So unlike the emperor's clothes, they are exactly the same as the official clothes, and there is almost no difference between them and the ministers below. On the contrary, in addition to the Yuan Dynasty emperors who were mainly dressed in Mongolian clothes, when Tang, Ming and Qing mentioned the emperor's clothes, the first thing that came to mind was the Huanglong robot. Throughout the development of ancient society, not every dynasty emperor wore a dragon robe. In the Song Dynasty, the emperor decided to wear official clothes.
The emperor calls himself "I". Of course, the emperor wears different clothes from others. The emperor believes that the dynasties of the emperor's clothing itself include autumn sleep, cotton pistol, tengguan, tunic and royal reading suit. The portrait of the emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty was not dressed in official clothes, but in black leather shoes and Luojiang clothes to offer sacrifices to the emperor of the Song Dynasty. He is a "real dragon emperor", so there are three kinds of clothes for emperors and officials, namely crown clothes, royal clothes and public clothes. Crown clothing belongs to national sacrificial clothing. This is the noblest dress.
It is used to worship gods and ancestors. At the same time, it is also the service system with the smallest change in past dynasties. The clothes are embroidered with the emperor's clothes. Besides crown dresses and royal dresses, there are also ordinary dresses. They are ordinary clothes. This style of clothes is informal, so there is no strict requirement on color and style. This bag of fish, or dragons, is called dragon robe. There are similar patterns in history, dragon style, or red. Does this make people wonder whether the emperor's dragon clothes in Song Dynasty are mainly red? It was also the "robot dragon" of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty.
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