so, it will be regular." Confucius said, "promise, I'm afraid I can't, and I dare to forget my life!" "
a man who does what he does is called a salute. Courtesy also means respect for the noble, filial piety for the elder, kindness for the younger, and kindness for the lowly.
Give it to his palace, and use it to celebrate and reward the country; Angry at his servants, he still used punishment on all peoples.
a gentleman is to his son, love him without looking, make him without looking, and guide him with Tao without being strong.
Rites are based on following people's heart, so those who died in the Book of Rites and followed people's heart are all rites.
the general principle of ceremony is: to make things happen, and to decorate happiness; Die, act the role of mourning; Army, decorated with prestige.
Kissing, making friends, being mediocre, working hard, killing by benevolence. Expensive, respectful, virtuous, old, long, and righteous. When the line is done properly, the order of the ceremony is also. Benevolence, love also, so close. Righteousness, reason, therefore. Ceremony, festival also, therefore. Benevolence has a heart, and righteousness has a door. Benevolence is not what it is, but what it is. Righteousness, not by its door, is not righteousness. Pushing grace and ignoring it is not benevolent; If you dare not, you will not be righteous; It is not polite to judge the festival without knowing it; Peace without hair, no happiness. Therefore: Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and happiness are the same. A gentleman is benevolent and righteous, and then benevolent; Conduct righteousness with courtesy, and then righteousness; The ceremony is the end, and then the ceremony is also. All three are connected, and then the Tao is also.
goods and wealth, horses, clothes, gifts when playing well, and jade shells. Yaoyao, so Sasuke also. Give a gift, so die. Death is not as good as corpse, hanging life is not as good as sorrow, and it is indecent. Therefore, it is a great gift to be lucky for 5 years and to attend a funeral for a hundred miles.
courtesy is the arm of politics. Politics is not polite, and politics is not good.
when the son of heaven ascended the throne, Shangqing said, "If you worry about it, why worry about it?"! It is a blessing to be able to get rid of illness, and a thief if you can't get rid of illness. " Give the son of heaven a policy. Zhong Qing said, "Those who are suitable for heaven and have fallen to the earth have to worry about things first, and worry about suffering first. Take care of things first, that is, take them, and then things will be excellent. If you worry about suffering first, you will be prepared, and if you are prepared, you will not be born. Those who think about things later call them later, and those who don't do things later. Those who suffer from it and then worry about it are called sleepy, and if they are sleepy, they will be unstoppable. " Give the son of heaven two strategies. Xiaqing Jin said, "Be careful. Celebration in the hall, hanging in LV. You don't know the door when you are in trouble with your neighbor. Yu zai! Yu zai! All the people look forward to it. " Give the son of heaven three strategies.
when Yu saw that the cultivators stood side by side, he had to go down after crossing a city of ten rooms.
it's impolite to kill fleas. Governing the people without courtesy, moving the country into trouble.
balance means worship, balance means kowtowing, and ground means reviewing.
a doctor's minister does not bow his head, nor does he respect his family minister. So monarch also.
a tooth in the hometown; Re-life teeth in the family; Three lives, although people are seventy, they dare not go first. Go to the doctor, Chinese doctor, and go to the doctor.
auspicious events are still respected, and funerals are still dear.
the monarch and the minister have to respect each other, the father and son have to kiss each other, the brothers have to be unhappy, and the couple can't be happy. The few grow up and the old grow up. Therefore, heaven and earth are born, and saints become it.
hire and ask. Enjoy and give. Private opinion, private opinion. The beauty of words, Emperor Mumu. The beauty of the imperial court is rich in guns.
people who are lieutenants are remonstrated but not bothered, die without illness, and complain without anger.
you are a doctor, asking about his illness three times, and dying three times; Yu Shi, a question, a temporary. A vassal is not the home of a minister unless he asks for illness and mourning.
When you are buried, if you are a friend of your father, you will eat if you eat, and if you don't eat, you will quit if you have wine.
don't go to the temple for sleeping, and don't go to the sacrificial clothes for setting clothes. It's also a ceremony.
