2. The Louvre (French: Du E Louvre Museum) is located on the north bank (right bank) of the Seine River in the center of Paris, France. It used to be the palace of France, where 50 French kings and queens lived. Now it is the Louvre Museum, with more than 400,000 art collections, including sculpture, painting, arts and crafts, ancient orient, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome.
3. Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris is a church building located on Xidi Island in the center of Paris, France, and also the cathedral of the Catholic Parisian diocese. Notre Dame was built between 1 163 and 1250. It belongs to Gothic architecture and is one of the most important representative churches in ile-de-france. Established in 1 163, decided by Maurice de Sully, Archbishop of Paris. The whole church was completed in 1345, which lasted more than 80 years.
4. The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe? Toile), located in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square in Paris, France, at the western end of Champs Elysé es. The Arc de Triomphe, as its name implies, is the gate to welcome victorious troops to battle. It is the largest circular arch in the world today, located on the roundabout in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square in the center of Paris. There is also the Arc de Triomphe of the Lion in this square. Because the completion of the Arc de Triomphe brought inconvenience to traffic, in the middle of19th century, a circular square and 12 road were built around the Arc de Triomphe. Each road is 40 ~ 80 meters wide and radial, just like the brilliant light from the stars, so this square is also called the Star Square. The Arc de Triomphe is also known as the "Stargate". The Arc de Triomphe is located at the end of the famous Champs Elysé es. The designers of the Arc de Triomphe were originally Xia Gelang and Lai Meng. Lai Meng resigned two years later because of disagreement, so the Arc de Triomphe was finally completed according to Xia Gelang's design. The French National Monument Center is responsible for maintenance, repair and management.