What is the index reflecting the concept of sustainable development zone?

The index reflecting the regional concept of sustainable development is the ecological footprint index.

By comparing the demand of ecological footprint with the carrying capacity of natural ecosystem (also called ecological footprint supply), the ecological footprint index can quantitatively judge the sustainable development of a country or region, thus making scientific plans and suggestions for future human survival and social and economic development.

The calculation of ecological footprint is based on two simple facts:

1. We can keep most of the consumed resources and most of the generated wastes.

2. Most of these resources and wastes can be transformed into bio-productive land with these functions.

The calculation method of ecological footprint clearly points out how much natural resources are used in a country or region, however, these footprints are not a continuous land; Due to international trade, the land and waters used by people are scattered in all corners of the world, which requires a lot of research to determine their location.