"Xian" in "Yi", see the couple. The way of husband and wife is not right, and it is also the foundation of the father and son. Salty, feeling, to compete, to men and women, soft and just down.
the meaning of hiring a scholar, the way to greet people personally, is to start again.
courtesy is what people do. If you lose your shoes, you will be drowned. If you lose a little, it will be a big mess.
courtesy is to the right country, such as weighing the weight, as rope ink is to the merits. An old friend is rude, and things are rude, and the country is rude and restless. The sound of harmony, step in "Wu" and "Xiang", tend to "Shao" and "Hu". A gentleman listens to the law, and then he learns.
first frost turned against her daughter, and Bingpan killed her inside. Ten days and one royal.
sit on your knees, stand on your feet, and deal with your speech. Stand six feet ahead, six six thirty-six, three feet six feet.
the appearance of the text is emotional, and the appearance is internal and external, and the ceremony is profound. Being able to think is called being able to think.
the proprietors should be consistent in the end and corresponding in the end.
the proprietors use the property as their purpose, and regard the noble and the humble as their articles, depending on the amount.
the lower officials serve the monarch with goods, the middle officials serve the monarch with their own bodies, and the upper officials serve the monarch with people.
The Book of Changes says, "What's to blame for reverting to the Tao?" "Spring and Autumn Annals" is a sage, thinking that it can be changed.
if a scholar has jealous friends, he will not make friends with the virtuous; If you have a jealous minister, you will not be wise. Those who hide the public call it ignorance, those who hide the good call it jealousy, and those who are jealous call it friendship. People who make friends with each other are jealous ministers, and the country is evil.
words can speak, but actions can be taken, which is a national treasure. The mouth can't speak, the body can do it, and the national instrument is also. Words can speak, but the body can't do it, and the country can use it. Words are good, deeds are evil, and national demons are also. Rulers respect their treasures, love their tools, let them be used, and get rid of their demons.
if you are not rich, you can't support people's feelings, and if you don't teach, you can't manage people's nature. Therefore, the family has a five-acre house and a hundred-acre field, so it is rich to do business without seizing the time. Establish a university, set up a state of emergency, practice six rites, and understand ten religions, so the Tao is also right. "Poetry" says: "Eat what you drink, and teach it." The king has a lot to do.
When King Wu entered Yin, he showed his admiration for business, freed ji zi's prisoner, and wept over the grave, making the country better.
in the world, there are stateowned gentlemen and wise men. Fans don't ask for directions, drowning people don't ask for answers, and people die alone. "Poetry" says: "I speak with conviction, but don't laugh. The ancestors had words and asked about it. " Ask questions.
those who have laws follow the law, those who have no laws follow the example, and know the end with their roots, and know the right with their left. All things are different and stick together.
to celebrate and reward punishment, you should learn from others. Political and religious customs, go with each other.
eighty people don't have a son, ninety people don't have a family, and one person doesn't have a disease. The loss of parents will not happen for three years; Zicui's contribution, not in March, from the governors to the new faint, not in the future.
it's not as good as Yan Zi to call Zi Jiakui a doctor. Yan zi, the minister of function, is not as good as zi chan; It is not as good as Guan Zhong to produce children and benefit people; Guan Zhong, who is a man, is incompetent in strength and knowledge, and a savage, can't be a doctor of the Son of Heaven.
Mencius didn't say anything when he saw Xuanwang three times. The master said, "Why didn't you say anything when you met the king of Qi for three times?" Mencius said, "I will attack his evil heart first."
Yan, a son of a public servant, met Zeng Yuan on his way and said, "What about Yan Jun?" Zeng Yuan said, "Those who are humble will despise things, and those who despise things will not ask for help. If you don't ask for help, what can you do? Bianqiang's Lu also. Don't worry about its tying base, but worry about its not burning. Liv's autumn is a disaster for the country, but it is a matter of knowing how to do it! "
if a husband dies today, he can't ask for it all day; What you get, you can see it with your eyes, and so can your heart.
