Therefore, the near is strange, and the far is flat; Sweater is not surprising, the next person is uneven; Make up for the slow, make up for the urgent; Acute smell is thick, slow smell is thin, and it is appropriate, which is also called it.
Those who stay away from the disease and smell the middle way are insatiable and have no system. It is a way to make the air calm, compact and uniform, and make it smaller. Far and uniform, large system; Large numbers are few, decimals are many, many are nine, and few are two.
Strangeness does not go away, it happens occasionally, which shows that it is important; If you don't go occasionally, you will take its place. The so-called cold, hot and cool, also comes from your illness. "
Let me explain to you: the important thing is the strict rules, that is, one monarch drug (the main drug) is matched with two ministers drugs (the rib drugs that need to be used mutually), and the small methods of using three kinds of drugs are used in a strange way! Two monarch drugs, four minister drugs and six prescriptions! Two monarch drugs, three minister drugs and five prescriptions! There are two kinds of monarch drugs, six kinds of minister drugs and eight kinds of methods, and there are also prescriptions with large prescriptions and unilateral (one drug) usage, so don't stick to this!
Therefore, the recent disease is the first disease, and the odd prescription is used first, and the distant disease is the disease that cannot be cured for a long time, and the even prescription is used first; Odds don't need antiperspirants, and even ones don't need laxatives; Buyangsheng prescription is suitable for slow-acting medication. Acute prescriptions for reinforcing and treating diarrhea, drugs with strong medicine flavor and drugs with weak medicine flavor have slow action and are suitable for patients with different diseases. This is the method of drug prescription mentioned above.
If you use it after a long illness, the taste will be greater than the above medication system, so you can't go beyond the above medication system. Therefore, the reason to balance the breath of yin and yang is to prescribe small drugs to patients with odd prescriptions and even prescriptions at the beginning of the disease; The method of using odd and even prescriptions for long-term intractable diseases is to prescribe large prescriptions for patients to take; Generosity means less dosage, and making small squares means that there are many kinds of drugs, including nine drugs and two drugs.
If the odd square does not heal after use, use the even square, which is the repeating square; Even if I don't get well after using it, I will use the auxiliary medicine as the monarch medicine. Therefore, it is said that (cold, heat and cold) four gases treat diseases, and cold diseases use hot drugs and warm drugs; Treating a fever with cold medicine is the principle of anti-treatment!