What kind of platform is Zhihu?

Zhihu is a high-quality Q&A community on the Chinese Internet and an original content platform for creators.

Rest. In this section, users can not only check the latest questions and answers, but also participate in the questions they are interested in through the functions of "Settings", "Focus on Questions", "Add Comments", "Share", "Thanks" and "Collection". If the "Settings" function is used, the user can choose to mask the theme. With the attention of users, you can also add attention and comments to the problem.

At the top right of the homepage, there is behavior management information related to the user knowledge network. There are "My Draft", "My Collection", "All Questions", "My Concern" and "Invitation to Answer Questions". In the middle position on the right, there is an off-line invitation function-"Invite friends to join Zhihu". In this section, users can invite friends to join Zhihu Community via email and Sina Weibo.

In the middle section on the right side of the homepage, the product "Live", Zhihu Bookstore, Zhihu Round Table, Zhihu column and paid consultation module are launched.

At the bottom right, recommend a section for topics or users that users are concerned about or interested in. With regard to topics and user recommendations, Zhihu operators can summarize the topics concerned by users on the one hand, and record and count the relevant behavior data of users in Zhihu on the other hand, so as to achieve quite accurate recommendation and summary.

At the same time, it is particularly worth mentioning that in the "Topic Square" section at the lower right, Zhihu.com presents all the topic classification labels, which provides users with a good way to obtain information except search and navigation.