People have both righteousness and profit. Although Yao and Shun can't get rid of people's desire for profit, they can make them want profit but can't be righteous. Although Jie and Zhou can't get rid of the people's good righteousness, they can make their good righteousness more than their desire. Therefore, the winner of righteousness is to govern the world, and the one who is righteous is troubled times. Emphasis on righteousness means justice, while emphasis on profit means justice. Therefore, the son of heaven doesn't say much, the princes don't say anything about interests, the doctors don't say anything about loss, and the scholars don't say anything about money and wealth; There is a king of the country who keeps cattle and sheep, a minister of wrong quality who keeps chickens and dolphins, and a doctor who doesn't fix coins for the field; Scholars and above are ashamed of profit rather than competing with the people, and they are happy to give and shame. However, the people are not trapped in money, and the poor have their hands.
the king of Wen punished four, the king of Wu punished two, and the duke of Zhou died, but the case of Zhi Cheng and Kang Ze was not punished.
Accumulate more money and be ashamed of nothing, and attach importance to the people's duties and punish them. This evil deed is caused by too many punishments.
if you are ashamed, the people will hide it, and if you are rich, the people will die. They are also the way to control chaos. People say, "Do you want to be rich? Endure shame, abandon it, abandon the old, and break with righteousness. " If you are rich, the people's trip will be like this, and you will be safe!
Tang prayed for drought, saying, "Is politics not harmonious? Make people sick? Why doesn't it rain to the extreme! Palace glory? What is the prosperity of women? Why doesn't it rain to the extreme! What is the line? Fu Fu Xing and? Why not rain to the extreme! "
people born in heaven are not born for the sake of the monarch. Heaven makes a king, thinking that the people are also. Therefore, the ancient people founded the country, not by your princes; Column official position, poor Jue Lu, not to respect the doctor.
a master knows people, and a minister is a governor. Therefore, Shun's rule of the world is not based on things, but on everything. Agriculture is good at farming, but not as a field teacher, and so is Jia Gong.
it's easy to be corrupt by virtue, but you can't wait to predict before you know your luck. To fight chaos, don't wait until you fight.
the qi people wanted to attack Lu, so they avoided bian Zhuangzi and dared not cross bian. Jin people want to cut Wei, afraid of Zilu, and dare not cross Pu.
if you don't know, ask Yao and Shun, and seek abundance for nothing. Yue: Wang Zhidao first, then Yao and Shun have; If you are rich in six or two, then Tianfu is already.
a gentleman's learning is like a slough, so he moves away suddenly. Therefore, its effectiveness, its effectiveness, and its effectiveness. Its color and speech are effective. No kindness, no lodging.
a good scholar tries his best, but a good one finds it difficult.
a gentleman is determined to be poor, and though the emperor has three questions, he is right and wrong.
a gentleman is poor but not lost, tired and meticulous, and never forgets what he said when he was in trouble. It is not difficult to know the pines and cypresses at the age of 18, and it is not difficult to know the gentleman every day.
the rain is small, so the Chinese dive. The husband who is the smallest is the biggest, the person who is the smallest is the best, and the person who is the most virtuous is the same in color, and the voice is far away. The villain is not sincere in the inside and asks for it outside.
words are not called the side of teachers, and teaching is not called twice as much as teachers. People on the other side of the river are not wise, and the scholar-officials in the court are not talking in all directions.
it's not enough for the traveler to say, and it's not enough for the believer to speak honestly. Therefore, the Spring and Autumn Annals is good at managing one's life, while the Poetry is not a constant alliance, and its heart is one. Those who are good at "Poetry" don't say it, and those who are good at "Yi" don't take it. Those who are good at "Li" are not in phase, but their hearts are the same.
Zeng Zi said, "A dutiful son's words are audible, but his deeds are visible. Words are audible, so they are far away; Behavior is visible, so it is close. If you are near, you will be close, and if you are far away, you will be attached. Being close and far away, the way of filial piety is also. "
Ceng Zi, Yan Zi from the suburbs. Yue: "When a baby hears about it, a gentleman gives people words, and Shu Ren gives people money. The baby is poor and has no money, so he asks for leave from a gentleman and gives my son a message: riding the wheel of Yu, the wood of Taishan also shows the seclusion, and in March and May, it is not contrary to the usual. A gentleman's seclusion is indispensable, so be careful! Orchids and books are gradually becoming more and more beautiful, and they are easy to admire. Zhengjun is getting closer to fragrant wine, but he can get it. The gentleman's place is getting closer and closer, so don't be careless. "
people are to literature, and jade is to ponder. "Poetry" says: "If it is cut like a discussion, if it is cut like a mill." It is also called learning. The jade of harmony, the Jue in the well, is carved by the jade people and is the treasure of the son of heaven. Zi Gan, Ji Lu, so I also, by literature, serve courtesy, for the following scholars.
knowledge is tireless, and a good scholar is tireless, which is also abundant.
if a gentleman doubts, he won't say anything, and if he doesn't ask, he won't stand, and the road is getting longer and longer.
a man who knows more without relatives, a man who knows more without advice, and a man who knows more without determination, is at odds with a gentleman.
less sarcasm, strong regardless of discussion; Although it is possible, it has not been achieved.
a gentleman teaches, and a disciple learns.
a gentleman's progress can benefit his reputation at the expense of his worries. If you can't live there, you can't live there; It's useless to suffer it and steal it. A scholar must be an official, but an official must learn.
zi gong asked Confucius, "I am tired of learning, and I am willing to rest for you." Confucius said, "The Book of Poetry says,' When you are warm and courteous, the deacons are conscientious.' It's difficult for you to do things, but you can't rest! ""However, I am willing to rest my family. " Confucius said, "The Book of Poetry says,' There is no shortage of dutiful sons, and they are always of the same class.' It's hard to be close, but it's hard to be close! ""but I give my wish to my wife. " Confucius said, "The Book of Poetry says,' The punishment is imposed on a widow, but as for a brother, it is to keep him at home.' How can a wife rest when it is difficult for her? ""but give a wish to a friend. " Confucius said, "The Book of Poetry says,' Friends take photos with dignity.' Friends are difficult, how can friends rest! ""But I am willing to rest and plow. " Confucius said, "The Book of Poetry says,' When the sun shines on the grass, when the night falls, it is urgent to take a ride in the house, and then it begins to sow a hundred valleys.' It's hard to plow, so how can you rest! ""but give it to those who have no interest? " Confucius said: "If you look at it, it will be as high as it is, as high as it is, and as good as it is, then you will know it." Zi Gong said, "Great, what a death! The gentleman rests, and the villain rests. "
Guo Feng is also lewd, and it is said, "Be full of your desires and don't stop it. Its sincerity can be compared with the stone, and its sound can be inside the ancestral temple. " "Xiaoya" is not based on pollution, but on self-introduction. It focuses on the politics of today and thinks about the past. Its words are eloquent and its voice is sad.
if the country is going to prosper, it will be necessary to attach importance to teachers and fu, and if you attach importance to teachers and fu, the law will be preserved. The country will decline, and it will be inferior to the teacher and light; Cheap teachers and light fu, people are fast, people are fast, and the statutes are bad.
an ancient man was fifty men. The son of the emperor and the son of the emperor were crowned at the age of 19, and they were crowned and listened to the rule, and their teaching was also.
a gentleman is also good, and a man is also good; People are not taught ominous. If you are not a gentleman, you are not a man; Teach it to others, steal food, and borrow thieves and soldiers.
if you don't slap your followers, you talk too much. The ancient sages were humble for cloth, poor for ordinary people, food was insufficient for porridge, and clothes were endless. However, if you are indecent, you will not suffer from injustice. Why not take this?
in the summer, the family is poor, and the clothes are like quails in the county. People say, "Why don't you be an official?" Yue: "I am not a minister who is arrogant to me; I will never see a doctor who is arrogant to me again. It is not a day's news that Liu Xiahui is wearing the same clothes as the back door. Competing for profit is like flea armour and losing its palm. "
a gentleman should not take his ministers carelessly, and a man should not take his friends carelessly. Friends, so there are also. Different Tao, why do they have each other? Fire is dry when the salary is equal; Water is injected into the flat ground, and the water is wet. The same is true of the husband's phase, and what is the doubt about seeing people with friends? Being friendly to others is the foundation of virtue. "Poetry" says: "Without a cart, the dust is hidden." Words have nothing to do with villains.
what you do is plausible. Cowardice is easy to take away, like benevolence. Be aggressive and brave.